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Exterminio de Plagas, Coronavirus: La pandemia del COVID-19

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Autoridades sanitarias de EEUU confirman cinco casos de coronavirus

Por Francisca Plaza | 26 Visitas

Crédito: AFP

Estados Unidos registra cinco casos confirmados de coronavirus, informaron este domingo los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).

“Creemos que hay más casos”, indicó Nacy Messonnier, responsable de enfermedades respiratorias de CDC, y agregó están realizando análisis a 100 pacientes repartidos en 26 estados en busca del virus originado en la ciudad china de Wuhan.

Los cinco casos confirmados corresponden a pacientes que habían viajado a Wuhan, dijo Messonier durante una teleconferencia con periodistas.

“Cada caso que hemos tenido en Estados Unidos es de alguien que tuvo contacto directo en Wuhan”, afirmó.

Agregó que hay dos casos en California, en tanto los estados de Arizona, Illinois y Washington presentan un caso cada uno.

Mientras las autoridades chinas han lanzado una respuesta de emergencia extraordinaria, Messonier insistió en que el riesgo sanitario es bajo “en este momento” para los estadounidenses.

En Canadá, en tanto, un viajero que estuvo en Wuhan fue diagnosticado con el primer caso sospechoso de coronavirus, según un alto funcionario de Salud.


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Breaking news: China will admit coronavirus coming from its P4 lab
The Chinese Communist Party will finally admit that the real source of the coronavirus is from “a lab in Wuhan” linked to its covert biological weapon programs.


As the “novel” coronavirus originated in Wuhan is spreading to ten countries, more and more people including international bio-weapon experts are questioning its link to the Wuhan P4 lab located about 20 miles from a seafood market where the first few cases of human infections were found.


A reliable source told Miles Guo today that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will admit to the public of an “accidental” leak of lab-created virus from a P4 lab in Wuhan to put blames on “human errors”. But the official announcement is still being finalized.

Initially, the Chinese communist’s propaganda machines were blaming the virus on wild animals like bats by showing many videos of people eating bats.

(Please click here to view the bat-eating images which are too disturbing to be shown here. )


In January 2018, a bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory was built in the city of Wuhan, which focuses on the control of emerging diseases and stores purified SARS and other types of viruses. It is supposed to act as a WHO ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world.


Here is a Chinese video of the P4 lab which took over ten years to build:

The remaining question is whether the Chinese Communist Party leaked the virus on purpose as a desperate attempt to stay in power. There is no final conclusion yet, but the Chinese Communist Party acted suspiciously before, during and after the first case of Wuhan pneumonia:

  • Wang Qishan visited Wuhan secretly during the time of the first “sign” of the deadly virus.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats like Han Zheng did not respond to any early reports of the mysterious Wuhan pneumonia sent by the government of Hubei province.
  • The Chinese government deliberately covered up and delayed the reporting and containment of the mysterious pneumonia.
  • The Chinese kleptocrat Wang Qishan, the Vice President of China, told his friend confidently that the outbreak would end in February while the epidemic is spreading out of control.
  • The Chinese government deliberately abandone the residents, patients and medical staff at the epicenter without providing food, medical supplies or protective gear.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats handle the outbreak with a nonchalant attitude. Instead of talking or acting in ways to show concerns, they were celebrating Chinese New Year as if nothing has happened.
  • The Chinese government has not done a lot to reduce the spread of the disease except for sending military forces to prevent people from escaping their cities or villages on lockdown.
  • The Chinese government allows the fear to spread nationally and internationally to create an almost doomsday-like scene.
  • The Chinese government rejected aid, monitoring, donation or assistance from the WHO to keep the epidemic in a black box.
Please watch the following videos for Mr. Guo Wengui’s analysis of the communist party’s evil plot:

Breaking news: China will admit coronavirus coming from its P4 lab
The Chinese Communist Party will finally admit that the real source of the coronavirus is from “a lab in Wuhan” linked to its covert biological weapon programs.


As the “novel” coronavirus originated in Wuhan is spreading to ten countries, more and more people including international bio-weapon experts are questioning its link to the Wuhan P4 lab located about 20 miles from a seafood market where the first few cases of human infections were found.


A reliable source told Miles Guo today that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will admit to the public of an “accidental” leak of lab-created virus from a P4 lab in Wuhan to put blames on “human errors”. But the official announcement is still being finalized.

Initially, the Chinese communist’s propaganda machines were blaming the virus on wild animals like bats by showing many videos of people eating bats.

(Please click here to view the bat-eating images which are too disturbing to be shown here. )


In January 2018, a bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory was built in the city of Wuhan, which focuses on the control of emerging diseases and stores purified SARS and other types of viruses. It is supposed to act as a WHO ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world.


