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Es Jeunesse una Estafa?

No está abierto para más respuestas.
No creo, porque de flaco no me queda mucho (no soy un morbido como tintolio eso si), no soy digno de ser Iluggminado porque no tengo estilo y me visto con ropa del lider :sm: mis tetas son mas grandes, no soy ario y mi barba es mas frondosa que la de :idolo: Vesta ¿cat'chai gaio? :gaia: :lib:

Oigan, ¿Y si photoshopeamos fotos de :idolo: Vesta Lugg inventando que va a animar un evento de Yunés en la Torre Titanium, o que auspicia Insanity Ageless o Luminesce y la viralizamos en feis? A lo mejor les llueve demanda a los faraones :)
Broderito, usted sabe si el tuja pago el permiso de circulacion de su auto de segunda mano?
Tema ql inmortal :lol2:

Como un año sin meterme acá y me cagué de la risa con los últimos acontecimientos; aún no tengo claro que weá pasó con el mapache, ese tipo si que era callampero.
Viendo en que decantó el tema, existe algo me que hace ruido y es que el usuario @alefoto es igual o más callampero que los cremitas. Pendejo culiao insufrible y falto de atención weón oh! Chispin culiao alumbrado.

PD: la mina del vianesa cuántos años tiene? :ear:

El video



Si wn ohhhhhhh!! En primer lugar pagaste el permiso de circulacion??? Lo otro... que haces en Chile si por 150 lucas estarias en el magno evento del mundo mundial en Brasil... no sera que no te alcanzaron las lucas pa ir o esta tan penca tu red que no calificaste??
Oye chanta, sinverguenza, narcisista, charlatan, arribista , flaitongo... yo creo que estai pa la escoba con la red.. ahora que el ageless vale $200 como lo vas a hacer para remotivar a tu red con un producto tan penca como una energética? ?
hola cabros como estan alguien me puedes decir que chucha es esta wea porfa.

sergio favor si nadie de aca se pronuncia explicanos cual es tu nuevo plan para seguir metiendo el pico en el ojo pelao conche tu madre.

Sergio Carvallo
Ayer a las 18:18

Feliz de haber podido compartir escenario,con actores de renombre en Sao Paulo, Líderes con Excelentes Rangos y Cheque y por sobre todo recibir el calor humano de la gente que asistió al Estadio.

Hoy me toco representarlos a todos Uds, el Equipo mejor del Mundo de Jeunesse, siéntanse parte, de toda esta alegria, que se sigue viviendo en este Estadio!

Próximos eventos estoy seguro, muchos de Uds le tocara estar en el escenario, compartiendo sus experiencias, vivencias e historias de vida gracias al mercadeo de red y Jeunesse Global!

Hoy ya muchos dieron el Gran Paso de ser Founder, cárguense de energía para compartir Jeunesse con todo el Mundo, tenemos una tremenda responsabilidad para tantas personas que lo único que quieren, es una Oportunidad y tenemos en nuestras manos a Jeunesse, la mejor cía de Mercadeo de Red del Mundo!

Quedan aun cupos Founder en cada país, coméntenle a sus amigos, que ellos que no conocen Jeunesse, pueden ser accionistas también de esta cía y compartir con Uds el sueño de trabajar juntos y poder ayudar a miles de personas que vendrán!

Saludos y Exito a Todos!

Sergio Carvallo
29 de marzo a las 0:32

**Team( etiquetar todo su equipo mas abajo en comentarios)

Ya no quedan nada...solo 4 días mas y se puede volver a tener la posibilidad exclusiva de tener un % del 2% Mundial de Todas las Ventas de Jeunesse...una empresa hoy que factura sobre 1.2 billones de dólares y que solo este 2016 espera superar los 2.5 billones!

Mientras Mas venda Jeunesse ==> Mas crece ese 2% ==> Mas Grandes son los Retornos de todos aquellos que sean Founder( Numero de Founder es limitado y no hay mas posibilidad de serlo), solo por el hecho de haber comprado su Pack y de cumplir los otros requisitos que se necesitan para cobrar ( 5 hijos directos consumiendo mes a mes y tu equipo grupal crezca mas, ganas mas)

Les comparto adicionalmente, el detalle que traerá cada Pack Founder y Upgrade a Founder, por pais, en términos:

1) Costo en USD ( A eso debe sumarse el IVA en cada país + Flete)
2) CV que aporta cada Pack al er comprado
3) Commission en USD = First Order Bonus
4) Rango Zafiro ( Inscripción Founder 180 días, Upgrade a Founder 90 días)
5) Ptos de Viaje
6) % de Bonificación extra de Ptos de Viaje

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
4 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
3 boxes RESERVE™ gel packs
2 boxes Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
3 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
3 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
3 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
3 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
3 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
6 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
6 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
6 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
6 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
5 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
5 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
5 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
4 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
3tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
4 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
4 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
2 boxes RESERVE™ gel packs
2 sets AM & PM Essentials™
2 sets FINITI™
2 boxes Vidacell ®
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
2 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
2 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
2 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
1 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
2 boxes RESERVE™ gel packs
2 sets AM & PM Essentials™
2 sets FINITI™
2 boxes Vidacell ®
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
2 sets FINITI™
2 boxes Vidacell ®
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
2 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor=RS600
1 Jar Naära Beauty Drink
5 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes of Instantly Ageless™
1 box of VIDACELL®
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
1 Jar Naära Beauty Drink
3 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
3 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
3 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes of Instantly Ageless™
2 boxes of VIDACELL®
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.
Weight 7.80
Packages available while supplies last
PK# 6311

