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Justice League: Part One (2017) [▲80%] <★★★★>

:idolo: Yastiz Lig

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La escena del traje negro y esta deberian estar en la película...sacar por ej alguna parte que saliera Cyborg pero la tenian que recagar
No era necesario sacar nada para poner este par de escenas...son sólo un par de minutos, acá hay un tema de visión de lo que querían hacer con la película y ya sabemos cómo terminó todo...es frustrante lamentablemente...
Y saldra ?

Yo me acuerdo q cuando vi Superma VS Batman solo vi la extendida/director y no la encontre mala (tampoco joya, pero lejos de ser bazofia) en cambio todos los q vieron la version regular la hallaron asquerosa y cuando vieron la extendida cambiaron harto de parecer.

Por el momento se desconoce, pero para que exista una versión del director Snyder tendría que volver y Warner invertir más dinero para completarla y no parece que esto vaya ocurrir. Una versión extendida es más posible.
No era necesario sacar nada para poner este par de escenas...son sólo un par de minutos, acá hay un tema de visión de lo que querían hacer con la película y ya sabemos cómo terminó todo...es frustrante lamentablemente...

De igual manera de colocarlo, no hubiera afectado la trama, por ende, puro fanservice (del bueno si :awesome: )
La vi el fin de semana y esta lejos de ser una mala pelicula.
No es una maravilla pero cumple con entretener y sinceramente esperaba mucho menos.
Cyborg, como se sabia desde el inicio estuvo de sobra, tanto costaba poner un green lantern?
Flash parecía mas Wally West que Barry Allen, pero no me molesto tanto.
Aquaman lo desaprovecharon bastante, a Mera igual.
Affleck y Gadot, super bien.
:idolo: Irons, el mejor Alfred por lejos.
La explicación de las mother box la encontré callampera a cagar eso si, 0 sentido con lo que es el cuarto mundo. Solo existen las amazonas y los atlantes? :retard:

Harta falla pero es pasable, ni cagando lo peor del año y termina siendo entretenida.
Lo mejor de todo es que hecharon al callampero aspiracional de Snyder :clapclap: que culiao mas penca
Por el momento se desconoce, pero para que exista una versión del director Snyder tendría que volver y Warner invertir más dinero para completarla y no parece que esto vaya ocurrir. Una versión extendida es más posible.
Yo creo que cuando cumpla algún aniversario puede ser, o sea no antes de 5 años...:(
Yo creo que cuando cumpla algún aniversario puede ser, o sea no antes de 5 años...:(
no creo que exista o hagan una version de Snyder... ya que fue precisamente por ese corte de la pelicula , que segun reportes, era
unwatchable, osea no se podia ver... por eso lo despidieron... el error fue mantener a Zack Snyder luego de BvS....creo que habra con conformarse con esta versión de JL...
Al fin la vi ayer, me cargó la estética de videojuego a cagar por todos lados, ahí es donde se nota lo estúpido, ignorante e inmaduro que es Zack Snyder. Wonder Woman se vio muy bien en general, pero Gal Gadot ES UN PÉSIMO CASTING, la mina actúa como las reverendas weas, y desabrida como ella sola, quien sea que la encuentre rica es porque no ha visto una mina rica en su vida y/o está acostumbrado a chanchas deformes hediondas. El malo completamente digital fue ridículamente innecesario.

Ahora, me gustó mucho la caracterización de todos los personajes, y por primera vez una película DC tiene diálogos naturales, casi nada de metáforas weones ni frases pa'l bronce al peo. La historia la encontré directa y relativamente redonda, nada de motivaciones forzadas ni pérdida de tiempo sobreexplicando todo insultando al público.

