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Como mod temporal, vengo a aportar.. Significado de los tatuajes (ingles)


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El maricon del Torres tiene botado el foro, así que vengo a tirar para arriba este cuchitril, dicho eso.
vitrineando varios fb, pillé este y su sección con los significados de los tatuajes.. pondré ejemplos de los más "populares", el resto lo revisa acá: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.295857383902228.1073741832.226106334210667&type=3 , OJO esta en ingles.


Just as the deer has an uncanny sense of where to find the green freshness earth provides, we can ask the deer within ourselves to seek out our inner treasures. In meditation or day dream, go on a spiritual hike with the deer. See yourself walking in the woods with the deer leading you into amazing depths within your soul. Each step you and the deer take will lead you deeper into your spiritual knowing, and to limitless treasure within.

The deer (particularly the doe, females) has the capacity for infinite generosity. Their heart rhythms pulse in soft waves of kindness. Match that graciousness by offering your trust to her. She will reward you by leading you to the most powerful spiritual medicine you can fathom.

In China the deer is a symbol of happiness and good fortune. Indeed, its name in Chinese is a homonym for the word abundance.


In China, fox animal symbolism revolved around the afterlife. Lore has it that a fox sighting was thought to be a signal from the spirits of the deceased.

Fox animal symbolism takes a turn of intelligence in the Celtic realm, as the Celts believed the fox to be a guide, and was honored for its wisdom. The Celts understood the fox knows the woods intimately, and they would rely upon the fox as their guide in the spirit world.

In Japan, the fox was considered one of the rain spirits, and a messenger of Inari the rice god. Here the fox also symbolizes longevity and protection from evil.

In Native American lore, fox animal symbolism deals with two interpretations. One perspective (Northern tribes) observes the fox as a wise and noble messenger. The other (Plains tribes) views the fox as a trickster playing pranks, or worse - luring one to demise.


The key and lock was invented for one thing, to protect one’s valuables. Over many years, keys and locks have been used for a variety of different things, such as to start cars and machines. Locks have been used on doors, gates, or used with chains to imprison someone.Everyone is different when it comes to their interpretation of what is valuable. For some, it may be silver, gold, jewelry, and money. But for others, it may be their partner, children, family, or their faith. The key and lock tattoo can relate to anyone of these. For example, one may choose to get a key and lock tattoo with their child’s name within the lock. This tattoo can symbolize protection and the high value of one’s children.

Most of us have heard the old metaphor, "you own the key to my heart". One popular version of key and lock tattoos is the key and heart lock tattoo. This design includes a heart shaped keylock or padlock. The key can also have a heart shaped end also. The key and heart lock tattoo can symbolize the metaphor above. This tattoo design can symbolize the love between two people. Couples who want to symbolize their love for one another will usually get this tattoo design. One can get the key tattoo and the other can get the matching lock. If someone is still waiting for the right person to come along, they would wear the key and heart tattoo. This would represent that they are still searching for that special someone. Some locks can be portrayed piercing through the skin.


It's been said the eye is the window to the soul, which may explain why the symbolic meaning of eyes tends to be of a spiritual nature.

In Christianity the Eye of God is depicted hovering over a tent which is symbolic of the Tabernacle - the temple of the faithful. The eye here represents the omni-present spirit of God peering into the soul of the faithful - ever watchful over those who serve.

In Egypt we see the Eye of Horus (a.k.a. the eye of Ra, and also referred to as a wedjat or a udjat). In this context the eye is a symbol of protection and life. During his battle with Set, Horus' eye was ripped out and torn to pieces. Thoth, however, was able to save the eye and restored it by invoking the magic of the falcon.

In Dreaming the meaning of eyes indicates an opening into a new dimension. This is symbolic of your vision clearing and focusing in on a new direction. It may also indicate your ability to see past what is common and spiritually arrive to the point where your inner vision perceives all things in their divine glory - even the simplest of things become imbued with an exquisite quality inherent in all nature.

The symbolic meaning of eyes also carry a message of prophesy - literally seeing "a vision of the future." This translates well with ancient alchemists and astrologers speaking of eyes of the sky foretelling certain events as they chart the stars in certain patterns to ascertain various outcomes.


