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El Tema de Los Disconnected [omegle]

jajajaja aqui va otro q hice, puta q aprendo rapido español yo jajjajaj

Stranger: i'm male
You: hi
You: im a girl
Stranger: well
Stranger: i know... if you weren't you would have disconnected
Stranger: asl?
You: 14 f usa
You: and u
Stranger: 19 m spain
Stranger: i'll try my best
You: great
You: u so u speak spanish
Stranger: yeah i do
Stranger: i come to omegle to practise a bit
You: im learning in the school
Stranger: so, u aren't from the usa?
You: im from usa
You: but im learning spanish
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i misread
You: yo hablar muy poquito
Stranger: hablo :P
Stranger: you have to conjugate it
You: ok im still bad
You: im just learning
Stranger: np
Stranger: what else do you know about spanisH?
You: well i was speaking with a mexican guy and he told me words but i think they are not what he said they are
Stranger: tell me
Stranger: which words?
You: he say that cupame la verga pera is u are a nice girl something like that he wrote
Stranger: lol
Stranger: "chupame la verga" means "suck my dick"
You: o really
You: i though that mean something bad
Stranger: well it does
Stranger: you are a nice girl is "eres una chica guapa"
Stranger: eres, from ser (be), una (one, a, an), chica (girl), guapa (beautiful)
You: a thank u
Stranger: we place adjectives at the end of the sentence
Stranger: it's different from english
You: yes it is difficult to get use to
Stranger: yeah, pretty much
Stranger: if you have to do translations or something
Stranger: i could help you lol :)
You: that would be great
You: eres una buena persona
You: who was that
You: it is ok right?
Stranger: yeah!
You: yeaaa im learning fast
You: lol
Stranger: yeah you are
You: this is better than school
Stranger: what about your pronunciation?
You: well
You: its kind of difficult
You: the word that has rr are imposible
You: me cuesta mucho las palabras con doble r
Stranger: oh my god
Stranger: your grammar is really good
You: thank. my teacher say that grammar is important
Stranger: it's the most important thing on a language
Stranger: you may know lots and lots of words
Stranger: but if you don't know how to place it in a sentence
Stranger: you know anything about that language
You: you mean nothing
Stranger: that
Stranger: lol
Stranger: rofl
You: its ok your english is very good
You: mejor que mi espanol
Stranger: well, you've said 3 sentences and they're all correct
You: lol i dont have that weird letter
Stranger: but i'm sure you couldn't have a fluid conversation in spanish yet
Stranger: ñ
You: yes that on
You: e
You: that one
Stranger: do u know how to pronounce the ñ?
You: like nie
You: its like enie
You: in spanish
Stranger: enie, yeah
Stranger: but not ni
Stranger: i mean, enie is wrong
You: who is it?
You: how is it?
Stranger: you don't pronounce ni
Stranger: ni is with the tongue on the front of your palate
Stranger: ñ is with the middle of your tong in the middle of the palate
Stranger: lie "gn" or something like that
Stranger: it's difficult to explain
You: ok i think i get it
You: lol i ask to that mexican cuantos anos tienes? and he lol on me i dont no why
Stranger: ano = anus
Stranger: lol
You: really
You: lol
Stranger: really lol
Stranger: that's why
You: only for a letter
Stranger: how many anus do you have?
Stranger: lol
You: 1 lol
Stranger: they'll answer you uno
You: yes he said that
Stranger: that's why
You: el dijo eso
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: can't you write é ?
You: o yes you use accent
Stranger: yup
Stranger: anyways, you don't say "el dijo eso", as "dijo" is already in third person
You: i dont know if my keyword has it
Stranger: you can omit "el" (él, in fact, as it's a pronoun)
Stranger: i think us keyboards don't have it
Stranger: you should have it where you have the '
You: mmm let see
You: no i dont have it
Stranger: np
You: no lo tengo
Stranger: hell yeah!
Stranger: eres buena, muy buena!
You: gracias
Stranger: hehe
You: todo es gracias a ti, que me has ayudado a aprender mas espanol
Stranger: how do you pronounce gracias, like "grasias" or like "graTHias" ?
Stranger: WOAH
Stranger: that's a complex explicative sentence lol
You: well i know a few of spanish but im not say it because im afraid to make a mistake
Stranger: sabes tener una conversacion en español?
You: puedo tratar pero tengo miedo de equivocarme
Stranger: no te preocupes
Stranger: yo tambien me equivoco en ingles
Stranger: (use "intentar" instead of "tratar")
Stranger: ("tratar" is not exactly like "I'll treat to")
You: y para que se usa tratar
Stranger: tratar una enfermedad
You: a ok
You: entonces lo intentare
Stranger: y bueno...
Stranger: que has hecho hoy?
You: jugar play 3 jajajajajajaja
Stranger: ah si? a que juego? :O
You: me encanta el little big planet
You: o me tengo que ir, mis padres me llaman porque vamos a salir a comer afuera, a un restaurante muy bonito y delicioso, fue un gran placer hablar contigo y asi practicar mi espanol el cual aun creo que debo mejorar si quiero ir a un pais de habla hispana y poder mantener una conversacion fluida y estable con el fin de que no tergiversen lo que digo
Stranger: oh my god
You: chao
Stranger: bye!
Stranger: good luck
Rider09 dijo:

