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Fotos para decir Conchetumadre


célula humana

That big purple thing is a mitochondria, the power house of the cell.
The net things at the bottom of the image are nulceopores. The blue stuff in the nucleus appears to be DNA.
The yellow/green straight twists are actin filaments. The yellow 'twists' nearby the actin are myosin. This is the cells transport network.
The grey cylinders are microtubules.
The bottom right part of the image that's joined to the nucleus is the endoplasmic reticulum. And the thingy coming off it are I expect to the proteins mid production. Ala rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Directly above that are Golgi apparatus which modify said proteins.
Above that where the two cells are joined by the purple staples are something. I forget the name!? Help me out reddit. But it just keeps cells together.
The green and red spheres could be anything, probably lysosomes.
The yellow soccer ball polyhedrons vesicles are made of clathrin.
Source: am not a good biologist but a biologist nonetheless.