Debieron haber seguido el plan original, haber empezado el universo con esta película y después las solitarias.
ya la baje para verla a la noche... si es buena no sera tiempo perdido, si es mala me servira para que me de sueño.

opino mañana
La vi en dos noches, y considerando el débil tratamiento que han tenido en las demás películas, estimo que subieron un poco el nivel en ésta. No la encontré bueeeena, pero creo que lo más rescatable es Irons y Ben Affleck como el murciélago. La historia avanzó rápido poniendo en escena y con leve intro a todos los personajes (héroes y villanos) que interactuaron en ella.
Eso sí, a mi gusto, se pasaron a :idolo: Aquaman por la raja. Mis recuerdos de infancia me indican que no existía tanta diferencia de poder entre el kriptoniano y el jurel san josé. Espero alguien me aclare ese punto.
No me agrada ver a Superman extremadamente OP. Aún así, soy agradecido de esta época que trae a al cine a todos los superheroes que formaron parte de mi infancia :pipe:
. Mis recuerdos de infancia me indican que no existía tanta diferencia de poder entre el kriptoniano y el jurel san josé. Espero alguien me aclare ese punto.
No me agrada ver a Superman extremadamente OP.
No. Si bien Aquaman tiene superfuerza no se compara ni de cerca a la Superman, pero su gracia redice en más cosas -control marino, regente de la nación mas grande del planeta, etc-. El que si es relativamente igual de fuerte es Martian Manhunter.
No. Si bien Aquaman tiene superfuerza no se compara ni de cerca a la Superman, pero su gracia redice en más cosas -control marino, regente de la nación mas grande del planeta, etc-. El que si es relativamente igual de fuerte es Martian Manhunter.
Vale hermanito, en mis recuerdos tenía a don Aquaman en el grupo de "los más brigidos" :pipe:
Igual extrañé al marciano y a linterna verde. Me hubiese gustado ver a los gemelos fantásticos: ¡En forma de águila gigante!. - En forma de balde con agua. :lol2:
Why Justice League’s CGI is So Bad

One of the more peculiar stories to rise up during Joss Whedon’s Justice League was the story that Henry Cavill’s mustache, facial hair he had grown for his character in Mission: Impossible – Fallout, would have to be digitally removed since Paramount wouldn’t allow him to shave it. It was merely an interesting, eyebrow-raising story at the time, just another quirky story from the set of a troubled movie. Little did we know that mustache would come to be one of the most talked about aspects of Justice League.

Despite criticism of Zack Snyder as a storyteller, most people can agree that he’s one of the best directors in the game when it comes to visuals. So, while some people figured they may not like the overall aesthetic or story with Justice League, the idea of the movie’s VFX being poorly executed was never really on anyone’s radar. Fans have lodged numerous complaints with the lighting, colors, as other stylistic decisions of Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, Watchmen, 300, and most other Snyder movies, but the complaints are almost exclusively with the artistic design, not the actual execution.

So, obviously, it was a bit of a shock when Justice League arrived in theaters, leading with a very poorly rendered shot of Henry Cavill’s CGI mouth. The problem would extend to Steppenwolf’s CGI, bad reshoot green screen, CGI corn, bad cape effects, video-gamey Apokaliptian terraforming, and more. For a franchise whose one saving grace has been that most people could agree that “well, at least it looks good,” the poor effects were just another element of the Frankenstein project of Justice League. With a number of low-quality shots of Superman’s awkward looking mouth circulating on social media since release, some people wondered if maybe the effects would look better on the official release. Now that Justice League is out for digital home release, that’s clearly not the case. After other good-looking films in the franchise, how did this happen?


The most obvious explanation for the poor VFX is Justice League‘s rushed schedule. Before he was fired, Zack Snyder had achieved picture lock on his cut of the film and was already working on finalizing some VFX shots, but his version of the movie was mostly scrapped for footage reshot by Joss Whedon as late as August 2017, just 3 months prior to the movie’s release. This means 2 things. First of all, VFX teams that had to wait for final footage before completing their effects had little time to polish and finalize their work, making most of the VFX shots simply a “best effort” endeavor with the VFX artists doing the best they could do, simply lacking the time needed to provide the same quality they have in the past.

