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Texas: entra a robar en una cafeteria y es abatido por un macho rudo que estaba comiendo.

Aweonao kuliao acaso nunca haz visto “bastardos sin gloria”? donde la shoshanna creyó que con 1 disparo estaba listo el soldado y este le devuelve el disparo cuando está creyó que ya estaba muerto. Bien muerto el negro kuliao, na de weas de balazos a la pierna y esas tonteras, bien asegurado y bien muerto el chuchesumadre. Incluso, creo que le faltaron balas a la lacra kulia.

En serio sacas a colación una película para comprar una situación extrema con la vida real? y el aweonao soy yo?.
Dentrese mijo.

tierra de don jotabeele :clapclap:

Era un nigga como se presumia y ademas tenia un prontuario de aquellos, faltaron balas :hands:

“My client, who wishes to remain anonymous, was dining with a friend at El Ranchito Taqueria and as it has been seen on video, a robbery suspect entered the restaurant, and pointed a weapon at my client and the other customers demanding money. In fear of his life and his friend’s life my client acted to protect everyone in the restaurant.

In Texas, a shooting is justified in self-defense, defense of others and in defense of property. The customer has met with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and Investigators with HPD homicide. He fully intends to continue cooperating with the ongoing investigation.

When the investigation is complete, this case will be presented to a Grand Jury. We are confident that a Grand Jury will conclude that the shooting was justified under Texas Law. This event has been very traumatic, taking a human life is something he does not take lightly and will burden him for the rest of his life. For that reason, he wishes to remain anonymous. Due to the overwhelming coverage, we ask the media and the public to respect his privacy.”

Si el jurado es progre era el pelado, aunque son escasos en Texas puede tener mala cuea.
En ese caso excelente el uso y porte de armas; las armas en manos exclusivas de un grupo solo es posible si es una sociedad de privilegios, como las monarquías, teocracias o regímenes totalitarios amados por don Merlu.