Bird tattoos are tied to some of the most profound meanings in the tattoo world. Since the dawn of time, and almost universally across all cultures worldwide, the bird has symbolized the human spirit or soul, and is frequently connected to the divine.

In ancient lore, birds often accompanied Heroes on their quests to defeat villains, monsters, and dragons. The bird could fly on ahead and forewarn the hero of impending danger (giving rise to the popular phrase, "a little bird told me".)

Birds are frequently associated with magic, the supernatural, or with religion. Images of birds have been found everywhere, from hovering over mummies in Egyptian crypts to adorning Arapaho Indian Ghost Dance costumes. It is no surprise that our Judeo-Christian depictions of angels and cherubs include bird-like wings. With rare exceptions, the image of the bird is a positive and uplifting symbol.

In tattoo designs, two birds are often portrayed together. Generally, one is dark, the other light (or one in color, one in black-and-white, etc.). This symbolizes the duality of nature (happiness/sadness, light/dark). Sometimes this duality is depicted with the bird and another animal, e.g. fighting a snake to represent good versus evil. Birds are often included with other tattoo images, e.g. they are often added to the branches of a Tree of Life tattoo design.


As an ancient symbolic Celtic animal, the cat represents the guardian of the Otherworld (or Underworld, depending which texts you read from various regions). Stoic, silent and mysterious, cats fit the bill of Otherworld guardians quite well. They keep the secrets of the Otherworld eternally to themselves, as they gaze with guile upon a world that does not see or understand the depth of their knowledge. However, black cats in Celtic lore were considered evil, and were sacrificed.

In Ancient Rome the cat was sacred to Diana, the moon goddess. Here the cat was also considered a guardian of homes and a symbol of domestic goodness.

In Muslim lore, the cat is honored for saving Mohammad from an attack by a fierce snake. Here it is believed the "M" marking on the forehead of many tabby cats is the mark of the prophet ("M" for Mohammad).

In Norse legend the cat is depicted drawing the chariot of their fertility goddess, Freyja, and therefore the cat is thought of as a blessing upon newborns and a good omen for those increasing their family ranks.

In ancient Egypt cats were sacred and were even depicted on the head of their lunar goddess, Bastet which was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. In her honor, cats were even mummified along with mice for them to eat.

The cat animal symbolism is about mystery. Unfortunately, its unpredictability has given the cat a bad name in some areas of folk lore, specifically witchcraft. When, in actuality, this is an asset that can be harnessed by us humans.


Tons of seafaring matey's and pirates alike have adopted the anchor as a symbol of their love for the open waters.

Ancient Egyptian art shows gender in the anchor. An anchor drawing/etching designed with a skiff or a boat as the lower half of the anchor represented "female" (the curve of woman, the crescent of moon). And, a snake composed the upper half of the anchor-art, as the erect vertical mast - this is the male factor (phallus). Together, these two design compositions symbolize creation.

In Renaissance art, anchors are often depicted with the dolphin. This is symbolic of tempering speed with resistance. In this image, the dolphin is symbolic of speed and carefree direction, while the anchor is a symbol of remaining grounded and stable. Combined, these two symbols encourage a balance between quick action and sound judgment.

Anchor tattoos were common among pirates to denote a permanent connection with the sea.

An anchor tattoo is a common sight among US military branches specializing in sea duty (Navy, Coast Guard, Marines). It identifies a man (or woman) with the sea, as well as a branch of military - and therefore labels him/her with a code of protection, honor, duty and devotion to a greater cause.

But you don't have to be in the Navy to be attracted to the anchor tattoo meaning. A love for boating, the call of the waters/oceans or perhaps a memorial to someone who held a deep affection for the seas could justify an anchor tattoo.

Symbolic anchor tattoo ideas can also share ties with Christian symbolism. Most anchors have a top-bar that looks like a cross, and therefore hearkens to the traditional Christian theme of salvation and sacrifice. This was particularly useful during dicey times when abiding by Christian faith was risky business. In these times, an anchor was used as a symbol instead of the cross to identify oneself as a Christian in a secretive way.


In the height of their time, roses and rose petals were strewn across the bodies and/or grave sites of soldiers. Red roses were used to symbolize blood shed for the Roman Empire. Red is associated with Mars, the god of war. It's also associated with Venus, goddess of love. The intoxicating scent of roses lifted through the air, and carried the spirits of fallen heroes into the loving arms of Venus with Mars looking on with fierce pride.

