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ciencia ficcion contemporanea


eso chicos, uno piensa que en cuanto a la ciencia ficcion, las ia ya esta todo creado por los grandes maestros de la ciencia ficcion, pero mi duda es, hay un escritor contemporaneo que declare postulados aun mas locos que lo que se nos ha dicho?
De cf contemporánea conozco re poco, pero he picado por aquí por allá con un par de obras geniales, son:
1) el marciano - andy weir
2) el problema de los tres cuerpos - cixin liu

Como medida de calibración en obras de cs ficción, siempre es bueno tomar ocmo referencia los premios hugo y nébula.
Buena pregunta, en cuanto a literatura contemporanea los autores actuales han ido perdiendo la esencia al seguir lineas mas vanguardistas en cuanto al desarrollo de sus textos. Sin embargo, pudiera destacar al no tan contemporaneo Robert Sheckley, tremendo escritor norteamericano que llego a ser editor de la revista OMNI. Supo en sus textos salir del suspenso tipico del genero e integrar humor, cosa para nada facil.

Una buena obra de este autor seria la "Decima Victima" y si te entusiasmas con mas te recomiendo "Dramocles".

Buena pregunta, en cuanto a literatura contemporanea los autores actuales han ido perdiendo la esencia al seguir lineas mas vanguardistas en cuanto al desarrollo de sus textos. Sin embargo, pudiera destacar al no tan contemporaneo Robert Sheckley, tremendo escritor norteamericano que llego a ser editor de la revista OMNI. Supo en sus textos salir del suspenso tipico del genero e integrar humor, cosa para nada facil.

Una buena obra de este autor seria la "Decima Victima" y si te entusiasmas con mas te recomiendo "Dramocles".

gracies hermanite. quería saber si había alguna línea filosófica o algo que actualmente esten discutiendo en el circulo de CF
gracies hermanite. quería saber si había alguna línea filosófica o algo que actualmente esten discutiendo en el circulo de CF
De hecho sí, Cixin Liu plantea una cuestión filosófica bastante profunda en sus novelas.
De hecho sí, Cixin Liu plantea una cuestión filosófica bastante profunda en sus novelas.
buena. yo hace un par de años lei blame!, un manga ciencia ficción cyberpunk que me volo la cabeza, desde ahi no he leído nada que se pueda equipararle
No he leído mucho de lo contemporáneo, a parte de Michael Crichton que toca varios temas buenos, está el caso de Paolo Bacigalupi con su obra "La Chica Mecánica" que toca un panorama bastante desolador sobre las crisis de alimentos por la manipulación genética (entre otros temas).
Cimpadritos ¿Y qué deparan para el futuro dichos autores?
bueno , en el caso de blame, se basa en un futuro en donde la gente ha entrado en simbiosis con la"netphere", una especie de matrix, pero esta pierde el control, considerando a los humanos como amenazas y les empieza a dar caza. pero bueno para no spoilear mucho , dentro de las cosas que me sorprendieron del manga y aun me siguen sorprendiendo, es la interfaz hombre-maquina. había por ejemplo un personaje que su conciencia estaba en un pendrive y podia conectarse a cualquier cuerpo artificial. lo que me llevo a preguntarme, si se puede replicar la mente , que es lo que nos hace humanos? el manga ocurre en una esfera de dyson , en una megaestructura que es capaz de rodear a un sol y absorber toda su energía.

tsutomu nihei ,el mangaka, estudio arquitectura, por lo que domina muy bien el espacio. para mi este manga simboliza el viaje del hombre frente al paisaje, uno como lector viaja con el protagonista quien busca genes humanos que sean puros y que puedan reestablecer el orden de la netphere. el manga casi no tiene dialogo, asi que no se entiende del todo la primera vez que se lee

he leído que el incal de jodorowsky también es bueno. alguien que lo haya leído?
bueno , en el caso de blame, se basa en un futuro en donde la gente ha entrado en simbiosis con la"netphere", una especie de matrix, pero esta pierde el control, considerando a los humanos como amenazas y les empieza a dar caza. pero bueno para no spoilear mucho , dentro de las cosas que me sorprendieron del manga y aun me siguen sorprendiendo, es la interfaz hombre-maquina. había por ejemplo un personaje que su conciencia estaba en un pendrive y podia conectarse a cualquier cuerpo artificial. lo que me llevo a preguntarme, si se puede replicar la mente , que es lo que nos hace humanos? el manga ocurre en una esfera de dyson , en una megaestructura que es capaz de rodear a un sol y absorber toda su energía.

