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El Tema de las Elecciones Presidenciales EEUU 2020 (Red necks gringos con la Trump-a larga)

Quien ganará las Presidenciales 2020 de EEUU?

  • Votantes totales
  • Encuesta cerrada .
No está abierto para más respuestas.

En la noche del Election Day fueron ingresadas 100.000 papeletas fraudulentas en el estado de Wisconsin. Biden ganó con el 100% el lote viciado.

Post automatically merged:

Detectan que el 70% de los votos emitidos en el condado de Wayne en Detroit fueron votos fantasmas. Además hay condados con más votos que votantes.

Partido Republicano: "El Presidente Trump ganó por paliza".

Los abogados de Trump repudian a Sidney Powell, otro miembro de su equipo legal, por acusaciones de fraude falsas. 22 de nov, 2020

Sidney Powell, abogada del presidente Trump, había aparecidó con Rudolph W. Giuliani y Jenna Ellis en la sede del Comité Nacional Republicano en Washington el jueves, donde fue descrita como miembro de la "fuerza de élite" del equipo legal de Trump.
Crédito...Erin Schaff / The New York Times

La campaña del presidente Trump el domingo desautorizó a Sidney Powell , uno de sus abogados, después de que ella hiciera acusaciones descabelladas de que gobernadores republicanos estaban involucrados en un plan de pagos para manipular las máquinas de votación.

La Sra. Powell, quien había aparecido con la campaña de Trump en una conferencia de prensa la semana pasada sobre sus esfuerzos por anular los resultados de las elecciones, había sido acogida por muchos de sus aliados.
La desautorización se produjo un día después de que un juez de Pensilvania destripó los argumentos que otros miembros del equipo legal de Trump habían presentado en la corte de que millones de votos en el estado debían invalidarse, lo que podría privar a un gran número de votantes. Se dijo que el presidente estaba furioso por la decisión del juez.

La extraordinaria declaración de Rudolph W. Giuliani y Jenna Ellis, dos abogados de Trump, sobre una tercera persona que había estado involucrada en sus esfuerzos, fue publicada el domingo por la noche.

"Sidney Powell está ejerciendo la abogacía por su cuenta" , decía el comunicado . “Ella no es miembro del equipo legal de Trump. Tampoco es abogada del presidente a título personal ".

Powell, que estuvo con Giuliani y Ellis en la sede del Comité Nacional Republicano el jueves, fue descrita como miembro de la "fuerza de ataque de élite" del equipo legal mientras presentaba una elaborada teoría de conspiración sobre los esfuerzos del primero. El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez, quien murió en 2013, esencialmente manipuló las elecciones en Estados Unidos utilizando máquinas de votación fabricadas por Dominion .

Apareciendo en la cadena conservadora Newsmax el sábado por la noche, Powell impulsó aún más la teoría de la conspiración, diciendo que dos importantes republicanos en Georgia, el gobernador Brian Kemp y el secretario de Estado Brad Raffensperger , estaban recibiendo sobornos como parte del plan. Dos elecciones de segunda vuelta en el estado el 5 de enero podrían determinar qué partido controla el Senado, y los republicanos están ansiosos por los esfuerzos legales de la campaña de Trump que posiblemente afecten esas elecciones, que probablemente tendrán una baja participación de votantes.

Las afirmaciones de Powell fueron ampliamente ridiculizadas, incluso por algunos aliados de Trump. Chris Christie, el ex gobernador republicano de Nueva Jersey y aliado de Trump, dijo en "This Week" de ABC que el equipo legal se había convertido en una "vergüenza nacional". La mayoría de los otros abogados del presidente se han negado a participar en sus esfuerzos por retrasar la certificación de votos en los estados alegando fraude en declaraciones públicas.

- Maggie Haberman
La campaña del presidente emitió un repudio contundente de Sidney Powell , quien había ofrecido teorías de conspiración ampliamente ridiculizadas mientras intentaba ayudar a sus infundados desafíos al conteo de votos.

Trumpeteros culiaos los agarran pa'l webeo hasta sus mismos patroncitos. muajaja, muajaja, MuajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajAAA!!!... Ctm wn! wajajajaja :risapaquete:
:risapaquete: :risapaquete: :risapaquete:
Excepto, que si se demostro. El FBI abrio una investigacion llamada en codigo "Operacion Crossfire Huricanne" (se abrio de forma oficial en Junio 31 del 2016), a la cual se le agrego la CIA y la NSA todo lo cual concluyo en el Reporte Mueller, un informe de 400 aprox paginas donde dichas organizaciones demostraron, de forma conclusiva, que si hubo intervencion Rusa en las elecciones del 2016, a favor de Donald Trump. Esto lo puede leer cualquiera, en internet, desde paginas oficiales del gobierno Estadounidense: https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf

Me cagó en trumpeta pero el informe muller no comprobó nada. Fue puro humo.
Fraude en Georgia:
- Biden ganó el 98% de un lote de papeletas ingresadas irregularmente en los sistemas de conteo.