me lo cague por weon XD

notable weon :lol2:

un flashback a todos los que jugamos pokemon XD
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 20 f chili
You: you
Stranger: 16.brazil.f
You: do you know goku?
Stranger: yes
You: what power you liked?
Stranger: all
Stranger: u?
You: teletransportation
You have disconnected.


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 16 france, you ?
You: 20 usa
You: you know the anime dragon ball?
Stranger: sure i do
You: what technics you liked? about goku
Stranger: Blah
Stranger: I just enjoyed the whole anime tbh
Stranger: But let's say that
Stranger: The fake big bang kamehameha was awesome (GT)
You: ahh
You: is better the teletransportation
You have disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: You, Stranger, stand accused of manslaughter and association with Hitler, how do you plead?
You: Innocent
Stranger: how so?
You: Very Innocent
Stranger: we have proof that you have conversed with the Nazis
You: O rly?
You: Show Them
Stranger: ya rly
Stranger: *shows footage of Stranger talking with Hitler over beer*
You: I Have Never Associated With Hitler
Stranger: and If the translators are coorect, the two of you were planning on working with Stewie Friffin to overthrow the US president
Stranger: then whois that?
Stranger: *zooms in on Stranger's face*
You: Just a Lie Of The Goverment
Stranger: LIES!
You: A Conpspiration, Exacly
Stranger: ORDER!
Stranger: Juror: *faints*
You: Srlsy, Wtf is this
Stranger: look what you have done
Stranger: Mr. Gale is very fragile
You: I'm Being Juged By Some I HaAvent Done
Stranger: I have heard enough. I, Senator Joe McCarthy sentence you to DEATH!
Stranger: *Joe MNcCathy Dies*
Stranger: I'm sorry sir,
Stranger: I wiol have you released immedietly
Stranger: This man...has mislead us all
You have disconnected.

mi humilde aporte..es mi primer disco..xD

You: hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from???
You: cameroon
You: and you?
Stranger: taiwan
You: =O
You: taiwaan
You: do u live in detce?
Stranger: do you know :)?
You: yeah i know..
You: taiwan..in asia
Stranger: detce ?
You: detce-nnocsid eyb!!


You: ooh no
You: you again
Stranger: ya
Stranger: its me



(perdon por el ingles medio shamullao xD)

You: im so bored
Stranger: so am I'
You: do u wanna play a game?
Stranger: sure
You: the detce game!
Stranger: the what?
You: detce game
You: do u know detce game?
Stranger: no
Stranger: explain
You: hmm..
You: repeat after me..
You: det
You: ce
Stranger: det
Stranger: ce
You: detce-nnocsid eyb!!
You: oh not u again
Stranger: hello
You: not the disco again plz
Stranger: oh
Stranger: how do you do.
You: how i do what
Stranger: i am a new guy.
You: soo?..
Stranger: that is i first talking at this site.
You: oo really?
You: well... u have the know the disco
Stranger: sorry. i dont konw disco
Stranger: what means disco
You: Disco-nnected!!

uta ke me gusto esta wea..xD