tsutomu nihei ,el mangaka, estudio arquitectura, por lo que domina muy bien el espacio. para mi este manga simboliza el viaje del hombre frente al paisaje, uno como lector viaja con el protagonista quien busca genes humanos que sean puros y que puedan reestablecer el orden de la netphere. el manga casi no tiene dialogo, asi que no se entiende del todo la primera vez que se lee

he leído que el incal de jodorowsky también es bueno. alguien que lo haya leído?
Temazo... Creo que en ratas de laboratorio han traspasado genericamente información para ayudar a ratas de generaciones ulteriores a resolver laberintos.... Pero falta mucho para entender la mente..

La matrix es un concepto escalofriante... Y es lo que está ocurriendo con el marxismo cultural.

Martrixsmo....inventé una palabra.
El Incal es la raja, yo lo tengo vale como 20 y tanto en las librerías completito. Pero es más fantástico q ciencia ficción, a pesar de su apariencia. Pero el arte es la raja, es Moebius el dibujante... El único q le podía hacer el peso a Jodorowsky.

Igual por lo q cache tu quieres leer más teorías locas q calidad narrativa, échale un ojo al post Cyberpunk y toa esa vola, es lo q pega en ese sentido, ve a Neal Stephenson o Paolo Bacigalupi, ambos con libros densos en ideas, the windup girl es la raja en cuanto a mundo, es una tierra ya arrasada por la bioingenieria, sus enfermedades y nuevos seres creados. Pero de una onda no -punk podrías revisar a Kim Stanley Robinson, tiene una trilogía la raja q saco en los noventas sobre marte (empieza con Marte Rojo), y el 2013 creo saco un libro q se llama 2312 q ya es de un sistema solar habitado y con una tierra en total decadencia, a la gente le gusto... A mi hasta por ahí noma, lee marte mejor.

Hay una autora negra q ha ganado 3 veces seguidas los premios Hugo y q todavía no leo, al principio pensé q era parte de la moda o una reivindicación del género pa tratar de incluir más minas, pero si ganado la wea 3 veces seguidas es por algo yo pienso. Se llama N K Jemisin.

Y el Cixin Liu es la raja, pero ya te lo recomendaron. Ah!! Y LUN esta sacando libros de scifi a 5 lucas, unos salvan harto, como Hiperion q en español cuesta un ojo de la cara, deberías leerte esa wea si no lo has hecho, antes q cualquiera de las cosas q dije
Cimpadritos ¿Y qué deparan para el futuro dichos autores?
sorry por copiar pegar, pero no tengo tiempo de traducir:

During the Cultural Revolution in China, Ye Wenjie, an astrophysics alumna from Tsinghua University, witnesses her father being beaten to death by Red Guards from Tsinghua High School, while the beating was supported by Ye's mother and younger sister. Ye is officially branded a traitor and is forced to join a labor brigade in Inner Mongolia, where she befriends a government journalist who recently read Silent Spring, and who wishes to write a letter to the central government containing policy suggestions based on the book. When the central government responds, viewing the letter as an act of sedition, the journalist betrays Ye, who helped to transcribe the draft, and Ye is set to enter prison. However, she is rescued at the last minute by Yang Weining and Lei Zhicheng, two military physicists working under Red Coast (a Chinese initiative for alien communication similar to SETI) who require Ye's skills in physics. Ye discovers the possibility of amplifying outgoing radio messages by bouncing them off the sun and sends a message. Eight years later, by now in a loveless marriage with Yang, Ye receives a message from a concerned alien pacifist from the planet Trisolaris, warning her not to respond or else the inhabitants of Trisolaris will locate and invade Earth. The alien proceeds to describe Trisolaris's environmental conditions and societal history. Ye, who has come to despise humankind, responds anyway, inviting them to come to Earth to settle its problems. Ye murders her husband, Yang, along with Lei to keep the alien message a secret.

