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ALERTA MUNDIAL: El ejército de China inicia ejercicios militares cerca de Taiwán, incluidas las islas Kinmen y Dongyin.


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El EPL acaba de anunciar que llevará a cabo el ejercicio "Joint Sword-2024A" alrededor de Taiwán, desplegando ejército, marina, fuerza ataques de precisión contra objetivos clave, barcos y aviones realizaron patrullas cerca de Taiwán, integrando acciones dentro y más allá de la cadena de islas para probar las capacidades operativas conjuntas de combate de las fuerzas del teatro aéreo y fuerza de cohetes. Los detalles del ejercicio incluyen: patrullas conjuntas de combate marítimo y aéreo, toma conjunta del control integral del campo de batalla
Aunque este ejercicio no es realmente una sorpresa, el EPL probablemente esperó hasta que la mayor parte de la delegación extranjera que vino para la toma de posesión de ChingteLai partiera de Taipei para realizar este ejercicio.


China announces ‘punishment’ drills around Taiwan after inauguration of new president​

Taiwan’s military said its forces were on alert and it was confident it could protect the island in response to the actions of the PLA

Helen Davidson in Taipei
Thu 23 May 2024 03.58 BST

China has announced the immediate start of two days of military drills surrounding Taiwan, as “punishment” for what it called the “separatist acts” of holding an election and inaugurating a new president.
In response, Taiwan said sea, air and ground forces had been put on alert, and accused China of “irrational provocation and disruption of regional peace and stability”.

The drills are the first substantive response from China to the inauguration of Lai Ching-te as Taiwan’s fifth president on Monday, after winning the democratic election in January. Both Lai and his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen are from the pro-sovereignty Democratic Progressive party (DPP), which Beijing considers to be separatists.
Chinese state media reported on Thursday morning that the drills, code-named Joint Sword-2024A, would involve units from the army, navy, air force and rocket force, operating in the Taiwan Strait, to the north, south and east of the main island. Units will also operate around the islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin, which are all close to the Chinese mainland.

Analysts said the name of the exercise, suffixed “2024A” suggested more drills targeting Taiwan could be expected this year.
Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te delivers a speech during his inauguration ceremony in Taipei, Taiwan. On Tuesday China responded to the speech, warning of undefined reprisals
A spokesperson for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Li Xi, said the drills would “serve as a strong punishment for the separatist acts of ‘Taiwan independence’ forces and a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces”, state media agency Xinhua reported.
“The current military exercise not only does not help peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but also highlights the hegemonic nature of the [Chinese Communist party],” Taiwan’s ministry of defence said.
Beijing claims Taiwan is a province of China, and has vowed to annex it, by force if necessary. Taiwan’s government and people overwhelmingly reject the prospect of CCP rule, and Taiwan’s leaders have vowed to increase deterrence measures and boost defences, while urging China to cease its threats and return to dialogue.
In recent years, China has heightened its pressure on Taiwan, with increased air force incursions into its air defence identification zone, economic coercion, and cognitive warfare, designed to convince Taiwan to accept a Chinese takeover without war.

Maps of the drill areas published on Thursday morning showed the drills operating in similar areas as in 2022, when China surrounded Taiwan with live-fire exercises in response to a visit to Taipei by the then US House speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, analysts noted the new addition of Taiwan’s offshore islands, suggesting the PLA was practising new strategies.
This year Kinmen and Matsu, islands close to the Chinese mainland, have been increasingly targeted by Chinese Coast Guard patrols.
After a fatal collision between an illegal Chinese fishing boat and a Taiwanese Coast Guard vessel near Kinmen in February, China responded with increased patrols and an explicit rejection of maritime borders which they had until then tacitly respected. Patrols through Kinmen’s restricted waters have since become more consistent, in what some analysts say is China’s strategy of shrinking Taiwan’s territorial space and normalising incursions.
The coast guard also appeared to be involved in drills on Thursday, with the Fujian branch announcing it was running law enforcement drills in the same areas.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, said on Thursday his government would contact Beijing to “directly and clearly” communicate to Beijing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
Japan has a strong relationship with Taiwan and is a close ally of the US. It has grown more vocal in its concerns about China’s actions in the Taiwan Strait, in part because of Japanese territory that is close to Taiwan. During the Pelosi drills, Tokyo lodged strong complaints with Beijing over the firing of PLA missiles across the island of Taiwan and into Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

Última edición:
"Independencia de Taiwán" ¡El Comando del Teatro del Este lanzó un cartel combinado titulado 'Cross Sea Killer'!¡La espada apunta a la "independencia de Taiwán"!



Taiwán envía fuerzas a áreas alrededor de la isla después de que China inicia ejercicios de "castigo"

Rusia anuncio estos días expansión o ensanchamiento de su territorio en Kaliningrado (pasenadose a Finlandia y Lituania por la raja) falta puro que Maduro invada Guyana y se enciende la mecha de la 3ra guerra en breve


El EPL acaba de anunciar que llevará a cabo el ejercicio "Joint Sword-2024A" alrededor de Taiwán, desplegando ejército, marina, fuerza ataques de precisión contra objetivos clave, barcos y aviones realizaron patrullas cerca de Taiwán, integrando acciones dentro y más allá de la cadena de islas para probar las capacidades operativas conjuntas de combate de las fuerzas del teatro aéreo y fuerza de cohetes. Los detalles del ejercicio incluyen: patrullas conjuntas de combate marítimo y aéreo, toma conjunta del control integral del campo de batalla
Aunque este ejercicio no es realmente una sorpresa, el EPL probablemente esperó hasta que la mayor parte de la delegación extranjera que vino para la toma de posesión de ChingteLai partiera de Taipei para realizar este ejercicio.


