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El mejor de todos los tiempos habla sobre los part-timers

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Hij@'e Puta

- Daniel Bryan spoke with Yahoo during his promotional tour in Asia last week. During the interview, Bryan talked about problems with WrestleMania being loaded up with part-time wrestlers.

"Some wrestlers have long careers and wrestle long into their 40s. Sometimes young wrestlers get left off cards like WrestleMania because of old guys coming back." Bryan said.

"In my opinion, if they had brought back guys like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage back when The Rock and Stone Cold were starting out, The Rock would have never become The Rock, and Stone Cold would have never become Stone Cold. Although they are bringing back part-time wrestlers like Brock Lesnar and older wrestlers, I would like to see young guys in higher positions in the card."

"Io creo que, si hubiesen traido tatas como el Hulkster o Savage cuando el pelao paranoico y el mierdoso estaban empezando a maineventear, entonces el mierdoso nunca se hubiese convertido en actor de peliculas mulas, ni Stone Cold en STONE COLD."

La pregunta acá es por qué la WWE no confía en sus nuevas estrellas para armar sus eventos y traen a los mismos de siempre? porque simplemente los weones no encantan al público lo suficiente para sostener la empresa por sí solos. Cuantos weones no quieren ver a SCSA pegar una buena Stunner en vivo, aún hoy?

Al final todo se resume en este duelo generacional:

Cambien el título, Bryan no es ni la mugre de la uña de Rocky, SCSA, HHH o el HBK.
Última edición:
pero como si Danielito lo único ke kiere es tener una lucha con brock