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Argentina is White

Racismo sacoweas wn. Como si importara el color de la piel
Estos argentos son muy carerajas weon

Nos webean con traicionarlos, como si le debieramos algo a los muy reculiaos, en plena guerra del pacífico se trataron de meter por el sur y nos webean con traición.

Mas encima, esto ocurrió en plena dictadura de Pinochet, en cambio ellos en plena época democrática con Menem al mando, les vendieron armas por debajo a Ecuador cuando entró en guerra con Perú, siendo que los peruanos los ayudó hasta con aviones en la guerra de las malvinas, tradiores culiaos weon :lol2: y tienen el descaro de venir a wear a Chile :babeando:
ya paso la moda...aun es simpatico pero no causa tanta gracia.

y los posteos tipo taringa, neeext!
me da lo mismo si es blanca o negra.. lo importante es la mujer argentina, media feita, media narigona, pero con un buen culo y mas liberal que otras mujeres
amigo... explicare lo que encontré en :google: y que el saco wuea creador del tema no hiso..
en resumen.. lo argentinos se creen europeos y no latinos.. :cafe3:

:idolo: Chile is richer and whiter than Argentina

me dio risa esta wuea :lol2:


Per Wikipedia: In Argentina an extensive racist ideology has been built on the notion of European supremacy.[26] This ideology forwards the idea that Argentina is a country populated by European immigrants “bajados de los barcos” (straight off the boat), frequently referred to as “our grandfathers”, who founded a special type of “white” and European society that is not Latin-American.

It is a fact that 110% of Argentinians proudly claim to be of pure Italian and perhaps Spanish heritage, with no Amerindian mixture. Upon evidence that the population is, like all other Latin American populations, mestizo, and that this is nothing to be ashamed of, Argentinians will loudly proclaim “ARGENTINA IS WHITE” and will instead blame their purportedly less white neighbors (Chile, Brazil, Bolivia).
Moreover, Argentines consistently label Argentina as the “Europe” of South America, and call themselves individually “European,” despite white people in countries like the U.S. or Canada calling themselves Americans or Canadians.


“Argentina is white” comes from the /int/ernational board of 4chan, a notably inflammatory board where people from cultures all around the world can come together to argue over who’s the whitest, and who qualifies as white at all. Though officially meant for the discussion of foreign cultures, /int/ is really for closet racists to bitch about the supposed horrors of racial mixing, while guiltily fapping to Asian porn.
While the exact date of when “Argentina is white” and similar participatory trolling first began on /int/ is unknown, it can be traced back to threads throughout the history of /int/ in which Argentinians proudly proclaim their superiority to other Latin Americans by order of their whiteness.

Properly Trolling the Argies

Argentines are known to be the easiest trolls on /int/, just ahead of the French. The best, most tested routes of enraging Argentinians include posting:
-Argentina is not white or
-Islas Malvinas are the Falkland Islands
-Chile is richer and whiter than Argentina
-Bolivians are the new Argentinians
-Anything degrading Che and his poser followers

Interest in Argentina is White

The incessant buttrage of Argies on /int/ has given Argentina a special reputation as racist and uneducated, propagating a series of threads daily making various claims to the Falkland Islands or other territories/rights lost to Argentinians, but threads, catchphrases, and image macros regarding the self-proclaimed “whiteness” of Argentinians are by far the most popular. Aside from Polandball, this is perhaps the most widely known, understood, and image macro’d of the memes on /int/.

Posteaste igual que MR83 :lol2:
amigo... explicare lo que encontré en :google: y que el saco wuea creador del tema no hiso..
en resumen.. lo argentinos se creen europeos y no latinos.. :cafe3:

:idolo: Chile is richer and whiter than Argentina

me dio risa esta wuea :lol2:


Per Wikipedia: In Argentina an extensive racist ideology has been built on the notion of European supremacy.[26] This ideology forwards the idea that Argentina is a country populated by European immigrants “bajados de los barcos” (straight off the boat), frequently referred to as “our grandfathers”, who founded a special type of “white” and European society that is not Latin-American.

It is a fact that 110% of Argentinians proudly claim to be of pure Italian and perhaps Spanish heritage, with no Amerindian mixture. Upon evidence that the population is, like all other Latin American populations, mestizo, and that this is nothing to be ashamed of, Argentinians will loudly proclaim “ARGENTINA IS WHITE” and will instead blame their purportedly less white neighbors (Chile, Brazil, Bolivia).
Moreover, Argentines consistently label Argentina as the “Europe” of South America, and call themselves individually “European,” despite white people in countries like the U.S. or Canada calling themselves Americans or Canadians.


“Argentina is white” comes from the /int/ernational board of 4chan, a notably inflammatory board where people from cultures all around the world can come together to argue over who’s the whitest, and who qualifies as white at all. Though officially meant for the discussion of foreign cultures, /int/ is really for closet racists to bitch about the supposed horrors of racial mixing, while guiltily fapping to Asian porn.
While the exact date of when “Argentina is white” and similar participatory trolling first began on /int/ is unknown, it can be traced back to threads throughout the history of /int/ in which Argentinians proudly proclaim their superiority to other Latin Americans by order of their whiteness.

Properly Trolling the Argies

Argentines are known to be the easiest trolls on /int/, just ahead of the French. The best, most tested routes of enraging Argentinians include posting:
-Argentina is not white or
-Islas Malvinas are the Falkland Islands
-Chile is richer and whiter than Argentina
-Bolivians are the new Argentinians
-Anything degrading Che and his poser followers

Interest in Argentina is White

The incessant buttrage of Argies on /int/ has given Argentina a special reputation as racist and uneducated, propagating a series of threads daily making various claims to the Falkland Islands or other territories/rights lost to Argentinians, but threads, catchphrases, and image macros regarding the self-proclaimed “whiteness” of Argentinians are by far the most popular. Aside from Polandball, this is perhaps the most widely known, understood, and image macro’d of the memes on /int/.


:idolo: MR83
yo estuve ahi ese dia, que manera de tener aji en el culo con los Chilenos wn, estaban entero motivados cantando esa cancion los wns :lol2:

Igual los wns que llegaron aca eran tela. (o estaban todos chupados)

Da lo mismo, esa barra culiá de independiente nunca ha sobresalido por ser de las mejores de Argentina, antes hay muchas... la de San Lore, las de Newells, la de Central, la de Boca, la de River, la de Racing... pero independiente? pffff
Da lo mismo, esa barra culiá de independiente nunca ha sobresalido por ser de las mejores de Argentina, antes hay muchas... la de San Lore, las de Newells, la de Central, la de Boca, la de River, la de Racing... pero independiente? pffff


jajaja igual dan risa pero ya están muy repetidas, son las mismas de 4chan.
welcome to /int/


>pedir seriedad en los temas
>ib4 retard