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Yo hice un resumen en el tema de las elecciones de USA.
Todo comienza con las filtraciones de mails del server privado de Hillary que fueron colgados después en twitter por Julian Assange. (Wikileaks)
En esos mails hay de todo, desde desestabilizar Libia por un capricho de Hillary para "fortalecer" la posición de Israel, hasta pedofilia (pizzagate), zoofilia, rituales satánicos, usos de dineros de gobiernos extranjeros, fiestas financiadas con dinero de los contribuyentes, etc.
En los mails de John Podesta hablan en código sobre las fiestas y rituales satánicos (spirit cooking). La wea es que en un mail hablan específicamente sobre llevar pendejos en uber a las fiestas y hasta dicen el nombre de una niña. Dentro de esos códigos de esas fiestas la palabra pizza creo que significaba niños, "hot dogs" significa putos, "walnut" creo que era putos negros, etc.
En el twitter de wikileaks están los mails para los que quieran leerlos.
Por que xuxa busque
Haciéndolo con un perro muerto. No haga google "babybirding".
Veremos si algún dia esto salta a la prensa.., se ve muy raro
Pero los "alt-right" son los demonios :grito:

La wea macabra poh weon, estos abortos fallidos de la naturaleza deberian ser colgados y sus cuerpos deberian ser expuestos publicamente para que los degenerados la piensen dos veces o en su defecto se dejen gastar aire esas bostas qlas.

... Podríamos decir que: Los Demócratas comen guaguas? :wink-11:
Comet Pizza is a pizza place owned by James Alefantis, who is the former gay boyfriend of David Brock, the CEO of Correct The Record. It has been the venue for dozens of events for the Hillary campaign staff. John Podesta has had campaign fundraisers there for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. John's brother and business partner Tony Podesta has his birthday party there every year. [https://i.sli.mg/1MqPHA.png]

It's also a dive that according to reviews and photos has hidden bathroom doors and creepy murals. The bathrooms in particular have murals exclusively of nude women, as well as a great deal of graffiti relating to sex. Reviews of the restaurant are bizarrely polarized. Websites describing it positively note that there are regularly "unsupervised children running around". Their menu include a pedophilic symbol, as do the signs and decorations of other neighboring businesses.

The music acts and the posters promoting same acts are bizarre in their presentation, content, and lyrical focus, but are still promoted as being "for all ages". The overtly sexual content would suggest otherwise.

The same has taken place in reference to videos recorded inside Comet Ping Pong by people that frequent their establishment as well as video referencing Comet Ping Pong positively from the exterior.

While initially not the central focus of the investigation at the onset, Comet Ping Pong is a much more overt and much more disturbing hub of coincidences. Everyone associated with the business is making semi-overt, semi-tongue-in-cheek, and semi-sarcastic inferences towards sex with minors. The artists that work for and with the business also generate nothing but cultish imagery of disembodiment, blood, beheadings, sex, and of course pizza.

:naster: :naster: :naster: :naster: :naster: :naster: :naster: :naster: :naster:
uh no me había enterado de esto... o el que lo montó tiene mucho tiempo libre, o es esto es realmente sabroso... no lo digo por los niños, si no por la conspiración...

ctm mansa vola
acabo de leer lo que posteo el cinpadrito, lo del blog

la wea es macabra a cagar