The rose is associated with heavy-hitters in Greek myth like Aphrodite (lovely love goddess), Hecate (the insanely powerful dominatrix of the intangibles), Dionysus (that affectionate hedonistic party animal). We see themes of eroticism, mystery and sensuality in these Greek gods who partake of the velvet realms of the rose. I'm particularly intrigued by the rose's association with the classic Greek Muses, especially Erato who was a heart-stopping beauty. She was gifted with spectacular creativity too. Roses are symbolic of her ability to pierce the heart of man with her intoxicating song and beauty. And so, your rose tattoo can woo the creative, sensual muse and goddess from within.

The rose often adorns the beloved Mary in Christian art as a symbol of purity, innocence, beauty, sacrifice and perfection. From fragrance to visage - the rose is a fitting brand for the blessed Mary. The "Rose of Sharon" is symbolic of the Church. Colors also play a part in rose meanings in Christian thought. White roses are symbolic of purification. Red roses serve as a memorial to the blood of the slain Christ. If you have aims to express your faith in deeply symbolic ways, then a rose tattoo may be for you.


Sacred geometry refers to patterns and designs that are found throughout nature. These patterns reveal each form's vibrational resonances and symbolize the metaphysical idea of the part being related to the whole; you can't have one without the other. This concept of oneness and interconnectedness reminds us of our relationship to the ‘whole’, or the natural world and cosmos that surround us.

Some folks choose sacred geometry tattoos for the sheer beauty, but others are drawn to the philosophy that surrounds sacred geometry. In particular, the platonic solids have gained popularity as symbolic tattoos. Each of these three-dimensional shapes features an equiangular, equilateral polygon on each side. The cube, for instance, is made of six connected squares. The Ancient Greeks believed that five platonic solids, in particular, symbolized the elements of life:

• The tetrahedron, with triangles on all four sides, symbolizes fire.
• The cube or hexahedron, made of six squares, represents earth.
• The octahedron, built from eight triangles, refers to air.
• The dodecahedron, composed of 12 pentagons, symbolizes spirit or ether.
• The icosahedron, made of 20 triangles, refers to water.

Other individuals choose to merge sacred geometry and tattoos, believing that positioning certain shapes over a particular part of the anatomy will enhance some aspect of their health or spirituality. While the validity of this tactic is debatable, the key element here seems to be the tattoo wearer's belief. There may indeed be a psychological influence, similar to the placebo effect. On the other hand, some people say that an inked shape or figure can only affect the wearer if the ink has been blessed by a religious leader. If true, this would suggest that an external force can be harnessed by tattoo wearers.

In general, the mix of sacred geometry and tattoos probably boils down to each individual's preferences and beliefs. The universal appeal of such shapes as the platonic solids makes them a popular choice for cosmetic tattoos, health tattoos and religious tattoos.


Traditionally, skulls are used as a symbol of death and decay, and these are typically the thoughts that are evoked when we see a skull tattoo on a person’s body. However, this isn’t the only meaning of a skull tattoo. Skull tattoos are a particularly interesting tattoo design because they sometimes mean something very different than what we first assume. While many skull tattoos do, in fact, represent death and darkness like we expect them to, other less obvious and less morbid meanings of skull tattoos include protection, power, strength and overcoming obstacles. In this sense, skull tattoo meanings can represent a reminder to live life to its fullest, because death will eventually come to us all. For this reason, many people choose to get a skull tattoo to signify a change made in their life for the better.

Skull tattoos have always had a following, since the early days of sailors even, but skull tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people have embraced the symbolism of skull tattoo meanings. The first image that probably comes to mind when you imagine a skull is the skull and crossbones, which traditionally represents death or danger, or a fierce skull tat on a biker’s arm, which can be frightening. In the past, these may have been the only widely-accepted meanings of a skull tattoo.

Skull tattoo meanings can vary greatly depending on the skull tattoo design and the beliefs of the wearer’s culture or religion. In Christianity, for example, skull tattoos often symbolize eternity, or the human remains that are left behind as the soul moves on. According to those who believe in Kabbalah teachings, the skull represents rebirth, which is a reason for celebration instead of sorrow, sadness and mourning. Along the same vein, death doesn’t always signify something negative; it can instead be a positive experience and remembering those who have passed away can be uplifting. In Mexico, for example, the skull is used as a symbol of a popular festival, during which the dead are honored, revered and respected.