Some time later, with the closing of the Cultural Revolution and Ye's return to Tsinghua as a professor, Ye encounters Mike Evans, the son of the CEO of the world's largest oil company, who is also a rabid environmentalist and a believer in the idea that all species are equal. Seeing that Evans is also direly angry at humanity, Ye confides to him the events at Red Coast. Evans uses his fortune to hire men and to purchase a giant ship, which he converts into a mobile colony and listening post. Upon receiving messages from Trisolaris, thereby validating Ye's story, Evans announces the creation of the militant and semisecret Earth-Trisolaris Organization (ETO) as a fifth column for Trisolaris and appoints Ye as the leader. According to the messages, the Trisolaran invasion force has departed, but will not reach Earth for 450 years, as they are traveling at 1/100-th of lightspeed. The society attracts numerous scientists, minor government officials, and other educated people who are disappointed with world affairs. They go on to assemble a private army and even to build small nuclear weapons. However, Evans retains control of most resources and starts to alter and withhold alien messages from Ye and others. Furthermore, the society splits into factions, with the Adventists, led by Evans, seeking complete destruction of humanity by the Trisolarans, and the Redemptionists, led by Shen, seeking to help the Trisolarans to find a computational solution to the three-body problem, which plagues their home planet. A third, smaller faction, the Survivors, consisting mostly of Chinese people, intend to help the Trisolarans in exchange for their own descendants' lives while the rest of humanity dies.

In the present day, Wang Miao, a nanotechnology professor, is asked to work with Shi Qiang, a cunning detective, to investigate the mysterious deaths of several scientists. The two of them notice that the world's governments are communicating closely with each other, and seem to be gearing up for war. Over the next few days, Wang experiences strange hallucinatory effects. Wang sees people playing a sophisticated virtual-reality video game called Three Body (which was created by the ETO as a recruitment tool) and begins to play himself. The video game portrays a planet whose climate randomly flips between Orderly and Chaotic Eras. During Chaotic Eras, the weather oscillates unpredictably between extreme cold and extreme heat, sometimes within minutes. Once in a while, the heat rises so much that a firestorm occurs and all civilization is reduced to ashes, or the climate becomes too cold for civilization to continue developing, as heralded by the presence of "three flying stars." The inhabitants (who are represented as having human bodies) struggle to develop their society and find means to predict the climate. Unlike humans, they have evolved the special ability to drain themselves of water, turning into a roll of canvas, in order to lie dormant when the Chaotic Eras occur. Characters resembling Aristotle, Mozi, Newton, and others try and fail to model the climate. Wang wins acclaim by figuring out how the climate works: (1) the planet Trisolaris has three suns, (2) the suns have different kinds of atmospheres, and when they are far away from the planet's surface, they no longer function as sources of heat and appear in the sky as stars, (3) Orderly Eras occur when two suns are far away, and Trisolaris orbits the third, (4) Chaotic Eras occur when Trisolaris is pulled by more than one sun, (5) firestorms happen when two or three suns are close to the planet's surface, (6) seeing three flying stars causes intense cold because it means all three suns are far away, and (7) if the three suns ever line up, Trisolaris will plunge into the nearest one and be consumed.

Wang is inducted into the ETO, and informs Shi, leading to a battle between the PLA and the society's soldiers, and the arrest of Ye. The PLA works with the Americans, led by Colonel Stanton, to ambush Evans's ship, following Shi's suggestion of cutting apart the ship and massacring the entire crew using nano-material blades, to stop them from burning their data. From the data, some new revelations emerge. For one, the aliens have extremely advanced picotechnology which allows them to create eleven-dimensional supercomputers called sophons which, when viewed in three dimensions, only occupy the volume of a proton. For another, two of these sophons have been laboriously manufactured and sent to Earth, having the power to cause hallucinations, spy on any corner of the Earth, transmit the information gathered to Trisolaris using quantum entanglement, and disrupt all of Earth's particle accelerators. The Trisolarans reason that, with particle physics being the bottleneck of science, shutting down the accelerators will paralyze Earth's technological advancement for the next 400 or more years before the Trisolarans arrive. Ye, now in custody, is allowed to visit the old Red Coast base, and reflects upon her past choices, noting that humanity from now on will never be the same.
sorry por copiar pegar, pero no tengo tiempo de traducir:

