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Exterminio de Plagas, Coronavirus: La pandemia del COVID-19

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mi pierna acaba de recibir en el hospital que cambian guaguas un weon con sospecha de corona virus, me dijo que iba a meter su ropa de trabajo a una bolsa y que le llevara lysofor y que fuera con mascarilla y todas las precauciones posibles cuando la fuera a buscar mañana despues del turno de 24 horas, me despido antroneros, fue un gusto compartir la mitomania y todologia con ustedes :dead:

Tan brígida es la cepa que llego a Chile?
Media cagaita que tienen los zorrones, acá en Antofagasta mañana van a ser más casos que la mierda, el weon atendía a varios weones de la UA.
Fuimos buenos, el virus ataca dos veces, con eso queda claro que la wea salió de un laboratorio pero se les escapó de las manos.
Pienso que los chinos deben tener la cura, si ellos crearon el virus, sería absurdo que creen un virus sin tener la cura.
Pero cuando pasen los 2 meses y suelten a la gente, los wnes se van a enfermar igual y va a empezar el webeo de nuevo.

Al menos yo no le veo salida a esto.

Vamos a tener que estar mas de un año con cuarentenas intermitentes?
Lo peor de todo es que se nos viene el invierno. Ahí el virus andaría en su salsa
mi pierna acaba de recibir en el hospital que cambian guaguas un weon con sospecha de corona virus, me dijo que iba a meter su ropa de trabajo a una bolsa y que le llevara lysofor y que fuera con mascarilla y todas las precauciones posibles cuando la fuera a buscar mañana despues del turno de 24 horas, me despido antroneros, fue un gusto compartir la mitomania y todologia con ustedes :dead:

Descansa en paz hermanito Ballet Tutu... Antronio jamas te olvidara... Saludos a Felipito... :sisi3:
Estimados Grises...

Me acaban de confirmar que el Paciente cero gris,

se encuentra nuevamente infectado.

Lo tienen en cuarentena, con fiebre, dolores musculares, tos, diarrea, y según los exámenes, con posible fibrosis pulmonar.
Dí que es mentira, porfis :sm:
In 2016 Nature Magazine published an article about China engineering a bat coronavirus and scientists worried it would leak.

In 2010 scientists in Wuhan published a study stating they combined HIV parts with SARS. This was building on a 2007 study where they tried combining a SARS-like bat coronavirus with HIV pseudovirus that was not previously infectious to humans. While they were researching the SARS-like bat Coronavirus, they were unhappy with the low rate at which it infected human cells. So they genetically altered it to make it infect human cells more effectively -- by giving it an HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) outer shell, which enabled the SARS-like coronavirus to attack human cells via ACE2 receptors.

2015 study, scientists in Wuhan: They took a bat coronavirus and made a chimera virus that specifically attaches to the ACE2 protein to "to maximize the opportunity for pathogenesis and vaccine studies in mice".

And this is significant because what I just described pretty much sums up our current Coronavirus (first study published about COVID-19, attaches toACE2 receptors, same scientists as the study from a decade ago, Peng Zhou) .

A picture of the Lab in Wuhan, tweet from the Chinese gov. in 2018 . The only BSL4 Lab in all of China, in the epicenter of the outbreak. With Asia’s largest virus bank.

Reports that the lung damage it causes is like a combination of SARS and AIDS. People still testing positive after recovering and even dying after being discharged from the hospital

Know what we have legitimate proof of? SARS accidentally leaking out of bio labs multiple times in China before.

I’m merely spreading legitimate articles, studies, and news stories that span over a decade, all tying back to Wuhan, engineered viruses, bat coronaviruses, shady Chinese student arrests smuggling vials into China and Harvard Bio-Chem head getting money from Wuhan. Canadian government scientists who trained at Wuhan Lab getting fired last year.. China silencing multiple *Doctors* who tried sounding the alarm in December.

They are the facts. What is also a fact is when you piece them all together, they get labeled as unverified claims with absolutely no valid counterargument or evidence against it. Yet, despite how much overwhelming facts point to this, it’s still not true because they said so? Again no one is denying it came from bats, so they arent debunking anything. It is also not a bioweapon, i never claimed it was, so they are not debunking anything there either.

FYI you’ll notice a lot of these articles have disclaimers (some brand new since yesterday) about them being used as a conspiracy. They offer absolutely no counter argument other than “it came from bats, therefor it is not from the lab.” Uhh okay, not disputing it came from bats. You will also notice the Chinese trolls tearing apart the HIV aspect of this, while ignoring all the rest of the evidence. (check comments, obvious whos working for China.)