$1500- CO$ 4,050,000
750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor=CO$540,000
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
3 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
1 case Nevo mixed berry
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

$1050—CO$ 2,835,000
600 CV
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
2 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
1 case Nevo mixed berry
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
3 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
2 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
3 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
2 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
4 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
4 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
4 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
3 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum
2 bottles LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex
2 jars LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal
2 tubes LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque
2 boxes Instantly Ageless™ (vials)
1 box RESERVE™ gel packs
1 set AM & PM Essentials™
1 set FINITI™
1 box Vidacell ®
1 bottle ZEN Shape™
1 box ZEN Fit™ watermelon
1 box ZEN Fit™ fruit punch
1 box ZEN Pro™ vanilla bliss
1 box ZEN Pro™ chocolate dream
(ZENbodi™ pill box, tape measure, shaker bottle, and program booklet included)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
6 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
6 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
6 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
6 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
5 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
5 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
5 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
4 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
3tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
4 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

750 CV
$200 First Order Bonus to sponsor
5 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
4 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
4 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
4 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
4 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
3 boxes RESERVE™ gel packs
3 boxes Vidacell ®
Sapphire for 180 days.
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Founders package
Receive double travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until A May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

600 CV
3 bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum,
3 bottles of LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex,
3 jars of LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser,
3 tubes of LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal,
2 tubes of LUMINESCE™ ultimate lifting masque.
3 boxes of Instantly Ageless™(vials)
2 boxes RESERVE™ gel packs
2 boxes Vidacell ®
50 travel points to sponsor
After the purchase of at least 1 Upgrade to Founders package
Receive 40% of travel points on all new personally sponsored distributors until May 15th, 2016 at 11:59PM, EST.

Saludos y Exitos a Todos!

Sergio Carvallo
Ayer a las 0:15 · São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Feliz es poco....

Compartir con amigos, socios de negocios que viajaron desde muy lejos, para estar en la previa: Una Cena de Gala Pioneer que Jeunesse hoy se lucio con todas sus letras!

Desde poder compartir con Wendy Lewis, Scott Lewis, que incluso se acerco a nuestra mesa a saludarnos de forma espontánea y agradecer el trabajo venimos haciendo como equipo, los doctores Amzallag, Nathan Newman y la doctora Donna Antarr, corporativos de lujo como Miguel Beas, Vice Presidente de Latinoamérica que siempre tiene una palabra cálida de ayuda y preocupación por uno, la mismísima Kathy Padilla un amor de persona, muy atenta y servicial, Ruben de Marketing, Rodrigo de Operaciones y todo el Staff Local de Jeunesse Brasil encabezado por su Gerente General!

Show en Vivo, Cena Impecable, alcohol No Limits y Bebidas, atención de garzones muy amables que te hacían sentir como en tu casa!

Feliz de ver dia a dia, el Crecimiento de Jeunesse, nuestra cía, que queremos, amamos y que hoy no solo es una cía de un Billón de Dólares, sino de un Billón de preocupación de detalles que te dan confianza de trabajar mas solido, con mas fuerza y de luego llegar a cada uno de nuestros países a recomendarla sin miedo, sin vergüenza, como decía Eric Worre, cuando eres capaz que tu equipo trabaje sin Miedo - Fear Less , es ahí que generas redes de miles de personas y líderes de cambio!

Hoy fue solo la previa de lo que será mañana, la Mayor Fiesta de Emprendimiento, el Mayor Evento que Jeunesse haya hecho en la Historia en America y la apertura de sin lugar a duda, de un Gigante, que es Brasil, que de seguro será dentro de los 2 países mas Grandes para Jeunesse en Todo el Mundo!

Y lo mejor de todo, esta abierta la puerta para que muchos se hagan accionista del 2% de las ventas de la cía, al adquirir su Pack Founder o hacer el Upgrade, ademas de recibir productos exclusivos y de lujo comp son loa de Jeunesse y tener beneficios extras que te hacen tener la Convención de Orlando + Estadía + Crucero en tu bolsillo, por los % de ptos de viaje extra que entregan al incorporar nuevos socios y consumidores de los productos de Jeunesse!

Saludos y Exito a Todos, que hoy Sábado 2 de Abril del 2016, será Epico, único y uno de los días mas recordados en la Historia de Jeunesse en Latinoamérica...el dia que comenzó la Legión de FOUNDERS!

Puta que son chantas estos culiaos :lol2: . Llevan días diciendo que son repocos cupos para ser "fundador". Me parece que hasta decían que iban a hacer juntas y asados para esperar las 12 y hacer todo rápido, porque había mucha gente interesada pero pocos cupos y se podía perder la oportunidad más grande de la historia del universo. Y resulta que aún hay cupos :risas:
Uta que me he reido con los tujas de Jeunesse. Hasta los wetas de Herbalife o de Omnilite parecen chicos buenos al lado de estos pastelazos xD

Pero el video motivacional del director rubi, y lo de hacer lo contrario, explote de risa xD. Ahora vamos a ver el del Brazuca xD
No está abierto para más respuestas.