During the Cultural Revolution in China, Ye Wenjie, an astrophysics alumna from Tsinghua University, witnesses her father being beaten to death by Red Guards from Tsinghua High School, while the beating was supported by Ye's mother and younger sister. Ye is officially branded a traitor and is forced to join a labor brigade in Inner Mongolia, where she befriends a government journalist who recently read Silent Spring, and who wishes to write a letter to the central government containing policy suggestions based on the book. When the central government responds, viewing the letter as an act of sedition, the journalist betrays Ye, who helped to transcribe the draft, and Ye is set to enter prison. However, she is rescued at the last minute by Yang Weining and Lei Zhicheng, two military physicists working under Red Coast (a Chinese initiative for alien communication similar to SETI) who require Ye's skills in physics. Ye discovers the possibility of amplifying outgoing radio messages by bouncing them off the sun and sends a message. Eight years later, by now in a loveless marriage with Yang, Ye receives a message from a concerned alien pacifist from the planet Trisolaris, warning her not to respond or else the inhabitants of Trisolaris will locate and invade Earth. The alien proceeds to describe Trisolaris's environmental conditions and societal history. Ye, who has come to despise humankind, responds anyway, inviting them to come to Earth to settle its problems. Ye murders her husband, Yang, along with Lei to keep the alien message a secret.

Some time later, with the closing of the Cultural Revolution and Ye's return to Tsinghua as a professor, Ye encounters Mike Evans, the son of the CEO of the world's largest oil company, who is also a rabid environmentalist and a believer in the idea that all species are equal. Seeing that Evans is also direly angry at humanity, Ye confides to him the events at Red Coast. Evans uses his fortune to hire men and to purchase a giant ship, which he converts into a mobile colony and listening post. Upon receiving messages from Trisolaris, thereby validating Ye's story, Evans announces the creation of the militant and semisecret Earth-Trisolaris Organization (ETO) as a fifth column for Trisolaris and appoints Ye as the leader. According to the messages, the Trisolaran invasion force has departed, but will not reach Earth for 450 years, as they are traveling at 1/100-th of lightspeed. The society attracts numerous scientists, minor government officials, and other educated people who are disappointed with world affairs. They go on to assemble a private army and even to build small nuclear weapons. However, Evans retains control of most resources and starts to alter and withhold alien messages from Ye and others. Furthermore, the society splits into factions, with the Adventists, led by Evans, seeking complete destruction of humanity by the Trisolarans, and the Redemptionists, led by Shen, seeking to help the Trisolarans to find a computational solution to the three-body problem, which plagues their home planet. A third, smaller faction, the Survivors, consisting mostly of Chinese people, intend to help the Trisolarans in exchange for their own descendants' lives while the rest of humanity dies.

In the present day, Wang Miao, a nanotechnology professor, is asked to work with Shi Qiang, a cunning detective, to investigate the mysterious deaths of several scientists. The two of them notice that the world's governments are communicating closely with each other, and seem to be gearing up for war. Over the next few days, Wang experiences strange hallucinatory effects. Wang sees people playing a sophisticated virtual-reality video game called Three Body (which was created by the ETO as a recruitment tool) and begins to play himself. The video game portrays a planet whose climate randomly flips between Orderly and Chaotic Eras. During Chaotic Eras, the weather oscillates unpredictably between extreme cold and extreme heat, sometimes within minutes. Once in a while, the heat rises so much that a firestorm occurs and all civilization is reduced to ashes, or the climate becomes too cold for civilization to continue developing, as heralded by the presence of "three flying stars." The inhabitants (who are represented as having human bodies) struggle to develop their society and find means to predict the climate. Unlike humans, they have evolved the special ability to drain themselves of water, turning into a roll of canvas, in order to lie dormant when the Chaotic Eras occur. Characters resembling Aristotle, Mozi, Newton, and others try and fail to model the climate. Wang wins acclaim by figuring out how the climate works: (1) the planet Trisolaris has three suns, (2) the suns have different kinds of atmospheres, and when they are far away from the planet's surface, they no longer function as sources of heat and appear in the sky as stars, (3) Orderly Eras occur when two suns are far away, and Trisolaris orbits the third, (4) Chaotic Eras occur when Trisolaris is pulled by more than one sun, (5) firestorms happen when two or three suns are close to the planet's surface, (6) seeing three flying stars causes intense cold because it means all three suns are far away, and (7) if the three suns ever line up, Trisolaris will plunge into the nearest one and be consumed.

