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La humanidad no nace en África, sino en Asia; estudio científico fusila mentira progre-marxista


Un gran secreto guardado por la masoneria, que quiere importar hombres evolutivamente atrasados y retrasados para hibridarlos con la población con adn neanderthal que hay por Europa y hacer una nueva raza de esclavos que no rocen lo dantesco de los negros que provienen, siendo asi supuestamente mas productivos y abundantes y por tanto la mano de obra mas asequible.



A new paper published by Professor Úlfur Árnason, a neuroscientist at the University of Lund in Sweden, places the last common ancestor of Homo sapiens sapiens and Neanderthals somewhere in Eurasia. Árnason argues that the ancestors of the African KhoeSan and Mbuti populations formed the first exodus of Homo sapiens sapiens into Africa from Asia and Europe.

It is commonly held that the original members of the Homo sapiens species, lived somewhere in Africa and that Homo sapiens sapiens emerged first on the same continent. The majority of scientists believe that only the exact dating of the emergence of our sub-species remains to be resolved. Not so fast, says Professor Árnason, his research suggests that the origination of the Homo sapiens sapiens sub-species was a Eurasian affair.

Scientific research suggests that Neanderthals and modern humans parted ways, genetically, sometime earlier than 500,000 years ago. Árnason argues that this date, along with what is known of Neanderthal geographic range, places the first of our own sub-species somewhere in Eurasia.

“The exclusive occurrence of Neanderthals in Europa and Asia and their absence from Africa restricts their origin to Eurasia. As a consequence, the origin of their sister-group, Homo sapiens sapiens, should be placed in the same continent, i.e. Eurasia (the Askur/Embla hypothesis, Árnason, 2016), in compliance with the LCA (last common ancestor) understanding that the LCA(s) of any two sister groups cannot be separated, neither in time nor space.”

We can boil down the first part of the argument to the fact that Neanderthals are not known to have been in Africa suggesting emergence in Eurasia, if Neanderthals emerged in Eurasia then the ancestral group they diverged away from, archaic Homo Sapiens, should also have been living there. It is a logical argument and one with considerable merit. It is certainly true that Homo erectus, the best candidate for Homo sapiens immediate ancestor, had spread across much of the planet by as early as 1.8 million years ago.

There is increasing evidence that the early humans ancestral to both sub-species were already present in Eurasia before the split that gave rise to Neanderthals, Denisovans and Sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens) and that humans almost identical to those of living populations had emerged in East Asia long before they appeared in the African fossil record. Fossils of seemingly modern humans have been announced by archaeologists working at several Chinese digs, with associated dates ranging from 80,000 to 178,000 years in age.

Professor Árnason points to data emerging from the 2016 study The Simons Genome Diversity Project,considered a landmark genetic survey, which suggests that by 200,000 years ago populations of modern humans were already diverging into new genetic groups. This incredible realisation supports a model in which Africans and non-Africans began to part ways, in terms of genetics, close to the date associated with the earliest accepted fossils of modern humans (the 195,000-year-old Omo fossils).

It is difficult to understand why two populations in the same region would simply stop mixing for tens of thousands of years, such clean breaks are normally only observed after migration events. Árnason also notes that the deepest divergence was only observed when contrasting the genomes of the Khoesan people and non-Africans.

“The study of Mallick et al. (2016) showed that the ancestral Hss population had begun to develop genetic substructures > 200,000 YBP, an age that is compatible with the commonly accepted estimates of the basal divergence of extant Hss. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrated that the basal divergence among extant Hss fell between non-Africans (as represented by a French genome) and Africans (as represented by KhoeSan and Mbuti).”

The Simons Genome Project presented evidence of an additional Homo sapiens sapiens divergences involving the Yoruba, a West African population usually posited to be the living descendants of the population responsible for founding all non-African lineages.



Europa hace 2000 mil años


Egipto hace 2000 mil años


Asia hace 2000 mil años

América hace 2000 mil años



África ayer y hoy




Negros asquerosos desgraciados con sus genes de la violencia, la destrucción y la escasa inteligencia, habiendo demostrado desde hace decenas de miles de años que son incapaces de formar por si mismos una civilización, viviendo eternamente en el paleolitico, siendo canibales e incapaces de desarrollar ningún tipo de tecnología original y avanzada. NO IMPORTAN DONDE NACEN, SON NEGROS !!!!

Última edición:
Tiene sentido, todo el bertinaje cree ciegamentee que venimos del África porque ahí están los restos fósiles del Australopithecus, pero ese simio culiao nunca alcanzó a ser un humano, era pariente del hombre como lo son bonobos, chimpancès y gorilas, pero nunca humano, para más re cacha los restos de Monte Verde son tan viejos q ni cagando sería posible q los humanos hayan cruzado el Pacífico en balsas hace 17 mil años, los ancestros de los humanos vienen del África pero el humano se desarrollo como tal en Asia, yéndo hacia Europa y después cruzaron por el estrecho de bering hacia América. Recuerden q las civilizaciones más antiguas estan precisamente en Oriente Medio.
Última edición:
Entonces los negritus no son la mejor eaza del planeta??

