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Gran Parada Militar 2022


La sufre el 38%... El ejército de apruebonados.
En ningún momento mencioné a la derecha tonto weon. Incluso la derecha también es parte del problema con el nefasto Chilevamos.

Aquí el principal problema con los comunistas y el Frente Amplio es que son una minoría que producen mucho ruido y lleva al 38% a las calles, pero eso no significa que el resto de los chilenos están con ellos.

El voto obligatorio demostró que el chileno promedio no está con la voz popular que vocifera la izquierda como la plurinacionalidad, escaños reservados, cuotas de género, etc.

ese es el problema de los fachos qlios no asumidos , no venn el problema que estan generando , ese 38% corresponde solo a la izquierda mas radical coreana tipo artes y meo y es un voto fijo para el zurderio y a que me refiero con fijo .. me refiero a que es un voto dispuesto abrazar un modelo norcoreano solo por ideologías y lo que es peor y a diferencia de la wea del rechazo que conto con la ayuda de la constituyente y sus payasos , no requiere mucho para enamorar al centro , que históricamente prefiere a los socialistas o frenteamplista . Lo que a su vez explica el 55% de wns que voto por boric en vez de kast .

por ello el problema no solo son los comunistas , el problema son los extremos incluidos los patriotas y republicanos, que cada vez que se opongan a algun cambio(cambios que hay que hacer, te guste o no ) van alimentar el discurzo de la lucha de clase y van enamorar una vez mas al centro con sus cantos, e illapus de turno y ahora con la justificacion que la derecha miente para proteger sus intereses .

la otra vez escuche en el anfiteatro de la chile unos wns que decian que las ideas refunndacionistas son la unica solucion a un modelo que no avanza y que esta estancado desde el gobierno de frei y que es imposible hacerle cambios, ya que siempre que se da la instancia y se confia en los politicos se los cagan por lo que es cosa de tiempo para que el "pueblo " entienda que el modelo actual no los beneficia ahora ni nunca y que solo viven en un sistema de casta como la india ..
..... por ello el problema no solo son los comunistas , el problema son los extremos incluidos los patriotas y republicanos, que cada vez que se opongan a algun cambio(cambios que hay que hacer, te guste o no ) van alimentar el discurzo de la lucha de clase y van enamorar una vez mas al centro con sus cantos, e illapus de turno y ahora con la justificacion que la derecha miente para proteger sus intereses .
Leí hasta "discurzo". No puedo tomar en serio a alguien que escribe con faltas de ortografía y que no pone las tildes donde se debe, eso demuestra poca seriedad.

General Cristian Vial:

Master’s degree of Strategic Studies, Strategic Planning and Management, and International Relations.
Complementary Education in the United States at different times:
- Advanced English Course at Defense Language Institute in San Antonio Texas.
- Aviation Captains Career Course (Operational planning) at Fort Rucker, Army Aviation Center of Excellence, Alabama in 2002.
- Master of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College in 2011 to 2012
Highly qualified and experienced in leadership and management of organizations and personnel. Experience acquired through the years after having led units and educational institutes at different levels. In addition, taught as a professor at the US Army War College (USAWC) and led as a Director of the Multicultural Leadership Program from 2017 until 2019.
Currently, holds the position of Commander of the Division of Personnel in the Chilean Army.
Other fields of expertise are the educational at both technical and professional levels, as well as in aviation training and teaching, gained through the time performing as a flight instructor and leading from positions such as Helicopter Battalion Commander, as Director of the Army Aviation School and as Director of the Chilean Army School of Services.
Besides, participated in two United Nations Peace Keeping Missions, in East Timor and Haiti, in 2001 and 2004 respectively, as a pilot and unit commander performing humanitarian relief missions mostly. A diploma and a Mastery awarded in this regard.
Expert in processes optimisation, particularly related to leadership, management, teaching and aviation with emphasis in organisational issues, critical and system thinking, conflicts solving, crisis management, negotiation and innovation.
Publications about strategic studies field.
Interested also in high performance sports management backed up with a prone to sporting life.

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el weon que estaba frente al general con suerte aprobó cuarto medio :lol2:

-" Y buena onda mi amor, que al fin vaya a conocer a tu viejo Que amable en invitarme. Y su apellido me suena... Vial no? Y a que se dedica me decis?
-" es militar"

Ah bueeeh...
Post automatically merged:

Alto Currículum tiene el hombre. :naster:
General Cristian Vial:

Master’s degree of Strategic Studies, Strategic Planning and Management, and International Relations.
Complementary Education in the United States at different times:
- Advanced English Course at Defense Language Institute in San Antonio Texas.
- Aviation Captains Career Course (Operational planning) at Fort Rucker, Army Aviation Center of Excellence, Alabama in 2002.
- Master of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College in 2011 to 2012
Highly qualified and experienced in leadership and management of organizations and personnel. Experience acquired through the years after having led units and educational institutes at different levels. In addition, taught as a professor at the US Army War College (USAWC) and led as a Director of the Multicultural Leadership Program from 2017 until 2019.
Currently, holds the position of Commander of the Division of Personnel in the Chilean Army.
Other fields of expertise are the educational at both technical and professional levels, as well as in aviation training and teaching, gained through the time performing as a flight instructor and leading from positions such as Helicopter Battalion Commander, as Director of the Army Aviation School and as Director of the Chilean Army School of Services.
Besides, participated in two United Nations Peace Keeping Missions, in East Timor and Haiti, in 2001 and 2004 respectively, as a pilot and unit commander performing humanitarian relief missions mostly. A diploma and a Mastery awarded in this regard.
Expert in processes optimisation, particularly related to leadership, management, teaching and aviation with emphasis in organisational issues, critical and system thinking, conflicts solving, crisis management, negotiation and innovation.
Publications about strategic studies field.
Interested also in high performance sports management backed up with a prone to sporting life.

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el merluzo es una bacteria al lado del general Vial.
General Cristian Vial:

Master’s degree of Strategic Studies, Strategic Planning and Management, and International Relations.
Complementary Education in the United States at different times:
- Advanced English Course at Defense Language Institute in San Antonio Texas.
- Aviation Captains Career Course (Operational planning) at Fort Rucker, Army Aviation Center of Excellence, Alabama in 2002.
- Master of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College in 2011 to 2012
Highly qualified and experienced in leadership and management of organizations and personnel. Experience acquired through the years after having led units and educational institutes at different levels. In addition, taught as a professor at the US Army War College (USAWC) and led as a Director of the Multicultural Leadership Program from 2017 until 2019.
Currently, holds the position of Commander of the Division of Personnel in the Chilean Army.
Other fields of expertise are the educational at both technical and professional levels, as well as in aviation training and teaching, gained through the time performing as a flight instructor and leading from positions such as Helicopter Battalion Commander, as Director of the Army Aviation School and as Director of the Chilean Army School of Services.
Besides, participated in two United Nations Peace Keeping Missions, in East Timor and Haiti, in 2001 and 2004 respectively, as a pilot and unit commander performing humanitarian relief missions mostly. A diploma and a Mastery awarded in this regard.
Expert in processes optimisation, particularly related to leadership, management, teaching and aviation with emphasis in organisational issues, critical and system thinking, conflicts solving, crisis management, negotiation and innovation.
Publications about strategic studies field.
Interested also in high performance sports management backed up with a prone to sporting life.

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Ojo , estudios de verdad . No como el esperpento de la loncon . :jajahisteria::jajahisteria::jajahisteria::jajahisteria: