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Una ayuda para Laika


Hola a todos

Mi nombre es Martín, soy profesor y todo lo que significa... es por eso que espero que la comunidad de antronio.cl me entienda.

Tengo una hermosa perrita de la raza Street dog, comúnmente conocida como perrita callejera, que está sufriendo una terrible enfermedad, Torsión gástrica. Es por mi condición, y la condición de Laika que estamos pidiendo donaciones para intentar salvarle la vida. Los costos ya se han ido de mis manos, y si no fuese por mis alumnos, familia y amigos nunca podríamos haber hecho lo que hicimos hasta ahora.

Les cuento un poco sobre esta enfermedad, la torsión gástrica, además de ser muy costosa, es el síndrome de dilatación y torsión del estómago y es una enfermedad aguda que puede presentarse en animales domésticos, de pronóstico muy grave y que debe ser tratada con la máxima urgencia, ya que puede acabar con la vida del perro en cuestión de horas. Su tasa de mortalidad es muy elevada, situándose en los perros tratados a tiempo al rededor del treinta y cinco por ciento y en los no tratados en el cien por ciento.

Los síntomas que suele presentar son:
El perro se encuentra inquieto y habitualmente se mira el estómago o al suelo.
Tiene dolor e inflamación en la zona abdominal, si se golpea la zona con la mano sonará como un tambor.

Intenta vomitar y, o no puede, o solo expulsa saliva espumosa.
En este momento, Laika está en tratamiento posquirúrgico en terapia de emergencias con fluidos, corticosteroides, antibióticos, drogas para controlar las arritmias cardíacas relacionadas y otras drogas.

Dejo algunas fotos de Laika para que la conozcan:








Una radiografía de la enfermedad

Muchas gracias por su atención

Este es el link para que los que puedan darnos una mano lo hagan. Cualquier valor es de gran ayuda.

Muchas gracias de nuevo
Tuesday morning:
When I called, she was still doing well. The best thing about her recovery post-op was that she was having normal heart rhythms. Apparently this is the biggest concern post-op with this procedure. I’m not sure why exactly, but was just thankful she was doing well.


Tuesday early evening:
I was told I could visit Meadow at the hospital but that she would need to stay another night . She wasn’t eating for them so I suggested that I bring something I knew she loved to try and get something down. I brought fresh cooked cut up chicken breast left from our dinner the night before. She didn’t eat a bite of it. No appetite yet. She barely looked at me and I felt as though she were someone else’s dog. I was just so glad to see her, see her doing well, and realized just how much I love that girl of mine. I missed her so much.

Meadow came home. She has gotten up by her own will various times today. She didn’t need me to force her to get up and walk so she could relieve herself outside, or eat and drink. She has eaten the food the hospital prescribed for me to give her. After surgery of the stomach like hers, a special diet is required. They gave me a case of Hill’s Science Diet ID for her to eat during recovery. This food is used for sensitive digestion and cases of surgical stomach recovery like Meadow’s.



Meadow will not eat today. At least she is getting the morphine patch taken off today. They had shaved an area on the side of her trunk and placed the clear, plastic, narcotic -filled patch there. When she returned to the waiting room after they ripped it off, I looked at it and the skin at the site was very red and swollen. As the day progressed it got worse looking. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll see some change.

The worst thing about today though, is the fact that I spotted her licking at her sutures feverishly. It’s the first time she’s attempted this since the surgery. I’m glad I wrote myself a note to ask the staff at the hospital if she will need an E-collar, or lampshade as I like to call it. They were ready to send her home without one. They asked if she was chewing on them, and I said not yet, but she may as they begin to heal and cause itching. They said it was my choice and gave me one to take home. Because she wouldn’t stop licking at them, I was forced to put the collar on her. This act was almost as sad as the day I took her into the ER for the surgery. I hope she gets used to it soon; she sure is having a hard time with it now.


Friday, four days post-surgery:
I can’t take it anymore. I just took off the collar and am going to take my chances that she won’t chew her stitches. With the collar on, all she does is stand in a corner with her head drooped downward, very still and never changing position. She won’t eat, drink, sleep or even move. Last night, I left her downstairs and returned three hours later to find she was in the same exact spot and same position. I forced her upstairs and into a lying position, then I went to bed. This morning, when she still would not eat or drink, I chucked the collar. I just said a prayer and left her home while I had business to attend to. When I returned, the sutures were still nice and dry and untouched. She was relaxed enough now to eat, drink and lie down on her own for a long afternoon nap, which she desperately needed.

Justo estaba pensando seriamente en decir: tanto gasto vale la pena por un perro callejero? Es decir, le vas a pagar al vago irresponsable de mierda que dejó al perro en la calle?

Pero vi que es una estafa y se me pasó
Solo decir que dice estar en Argentina pero postea desde Brasil, lo dejaré un rato acá para ver si nos responde algo el aludido, aunque a simple vista es pico en el ojo.

usted ya es usuario antiguo hermanito, tanto del antro como de internet, me extraña que caiga en cosas así..


leí el principio del tema, pero como era muy largo pasé al siguiente post :jijiji:

si, lo se.

lo que pasa es que mi gorda tuvo cachorritos y estoy muy sensible ante el tema.

pero como no falta el user que cacha la estafa.

PD: lo que me llamó la atencion fue esa wea de raza "street dog" :flaite:

por poco y aparece :idolo: don @sergio reyes ledesma pegando un sho ruy ken