Watch this get censored.

one of many censored posts., Ive also been permanently banned from r/worldnews for writing this as a comment. It would be impossible to post this in the r/coronavirus subreddit.

EDIT : felt this had to be added, explains the recent editors notes on these articles. They werent there when i found them.

1. When rumors are spreading in the cyberspace, commentators should find the original post and the publisher as soon as possible. Commentators should compel the website administrators to delete the original post....

Cyberspace Administration of China Internal Documentation for Internet Commentators. -from popular ex-CCP whistleblower.

We know CCP trolls exist, 2nd source , tasked with controlling the online narrative and spreading misinformation. Silencing the truth.

*EDIT 2*

to all the chinese trolls that keep attacking the HIV aspect only. This post is not only about that. There is a lot of shady suspicious shit going on with Wuhan institute being a common denominator. With nefarious looking experiments that go back decades, all similar to what we have today. And a history of lab accidents. There are several reputable articles, peer reviewed studies, suspicious arrests. ALL tied to Wuhan, but once we start questioning things, we are labeled as spreading misinformation and fear mongering. No, these are all factual reports for people to make their own judgment, i am merely publicizing them because it is vital for the scientific community to know its origins and composition.

*EDIT 3* March 16: Australia researcher finds ‘cure’

Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.”


Las piezas se siguen uniendo, la teoria de que la peste china fue creada se acerca!

Se viene los nukes en 2021 a Winnie the Pooh
Con el tiempo... esperarían represalias en contra de china por parte del resto del mundo? :ph34r:
Occidente deberia llevarles democracia por la tremenda cagada que se mandaron
Por cosas como estas es que ese país debe desaparecer del mapa y justifico hasta un bombardeo nuclear gringo sin casus belli
Dueño de gimnasio en Chillán anuncia cierre indefinido y se reinventa con rutinas por WhatsApp https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias...y-se-reinventa-con-rutinas-por-whatsapp.shtml

Javier Acuña Hormazábal, el dueño de Box Training CF, el centro de crossfit donde se desató el brote epidemiológico de Chillán, ha tenido días agitados. Ya suman 25 los casos de coronavirus asociados a ese lugar, por lo que decidió -inicialmente- cerrar el lugar por dos semanas y realizar la desinfección de las instalaciones.

Les traigo la historia de un nuevo caso:
En un hospital de sector Sur de Santiago hoy se confirmó un nuevo caso; una señora de 75 años que llegó a quedar con ventilación mecánica, pero que ya salió de la ventilación y esta en buena recuperación... Menos maaal.
La historia comienza con una vieja profesora del Saint George, que salieron casos de coronavirus hace unas semanas y que tenían confirmados un profesor y alumnos en la escuela. El tema es que la profesora fue notificada por el seremi por contacto telefonico, diciéndole que tenía que quedar en cuarentena por haber estado en contacto directo con el profesor y los alumnos.
La profesora despues de 3 dias se empezó a sentir mal, típico resfrío pero aun sabiendo de su cuarentena, se le ocurrió la brillante idea de ir a una clínica que se encuentra cerca de un centro comercial, sola, llegando caminando a la consulta, tocando asensores y toda la wea :nonono:. La vieja culia fue atendida por un médico y el medico culiao le dijo que solo tenía faringitis, sabiendo este culiao que la vieja estaba en cuarentena, sin darle ningun otro examen :porqueami:.
La vieja después de esto fue a visitar a su mama de 75 años y luego de unos días la mamá comenzó con todos los síntomas y la vieja culia de su hija llamó a su hermana que si podia ir a buscar a su mama porque se estaba sintiendo mal. La hermana no pudo ir y asi que la vieja fue por su cuenta al hospital y en el hospital le hicieron la anamnesis y todo concordaba a Covid19. Le tomaron las muestras y hoy fue confirmada. :hands:

Como conchetumare podemos tener compatriotas tan aweonados por la chucha, vieja culia irresponsable :nonono: y el medico culiao inoperante.
Con razon estamos hasta el pico :nonono:
Actualizando la historia, la abuelita empeoró y esta nuevamente con soporte de oxígeno. Ademas, se le hicieron exámenes a la familia cercana de la anciana y de ahí salieron 3 casos mas positivos ahora en la tarde.
Pobre abuelita :sm:
mi pierna acaba de recibir en el hospital que cambian guaguas un weon con sospecha de corona virus, me dijo que iba a meter su ropa de trabajo a una bolsa y que le llevara lysofor y que fuera con mascarilla y todas las precauciones posibles cuando la fuera a buscar mañana despues del turno de 24 horas, me despido antroneros, fue un gusto compartir la mitomania y todologia con ustedes :dead:

En vez de nerón hechandole la culpa los cristianos, los progres hechandole la culpa a los pacos , la represión y la ultraderecha?? Ohh wait.. esa película creo que ya la vi

Según Celso, en El Discurso Verdadero, efectivamente los (((cristianos))) incendiaron Roma, mientras Nerón se encontraba en su pueblo natal. Busque, y no se quede con lo que le vendieron.