The second impact of the protracted reshoot schedule is that the movie’s digital intermediary, or color grading/color correction process was not completed until late in the game. Typically DI is completed after picture lock is achieved, before the VFX are completed or added, with the VFX artists simply matching their work to the colors and shading of the final footage. Because of the reshoots, Justice League’s color grading was just being completed in mid-October, only a few weeks before the movie hit theaters. This means that most of the VFX shots would have been completed prior to DI, which can result in rough edges being exposed by changes to light, shadows, and color. It’s possible some VFX work, including mustache removal, looked absolutely fine when the VFX teams handed them off, but when some scenes were significantly brightened (some were changed from nighttime to daytime) or had saturation boosted, the work that originally looked fine could have no longer blended well, resulting in visuals that stand out in clear uncanny valley territory unnecessarily.


One of the more disappointing reports to come out after Justice League‘s release was that Warner Bros. expected the film to see a poor reception and didn’t want to take measures, such as pushing back the release date, to improve the final product. This means the standard had long since lapsed from “quality movie” to “good enough.”

Without Zack Snyder at the helm, the movie was instead guided by producer’s and a director whose objective was simply to get the movie out the door, meaning the desire time and effort needed to maximize the quality of each VFX shot was completely gone. This is especially visible in some of Superman’s CGI cape shots where the cape flapping in a light breeze is more reminiscent of a plastic bag than any type of draping fabric. One or two moments of low quality like this can be expected in most movies, but when a VFX heavy project has its schedule shorted, has color grading completed after VFX is already added, and has a low standard of quality from executives, it’s going to make for one ugly movie.

:nonono: :nonono:
Why Justice League’s CGI is So Bad

One of the more peculiar stories to rise up during Joss Whedon’s Justice League was the story that Henry Cavill’s mustache, facial hair he had grown for his character in Mission: Impossible – Fallout, would have to be digitally removed since Paramount wouldn’t allow him to shave it. It was merely an interesting, eyebrow-raising story at the time, just another quirky story from the set of a troubled movie. Little did we know that mustache would come to be one of the most talked about aspects of Justice League.

Despite criticism of Zack Snyder as a storyteller, most people can agree that he’s one of the best directors in the game when it comes to visuals. So, while some people figured they may not like the overall aesthetic or story with Justice League, the idea of the movie’s VFX being poorly executed was never really on anyone’s radar. Fans have lodged numerous complaints with the lighting, colors, as other stylistic decisions of Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, Watchmen, 300, and most other Snyder movies, but the complaints are almost exclusively with the artistic design, not the actual execution.

So, obviously, it was a bit of a shock when Justice League arrived in theaters, leading with a very poorly rendered shot of Henry Cavill’s CGI mouth. The problem would extend to Steppenwolf’s CGI, bad reshoot green screen, CGI corn, bad cape effects, video-gamey Apokaliptian terraforming, and more. For a franchise whose one saving grace has been that most people could agree that “well, at least it looks good,” the poor effects were just another element of the Frankenstein project of Justice League. With a number of low-quality shots of Superman’s awkward looking mouth circulating on social media since release, some people wondered if maybe the effects would look better on the official release. Now that Justice League is out for digital home release, that’s clearly not the case. After other good-looking films in the franchise, how did this happen?


The most obvious explanation for the poor VFX is Justice League‘s rushed schedule. Before he was fired, Zack Snyder had achieved picture lock on his cut of the film and was already working on finalizing some VFX shots, but his version of the movie was mostly scrapped for footage reshot by Joss Whedon as late as August 2017, just 3 months prior to the movie’s release. This means 2 things. First of all, VFX teams that had to wait for final footage before completing their effects had little time to polish and finalize their work, making most of the VFX shots simply a “best effort” endeavor with the VFX artists doing the best they could do, simply lacking the time needed to provide the same quality they have in the past.

The second impact of the protracted reshoot schedule is that the movie’s digital intermediary, or color grading/color correction process was not completed until late in the game. Typically DI is completed after picture lock is achieved, before the VFX are completed or added, with the VFX artists simply matching their work to the colors and shading of the final footage. Because of the reshoots, Justice League’s color grading was just being completed in mid-October, only a few weeks before the movie hit theaters. This means that most of the VFX shots would have been completed prior to DI, which can result in rough edges being exposed by changes to light, shadows, and color. It’s possible some VFX work, including mustache removal, looked absolutely fine when the VFX teams handed them off, but when some scenes were significantly brightened (some were changed from nighttime to daytime) or had saturation boosted, the work that originally looked fine could have no longer blended well, resulting in visuals that stand out in clear uncanny valley territory unnecessarily.