Here is a Chinese video of the P4 lab which took over ten years to build:

The remaining question is whether the Chinese Communist Party leaked the virus on purpose as a desperate attempt to stay in power. There is no final conclusion yet, but the Chinese Communist Party acted suspiciously before, during and after the first case of Wuhan pneumonia:

  • Wang Qishan visited Wuhan secretly during the time of the first “sign” of the deadly virus.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats like Han Zheng did not respond to any early reports of the mysterious Wuhan pneumonia sent by the government of Hubei province.
  • The Chinese government deliberately covered up and delayed the reporting and containment of the mysterious pneumonia.
  • The Chinese kleptocrat Wang Qishan, the Vice President of China, told his friend confidently that the outbreak would end in February while the epidemic is spreading out of control.
  • The Chinese government deliberately abandone the residents, patients and medical staff at the epicenter without providing food, medical supplies or protective gear.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats handle the outbreak with a nonchalant attitude. Instead of talking or acting in ways to show concerns, they were celebrating Chinese New Year as if nothing has happened.
  • The Chinese government has not done a lot to reduce the spread of the disease except for sending military forces to prevent people from escaping their cities or villages on lockdown.
  • The Chinese government allows the fear to spread nationally and internationally to create an almost doomsday-like scene.
  • The Chinese government rejected aid, monitoring, donation or assistance from the WHO to keep the epidemic in a black box.
Please watch the following videos for Mr. Guo Wengui’s analysis of the communist party’s evil plot:

Fakenews por doquier, los chinos en su puta vida admitirán eso.
Puta, hay varias weas que se están pasando por alto. Primero, que sin ser epidemiologo y viendo el mapa de propagación del virus, es mas virulento que lo que decian al ppio. De hecho ya lo asumieron los chinos.
Aca el problema no es que mate, es que infecta rapidamente a los individuos dentro de su periodo de incubacion, desde el primer dia al que estas expuesto al virus ya lo diseminas y de una forma al parecer tremendamente efectiva. Mas encima la wea muta y con mejores factores de virulencia.

Nunca pasará una wea onda pelicula “contagio”, pero hay que ver los costos sociales, económicos, de salud y de todos los niveles que habrían en caso de que se volviera una wea incontrolable a nivel mundial. Esperemos que no, pero de acá a diez diaz sabremos que tan cagados estamos.

Edit: los científicos ya decodificaron el genoma en un esfuerzo mundial, pero no tienen certeza de desarrollar una vacuna prontamente. Creo que estafos unidos sera un buen ejemplo de como se propaga la wea. Si ven la página que postearon atras para ver los casos, los primeros enfermos se encuentran en sectores cercanos a la costa y a aeropuertos (izquierda y derecha), asumiendo que estos weones ya venían infectados de china, el contacto que tuvieron con todas las personas de esos lugares el día que arribaron a USA aumenta la probabilidad contados diez a 14 días desde que llegaron a usa por el periodo de incubación. Veremos como se desarrolla la noticia
Última edición:
O los medios están exagerando todo por meter pánico y vender vacunas. O los chinos están mintiendo descaradamente en el número de afectados. Ya que aislar una ciudad completa por 50 weones no lo creo racional

insisto, no se trata solo de la cantidad de muertes, si no que la razón "contagiados:muerte", además de la probabilidad de cura en una vacuna o tratamiento. Al ser una enfermedad mortal y sin vacuna o tratamiento, la cosa es grave si se les va de las manos y no son capaces de contenerla :sisi3: La capacidad de propagación es alta en los tiempos actuales. Hoy puede estar en china y en la tarde en puente alto :sisi3:

Más gente ha muerto de influenza, Sí, pero para la influenza hay tratamiento, vacunas, asdf. Además, la relación muertos:contagiados (prob de muerte) es baja. Puede que hayan muerto 1000 weones de influenza, pero los contagiados pudieron haber sido sobre los 100.000.000 de personas, la prob de mortalidad es baja :sisi3: Según la CDC, los enfermos con influenza son del orden de los 1.500.000.000 el año 2019.

Ahora hay 2118 casos confirmados, con 56 muertos = la prob de muerte des de 2.6 %
comparando con influenza, el año pasado en chile murieron 7 personas (hasta mayo), pero estamos hablamos de una enfermedad que tiene tratamiento, vacunas, campañas preventivas, tratamiento, etc.

No se discute si han muerto 56 weones, 1000 weones, estamos hablando de una enfermedad que ahora está en todo el mundo (menos áfrica y américa del sur) y que no tiene cura ni tratamiento :sisi3:
Apareció en bertabook, supuestamente lo andan dando vuelta por whatsapp y es en Santiago, Corona-Chan viene a limpiar este país.



Bonus, los soyeros en su eterno aweonamiento e ignorancia no entienden la gravedad del virus y se van a tragar enterita la bendición :lol3:

Jajajaja ctm cagamos :sisi3:
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