Wakanda forever :jajaja:

Enviado desde mi Sony Ericsson w310 por Tapatalk
Un gran secreto guardado por la masoneria, que quiere importar hombres evolutivamente atrasados y retrasados para hibridarlos con la población con adn neanderthal que hay por Europa y hacer una nueva raza de esclavos que no rocen lo dantesco de los negros que provienen, siendo asi supuestamente mas productivos y abundantes y por tanto la mano de obra mas asequible.



A new paper published by Professor Úlfur Árnason, a neuroscientist at the University of Lund in Sweden, places the last common ancestor of Homo sapiens sapiens and Neanderthals somewhere in Eurasia. Árnason argues that the ancestors of the African KhoeSan and Mbuti populations formed the first exodus of Homo sapiens sapiens into Africa from Asia and Europe.

It is commonly held that the original members of the Homo sapiens species, lived somewhere in Africa and that Homo sapiens sapiens emerged first on the same continent. The majority of scientists believe that only the exact dating of the emergence of our sub-species remains to be resolved. Not so fast, says Professor Árnason, his research suggests that the origination of the Homo sapiens sapiens sub-species was a Eurasian affair.

Scientific research suggests that Neanderthals and modern humans parted ways, genetically, sometime earlier than 500,000 years ago. Árnason argues that this date, along with what is known of Neanderthal geographic range, places the first of our own sub-species somewhere in Eurasia.

“The exclusive occurrence of Neanderthals in Europa and Asia and their absence from Africa restricts their origin to Eurasia. As a consequence, the origin of their sister-group, Homo sapiens sapiens, should be placed in the same continent, i.e. Eurasia (the Askur/Embla hypothesis, Árnason, 2016), in compliance with the LCA (last common ancestor) understanding that the LCA(s) of any two sister groups cannot be separated, neither in time nor space.”

We can boil down the first part of the argument to the fact that Neanderthals are not known to have been in Africa suggesting emergence in Eurasia, if Neanderthals emerged in Eurasia then the ancestral group they diverged away from, archaic Homo Sapiens, should also have been living there. It is a logical argument and one with considerable merit. It is certainly true that Homo erectus, the best candidate for Homo sapiens immediate ancestor, had spread across much of the planet by as early as 1.8 million years ago.

There is increasing evidence that the early humans ancestral to both sub-species were already present in Eurasia before the split that gave rise to Neanderthals, Denisovans and Sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens) and that humans almost identical to those of living populations had emerged in East Asia long before they appeared in the African fossil record. Fossils of seemingly modern humans have been announced by archaeologists working at several Chinese digs, with associated dates ranging from 80,000 to 178,000 years in age.

Professor Árnason points to data emerging from the 2016 study The Simons Genome Diversity Project,considered a landmark genetic survey, which suggests that by 200,000 years ago populations of modern humans were already diverging into new genetic groups. This incredible realisation supports a model in which Africans and non-Africans began to part ways, in terms of genetics, close to the date associated with the earliest accepted fossils of modern humans (the 195,000-year-old Omo fossils).

It is difficult to understand why two populations in the same region would simply stop mixing for tens of thousands of years, such clean breaks are normally only observed after migration events. Árnason also notes that the deepest divergence was only observed when contrasting the genomes of the Khoesan people and non-Africans.

“The study of Mallick et al. (2016) showed that the ancestral Hss population had begun to develop genetic substructures > 200,000 YBP, an age that is compatible with the commonly accepted estimates of the basal divergence of extant Hss. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrated that the basal divergence among extant Hss fell between non-Africans (as represented by a French genome) and Africans (as represented by KhoeSan and Mbuti).”

The Simons Genome Project presented evidence of an additional Homo sapiens sapiens divergences involving the Yoruba, a West African population usually posited to be the living descendants of the population responsible for founding all non-African lineages.



Europa hace 2000 mil años


Egipto hace 2000 mil años


Asia hace 2000 mil años

América hace 2000 mil años



África ayer y hoy





guarachi, por mas que te hagas clones fachos ya no te compran tu pomada :hands:
eso explica porqué en africa siguen viviendo como neandertales después de 1000 años de "evolucion"

cultura milenaria:qloco:

Lo irónico es que la cruza con el neandertal fue la que dio origen al hombre europeo moderno (así que no eran tan brutos como se pensaba)... los africanos no vieron nunca ni un pelo de un neandertal de cerca... y quedaron como quedaron :lol2:
Por 1900, la media africana que aun no había sido colonizada, vivía en el PALEOLITICO.

“Los negros, esos magníficos ejemplares de la raza africana que han mantenido su pureza racial gracias al poco apego que le tienen al baño, han visto invadidos sus reales por un nuevo ejemplar de esclavo: el portugués. El desprecio y la pobreza los une en la lucha cotidiana, pero el diferente modo de encarar la vida los separa completamente”.

“ El negro indolente y soñador se gasta sus pesitos en cualquier frivolidad o en ‘pegar unos palos’”.