One of the more disappointing reports to come out after Justice League‘s release was that Warner Bros. expected the film to see a poor reception and didn’t want to take measures, such as pushing back the release date, to improve the final product. This means the standard had long since lapsed from “quality movie” to “good enough.”

Without Zack Snyder at the helm, the movie was instead guided by producer’s and a director whose objective was simply to get the movie out the door, meaning the desire time and effort needed to maximize the quality of each VFX shot was completely gone. This is especially visible in some of Superman’s CGI cape shots where the cape flapping in a light breeze is more reminiscent of a plastic bag than any type of draping fabric. One or two moments of low quality like this can be expected in most movies, but when a VFX heavy project has its schedule shorted, has color grading completed after VFX is already added, and has a low standard of quality from executives, it’s going to make for one ugly movie.

:nonono: :nonono:
Yo creo que es más simple que todo eso. Si a todas esas otras películas de Snyder les quitaran el filtro de ruido sobre toda la imagen, no hicieran esa igualación tonal de los colores y saturaran cada color, y todo no fuese tan oscuro sino que tuviera todo bien y claramente iluminado ..., se verían exactamente igual que Justice League. Yo creo que todas esas cosas que comento fueron decisiones conscientes en la post producción de Justice League.
Le tenia mas fe a esta wea, pero no tenia ningún problema en pararme y dejar de ver la wea para hacer otras cosas.
La Gadot poniendo caras de badass a cada rato, siendo que en realidad parecia down.
Nefasto el culiao que hizo de Flash, :idolo: Flash de JL animada.
Steppenwolf de cinematica de PS2... :nonono:
Los demás personajes hicieron su pega.


Después para mi hijo puse una peli de Lego: JL donde aparece el Flash reverso y era mejor que la propia JL... :lol2:
Fome a cagar
La vi ayer
Muker maravilla bkn
Aquaman fuera del agua no existe
Batman no sirve pa na igual q cyborg
Flash bien
Superman lo mejor
Pero no es sufficiente, la pelicula es fome.
La vi ayer si bien no es fome le faltó algo, fue como Ver un episodio de la liga de la justicia animada que daban en tvn, esta wea debió haber sido épica, algo le faltó pero nose que xuxa, las actuaciones? La trama o nose wn :(
Al fin la vi ayer, me cargó la estética de videojuego a cagar por todos lados, ahí es donde se nota lo estúpido, ignorante e inmaduro que es Zack Snyder. Wonder Woman se vio muy bien en general, pero Gal Gadot ES UN PÉSIMO CASTING, la mina actúa como las reverendas weas, y desabrida como ella sola, quien sea que la encuentre rica es porque no ha visto una mina rica en su vida y/o está acostumbrado a chanchas deformes hediondas. El malo completamente digital fue ridículamente innecesario.

Ahora, me gustó mucho la caracterización de todos los personajes, y por primera vez una película DC tiene diálogos naturales, casi nada de metáforas weones ni frases pa'l bronce al peo. La historia la encontré directa y relativamente redonda, nada de motivaciones forzadas ni pérdida de tiempo sobreexplicando todo insultando al público.

Debieron haber seguido el plan original, haber empezado el universo con esta película y después las solitarias.

El unico personaje con "estetica de videojuego" que funciona bien es el que menos aparece ya que está en los post-creditos y es Deathstroke. El traje lo hicieron como el Arkham Origins y les quedo la raja. (Incluso le pusieron rasguños y piquetes para aparentar un Deathstroke veterano).

Pero concuerdo contigo. Todo lo demás valió caquita seca.
Fuera de cualquier webeo, la película es bien mala.
Lo único rescatable es el pequeño enfrentamiento con superman.
Hasta batfleck lo encontré castrado.

Está bien, hay un director responsable y todo, pero cómo cresta no hay un jefe fiscalizando y callampearlo apenas ve semejante mierda q están produciendo.
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