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I'd been at E3 in June 2014, just before Gamergate really took hold. And in summing up that year's show, I concluded that the industry still had a problem with women, despite a new momentum and demands for progress. The show's lowest moment was in learning that that year's new Assassin's Creed game would have four playable characters - all of them male.


Once again, it must be stated that disagreeing with leftist crap doesn’t make you a bigot.

Many gamers have enjoyed different games with female characters, or even chose them when a choice was offered. What’s being rejected is toxic, poisonous ideology being crammed into games as blatantly obvious propaganda, or games being made with that former mindset. Gamers can spot it from a mile away and want nothing to do with it.

El evento de Street fighter v del equipo de la wwe esta muy bueno este video es muy famoso


I'd been at E3 in June 2014, just before Gamergate really took hold. And in summing up that year's show, I concluded that the industry still had a problem with women, despite a new momentum and demands for progress. The show's lowest moment was in learning that that year's new Assassin's Creed game would have four playable characters - all of them male.


Once again, it must be stated that disagreeing with leftist crap doesn’t make you a bigot.

Many gamers have enjoyed different games with female characters, or even chose them when a choice was offered. What’s being rejected is toxic, poisonous ideology being crammed into games as blatantly obvious propaganda, or games being made with that former mindset. Gamers can spot it from a mile away and want nothing to do with it.


Estoy aburrido, así que :cafe3:
Estuve en el E3 2014, justo antes de que el "GamerGate" tomara forma. Y resumiendo el show de ese año, llegué a la conclusión de que la industria aún tenía un problema con las mujeres, a pesar de su nuevo impulso y sus demandas de progreso. El momento más bajo del show se dió al conocerse que el juego Assassin's Creed de ese año tendría 4 personajes jugables - todos hombres.
Una vez más, debe quedar claro que estar en desacuerdo con la basura izquierdista no te convierte en un intolerante.
Muchos video jugadores han disfrutado de diversos juegos con personajes femeninos, o incluso los han elegido cuando así se les ofrecía. Lo que se rechaza es la ideología tóxica y venenosa que está siendo forzada en los juegos como evidente y obvia propaganda, o juegos hechos con aquella antigua mentalidad. Los jugadores pueden detectarla a kilómetros de distancia y no quieren tener nada que ver con ésta."

:monomeon: resetera
:puke: progres y SJWs