Wang is inducted into the ETO, and informs Shi, leading to a battle between the PLA and the society's soldiers, and the arrest of Ye. The PLA works with the Americans, led by Colonel Stanton, to ambush Evans's ship, following Shi's suggestion of cutting apart the ship and massacring the entire crew using nano-material blades, to stop them from burning their data. From the data, some new revelations emerge. For one, the aliens have extremely advanced picotechnology which allows them to create eleven-dimensional supercomputers called sophons which, when viewed in three dimensions, only occupy the volume of a proton. For another, two of these sophons have been laboriously manufactured and sent to Earth, having the power to cause hallucinations, spy on any corner of the Earth, transmit the information gathered to Trisolaris using quantum entanglement, and disrupt all of Earth's particle accelerators. The Trisolarans reason that, with particle physics being the bottleneck of science, shutting down the accelerators will paralyze Earth's technological advancement for the next 400 or more years before the Trisolarans arrive. Ye, now in custody, is allowed to visit the old Red Coast base, and reflects upon her past choices, noting that humanity from now on will never be the same.
Lei hasta el three body problem... Porqué iba a spoilear mi cerebro cuando lo lea... Vale ...

Un poco ufológico para ser futuro pero esta muy entretenida.
Temazo... Creo que en ratas de laboratorio han traspasado genericamente información para ayudar a ratas de generaciones ulteriores a resolver laberintos.... Pero falta mucho para entender la mente..

La matrix es un concepto escalofriante... Y es lo que está ocurriendo con el marxismo cultural.

Martrixsmo....inventé una palabra.

sobre la matrix , es algo que se baraja desde hace mucho tiempo, yo creo que mas bien lo que esta sucediendo con el marxismo cultural es medio 1984 mas o menos , con la policía del pensamiento, etc

sobre lo de la matrix , te dejo dos videos que te dejaran pensando

este es de k.dick sobre una conferencia que dio en 1977 ( el tipo nunca salía de casa y menos iba a conferencia, de ahi su libro el hombre del castillo) pero esa vez lo hizo para dar ese anuncio.

ahi la reflexión que te deja musk
El Incal es la raja, yo lo tengo vale como 20 y tanto en las librerías completito. Pero es más fantástico q ciencia ficción, a pesar de su apariencia. Pero el arte es la raja, es Moebius el dibujante... El único q le podía hacer el peso a Jodorowsky.

Igual por lo q cache tu quieres leer más teorías locas q calidad narrativa, échale un ojo al post Cyberpunk y toa esa vola, es lo q pega en ese sentido, ve a Neal Stephenson o Paolo Bacigalupi, ambos con libros densos en ideas, the windup girl es la raja en cuanto a mundo, es una tierra ya arrasada por la bioingenieria, sus enfermedades y nuevos seres creados. Pero de una onda no -punk podrías revisar a Kim Stanley Robinson, tiene una trilogía la raja q saco en los noventas sobre marte (empieza con Marte Rojo), y el 2013 creo saco un libro q se llama 2312 q ya es de un sistema solar habitado y con una tierra en total decadencia, a la gente le gusto... A mi hasta por ahí noma, lee marte mejor.

Hay una autora negra q ha ganado 3 veces seguidas los premios Hugo y q todavía no leo, al principio pensé q era parte de la moda o una reivindicación del género pa tratar de incluir más minas, pero si ganado la wea 3 veces seguidas es por algo yo pienso. Se llama N K Jemisin.

Y el Cixin Liu es la raja, pero ya te lo recomendaron. Ah!! Y LUN esta sacando libros de scifi a 5 lucas, unos salvan harto, como Hiperion q en español cuesta un ojo de la cara, deberías leerte esa wea si no lo has hecho, antes q cualquiera de las cosas q dije
buenos datos bro, se agradece. lo de lun, te refieres a esta colección?

buenos datos bro, se agradece. lo de lun, te refieres a esta colección?

Nop. Me costó más q la cresta encontrar el anuncio, son reweones pa dar publicidad :nonono:
sobre la matrix , es algo que se baraja desde hace mucho tiempo, yo creo que mas bien lo que esta sucediendo con el marxismo cultural es medio 1984 mas o menos , con la policía del pensamiento, etc

sobre lo de la matrix , te dejo dos videos que te dejaran pensando

este es de k.dick sobre una conferencia que dio en 1977 ( el tipo nunca salía de casa y menos iba a conferencia, de ahi su libro el hombre del castillo) pero esa vez lo hizo para dar ese anuncio.

ahi la reflexión que te deja musk

Buenos los videos sisterito, PKD lo respeto mucho como autor, pero el extracto e la conferencia fue bien "volada" y se fue en puras apreciaciones personales basadas en LSD :lol2: ... Me gusó más el argumento de Musk.