Judíos siendo judíos.
Última edición:
In 2016 Nature Magazine published an article about China engineering a bat coronavirus and scientists worried it would leak.

In 2010 scientists in Wuhan published a study stating they combined HIV parts with SARS. This was building on a 2007 study where they tried combining a SARS-like bat coronavirus with HIV pseudovirus that was not previously infectious to humans. While they were researching the SARS-like bat Coronavirus, they were unhappy with the low rate at which it infected human cells. So they genetically altered it to make it infect human cells more effectively -- by giving it an HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) outer shell, which enabled the SARS-like coronavirus to attack human cells via ACE2 receptors.

2015 study, scientists in Wuhan: They took a bat coronavirus and made a chimera virus that specifically attaches to the ACE2 protein to "to maximize the opportunity for pathogenesis and vaccine studies in mice".

And this is significant because what I just described pretty much sums up our current Coronavirus (first study published about COVID-19, attaches toACE2 receptors, same scientists as the study from a decade ago, Peng Zhou) .

A picture of the Lab in Wuhan, tweet from the Chinese gov. in 2018 . The only BSL4 Lab in all of China, in the epicenter of the outbreak. With Asia’s largest virus bank.

Reports that the lung damage it causes is like a combination of SARS and AIDS. People still testing positive after recovering and even dying after being discharged from the hospital

Know what we have legitimate proof of? SARS accidentally leaking out of bio labs multiple times in China before.

I’m merely spreading legitimate articles, studies, and news stories that span over a decade, all tying back to Wuhan, engineered viruses, bat coronaviruses, shady Chinese student arrests smuggling vials into China and Harvard Bio-Chem head getting money from Wuhan. Canadian government scientists who trained at Wuhan Lab getting fired last year.. China silencing multiple *Doctors* who tried sounding the alarm in December.

They are the facts. What is also a fact is when you piece them all together, they get labeled as unverified claims with absolutely no valid counterargument or evidence against it. Yet, despite how much overwhelming facts point to this, it’s still not true because they said so? Again no one is denying it came from bats, so they arent debunking anything. It is also not a bioweapon, i never claimed it was, so they are not debunking anything there either.

FYI you’ll notice a lot of these articles have disclaimers (some brand new since yesterday) about them being used as a conspiracy. They offer absolutely no counter argument other than “it came from bats, therefor it is not from the lab.” Uhh okay, not disputing it came from bats. You will also notice the Chinese trolls tearing apart the HIV aspect of this, while ignoring all the rest of the evidence. (check comments, obvious whos working for China.)

Watch this get censored.

one of many censored posts., Ive also been permanently banned from r/worldnews for writing this as a comment. It would be impossible to post this in the r/coronavirus subreddit.

EDIT : felt this had to be added, explains the recent editors notes on these articles. They werent there when i found them.

1. When rumors are spreading in the cyberspace, commentators should find the original post and the publisher as soon as possible. Commentators should compel the website administrators to delete the original post....

Cyberspace Administration of China Internal Documentation for Internet Commentators. -from popular ex-CCP whistleblower.

We know CCP trolls exist, 2nd source , tasked with controlling the online narrative and spreading misinformation. Silencing the truth.

*EDIT 2*

to all the chinese trolls that keep attacking the HIV aspect only. This post is not only about that. There is a lot of shady suspicious shit going on with Wuhan institute being a common denominator. With nefarious looking experiments that go back decades, all similar to what we have today. And a history of lab accidents. There are several reputable articles, peer reviewed studies, suspicious arrests. ALL tied to Wuhan, but once we start questioning things, we are labeled as spreading misinformation and fear mongering. No, these are all factual reports for people to make their own judgment, i am merely publicizing them because it is vital for the scientific community to know its origins and composition.

*EDIT 3* March 16: Australia researcher finds ‘cure’

Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.”

Este post confirma muchas cosas, el origen, la manipulación y que los medicamentos para el VIH son eficaces justamente porque este virus tiene trazas de VIH insertados en él. Resumiendo, fue creado.
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