China announces ‘punishment’ drills around Taiwan after inauguration of new president​

Taiwan’s military said its forces were on alert and it was confident it could protect the island in response to the actions of the PLA

Helen Davidson in Taipei
Thu 23 May 2024 03.58 BST

China has announced the immediate start of two days of military drills surrounding Taiwan, as “punishment” for what it called the “separatist acts” of holding an election and inaugurating a new president.
In response, Taiwan said sea, air and ground forces had been put on alert, and accused China of “irrational provocation and disruption of regional peace and stability”.

The drills are the first substantive response from China to the inauguration of Lai Ching-te as Taiwan’s fifth president on Monday, after winning the democratic election in January. Both Lai and his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen are from the pro-sovereignty Democratic Progressive party (DPP), which Beijing considers to be separatists.
Chinese state media reported on Thursday morning that the drills, code-named Joint Sword-2024A, would involve units from the army, navy, air force and rocket force, operating in the Taiwan Strait, to the north, south and east of the main island. Units will also operate around the islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin, which are all close to the Chinese mainland.

Analysts said the name of the exercise, suffixed “2024A” suggested more drills targeting Taiwan could be expected this year.
Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te delivers a speech during his inauguration ceremony in Taipei, Taiwan. On Tuesday China responded to the speech, warning of undefined reprisals's President Lai Ching-te delivers a speech during his inauguration ceremony in Taipei, Taiwan. On Tuesday China responded to the speech, warning of undefined reprisals
A spokesperson for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Li Xi, said the drills would “serve as a strong punishment for the separatist acts of ‘Taiwan independence’ forces and a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces”, state media agency Xinhua reported.
“The current military exercise not only does not help peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but also highlights the hegemonic nature of the [Chinese Communist party],” Taiwan’s ministry of defence said.
Beijing claims Taiwan is a province of China, and has vowed to annex it, by force if necessary. Taiwan’s government and people overwhelmingly reject the prospect of CCP rule, and Taiwan’s leaders have vowed to increase deterrence measures and boost defences, while urging China to cease its threats and return to dialogue.
In recent years, China has heightened its pressure on Taiwan, with increased air force incursions into its air defence identification zone, economic coercion, and cognitive warfare, designed to convince Taiwan to accept a Chinese takeover without war.

Maps of the drill areas published on Thursday morning showed the drills operating in similar areas as in 2022, when China surrounded Taiwan with live-fire exercises in response to a visit to Taipei by the then US House speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, analysts noted the new addition of Taiwan’s offshore islands, suggesting the PLA was practising new strategies.
This year Kinmen and Matsu, islands close to the Chinese mainland, have been increasingly targeted by Chinese Coast Guard patrols.
After a fatal collision between an illegal Chinese fishing boat and a Taiwanese Coast Guard vessel near Kinmen in February, China responded with increased patrols and an explicit rejection of maritime borders which they had until then tacitly respected. Patrols through Kinmen’s restricted waters have since become more consistent, in what some analysts say is China’s strategy of shrinking Taiwan’s territorial space and normalising incursions.
The coast guard also appeared to be involved in drills on Thursday, with the Fujian branch announcing it was running law enforcement drills in the same areas.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, said on Thursday his government would contact Beijing to “directly and clearly” communicate to Beijing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
Japan has a strong relationship with Taiwan and is a close ally of the US. It has grown more vocal in its concerns about China’s actions in the Taiwan Strait, in part because of Japanese territory that is close to Taiwan. During the Pelosi drills, Tokyo lodged strong complaints with Beijing over the firing of PLA missiles across the island of Taiwan and into Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

Pon la wea en español sopas tontas!!

Con respecto al tema.... Meh
Junten tarjetas gráficas que se van a ir a las nubes de nuevo.....

ASML and TSMC can disable chip machines if China invades Taiwan

Post automatically merged:

Figura 1 Ejercicio militar de 1996
Figura 2 Ejercicio militar de 2022
Figura 3 Ejercicio militar "Joint Sword" de 2024
En comparación con 2022, esta vez el área alrededor de la isla principal es 12 millas náuticas más profunda y el área de ejercicio en la parte oriental de la isla de Taiwán está más cerca de la costa de Hualien.Las islas periféricas como Kinmen y Matsu están incluidas en el área de ejercicio, y todas las islas y aguas están completamente cubiertas.




Última edición:
Que le dijo la presidenta taiwanesa a Xinjiang?
Hablando en serio.... Te mandan las gracias los taiwaneses, viejo putrefacto hijo de la mujer metralleta.
Saben que?
Los chinos están puro webiando!
Por varias razones.
1.- los británicos ni los gringos les van a aguantar weas.
2.- los japoneses tienen empresas en Taiwán. Tampoco van a quedarse haciéndoles barra a los taiwaneses.
3.- la única forma que china tiene de quedarse con la isla, es destruyendo todo. Cosa que de hacerlo pierde todo su valor tecnológico.
4.-china le teme al que dirá de nuestro excelencia, el presidente de la República Gabriel Boric Font.