Other tattoo skull meanings have less religious connotations. The skull has long been a symbol of triumph and rebellion, for example, depicted most often in pirate flags flown in rebellion of governmental rule and authority. During times of war in the past, the heads or skulls of the victor’s enemies were sometimes piled up as a message to those who harbored thoughts of revenge, promising to deliver to them a fate similar to that of their fallen comrades.

Tattoos that include both a skull and a rose often denote the contrast of life and death, or beauty and decay. A symbol of duality, the skull and rose tattoo is a reminder to the wearer of the contrast of good and evil and the balance of such philosophies in life


Ship tattoos were commonly tattooed on men who commonly sailed the oceans, such as sailors. Sailors commonly sported ship tattoos, such as Navy vessels. Back then, it was common for these sailors to have their tour ship tattooed on them. Ship tattoos began to gain popularity after World War II in Western culture. Eventually, by the late 1940s, ship tattoos hit mainstream in the Americas.

Ship tattoos can mean life/road/journey (basically you sail through life, even if bad things happen), courage (like Poseidon), spirit (like a dove), honor (like an anchor), survival (on the sea/at war – like the searhose). The ship tattoos can be also related to death (just like a Grim Reaper). Vikings believed that people sail in the after-life, so a ship tattoo could be a good one to have after someone you love, dies, yet you want to remember him or her.

Some men and women believe that the ship tattoo symbolizes that in life, we go through troubled waters. Somehow and someway, we make it out to calm waters. Maybe trouble and turmoil has been a part of your life lately and you want to embark on a new journey. The ship tattoo can symbolize this. There are several metaphors that can be used in regards to the ship tattoo. Some people believe that the ship tattoo represents our journey through life. We all go through ups and downs in life, perhaps you can find meaning in the ship tattoo in this manner.


Phoenix meaning deals with rebirth, growth, life, longevity, and so many more awesome attributes.

Legends of the phoenix vary according to historical era and cultural origin, but there are common themes woven through out all the stories. The phoenix is a mythological bird that recycles its own life. When it perceives its impending death, the phoenix ignites itself into a magnificent fire. In time, it reemerges from its own ashes - reborn, renewed, and very much alive.

Greek historians said the phoenix was a resplendent bird - immensely attractive with amazing splashes of color in its flourishing plumage.

The Egyptian phoenix is described as a sun-loving bird with feathers made of gold. A little research reveals their phoenix is a cross between a falcon and a heron in their culture.

In Chinese mythology, two phoenixes together is an emblem of perfect balance. They express the philosophical ideals underlying the yin yang principle. A dynamic duo of phoenixes is a symbol of harmonic partnership, and imagery of a double phoenix was commonly given as a wedding gift as wish for good luck, and long lasting marriage.


General common sense tells us that the clock tattoo symbolizes "time." In life, we have to always be aware of the time. Numbers are also constantly involved in our life. One reason why someone would want a clock tattoo would be to symbolize a special moment in your life.

Symbolizing the passages of life, treasured moments on earth, or perhaps just a reminder that it flies.

Perhaps the most important question to ask yourself before opting for a clock tattoo, is what time will you make eternal? Safe choices include the twelfth hour which could symbolize midnight for a zombie or vampire tattoo, or the start of a new day if your tattoo is to encourage life and to project positive beginnings.

You could also ink a wedding time if you want to remember the exact moments that you exchanged vows of love with your significant other. For a tattoo that honors your children, consider tattooing the time of their live birth. For a memorial tattoo, some people may find comfort in marking the exact hour in which they lost a beloved due too illness or other tragedies.

A clock tattoo can serve as reminder to live in the present. To find the beauty in the company of our family and friends, and to be thankful for our health and abundances. Make the best use of your time here on earth. Do things that make you happy and that bring happiness and joy to those around you. Live your moments in love and grace, and have a heart filled with gratitude.

A clock tattoo is an artful and symbolic reminder that as the hands tick, you have an opportunity to make a difference. At least during that short moment in life. And that's a minute that you'll never get back. So make it count.
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