- Manifestaciones pacíficas en Georgia a favor del segundo período de Trump.

- Orate Sanders integraría gabinete imaginario de Biden.
- Musulmana estaría a cargo de Seguridad Nacional.

Trump: "En los swing states hay más votos que votantes empadronados".
Me cagó en trumpeta pero el informe muller no comprobó nada. Fue puro humo.
El informe se hizo, a proposito, con el fin de que no se pudiera enjuiciar a Trump ni sus cercanos (por extension), despues de que se debatiera el tema en la OLC, concluyendo que buscar evidencia que pudiera enjuiciar a Trump seria contraproducente ya que un presidente es inmune a ese tipo de cargos.
El informe se hizo, a proposito, con el fin de que no se pudiera enjuiciar a Trump ni sus cercanos (por extension), despues de que se debatiera el tema en la OLC, concluyendo que buscar evidencia que pudiera enjuiciar a Trump seria contraproducente ya que un presidente es inmune a ese tipo de cargos.

Perro, la trama rusa es puro humo. Hay cero evidencia. Muéstrame una sola evidencia concreta. Digo evidencia concreta, no la paja molida de mueller.
Fraude en Georgia:
- Biden ganó el 98% de un lote de papeletas ingresadas irregularmente en los sistemas de conteo.

- Manifestaciones pacíficas en Georgia a favor del segundo período de Trump.

- Orate Sanders integraría gabinete imaginario de Biden.
- Musulmana estaría a cargo de Seguridad Nacional.

Trump: "En los swing states hay más votos que votantes empadronados".

ctm...en serio biden va a poner a una musulmana en homeland security? xD wajajajajajjajaja


y yo que queria irme a usa a celebrar los 4 de julio y correr en los black
:naster: Sera verdad??


George Soros Arrested in Philadelphia For Election Interference – Judge Orders Media Blackout
November 23, 2020 Alan Smithee News, US 0

George Soros has been arrested and is currently being held in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the Western District of Pennsylvania, Soros has been charged with a number of serious crimes relating to the US election.


The indictment lists only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the November election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, aiding and abetting, and damage to computers.
The FBI stated that the indictment will likely be updated to reflect election interference charges in relation to Dominion Voting, once the full scale of Soros’ operations has been exposed. Soros is currently being interrogated by the FBI.
It is also notable that the judge put a publication ban on Soros’ arrest, however these laws are not enforceable with non-US media.
Rebel News – a renowned alternative media outlet – previously reported on the connection between George Soros, the Tides Foundation, and Dominion Voting.
According to reporter Keean Bexte,
Dominion Voting has come under fire after their vote tabulation machines created a 6,000 vote swing in a single Michigan state county. The same machines and software were used in every single county in Georgia and in several other swing states that just sent their electoral votes to Joe Biden (for now).
Bexte has provided evidence that suggests George Soros may have had a bigger role in the US election than previously thought.

The FBI have confirmed they are aware of Soros’ operations in Canada, and have executed a search warrant on Soros’ home and offices in Toronto.
Many have speculated that globalist billionaire Soros may have rigged Canada’s recent election in JustinTrudeau’s favor after questionable voting patterns were exposed.


Me pides que demuestre la intervencion pero sin usar el documento que la contiene casi en su totalidad. Es un poco dificil asi.

El informe muller dice que una empresa rusa de comunicaciones llamad Internet research agency creó un montón de memes y con eso dieron vuelta la elección :lol2:

Dame algo más serio que esa mierda.
El informe muller dice que una empresa rusa de comunicaciones llamad Internet research agency creó un montón de memes y con eso dieron vuelta la elección :lol2:

Dame algo más serio que esa mierda.
Tambien mencionan el hackeo a la base de datos de votantes de mas de 10 estados, el hackeo de correos electronicos confidenciales, y las donaciones millonarias a la campaña de Trump (ademas de la conexion entre el gobierno ruso y el lobby del Trump) y posibles intentos de obstruccion deliberada de Trump y asociados para que esto no se supiera ¿no te parece eso serio?
Tambien mencionan el hackeo a la base de datos de votantes de mas de 10 estados, el hackeo de correos electronicos confidenciales, y las donaciones millonarias a la campaña de Trump (ademas de la conexion entre el gobierno ruso y el lobby del Trump) y posibles intentos de obstruccion deliberada de Trump y asociados para que esto no se supiera ¿no te parece eso serio?

No he leído el informe muller, pero si la entrada de wikiedia en inglés sobre el mismo, y sobre hacking, esto es lo que hay:

Hacking and release of material

Hacking and release of material

This section needs expansion.
The second method of Russian interference saw the Russian military intelligence agency GRU hacking into email accounts owned by volunteers and employees of the Clinton presidential campaign, including that of campaign chairman John Podesta, and also hacking into "the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)". As a result, the GRU obtained hundreds of thousands of hacked documents, and the GRU proceeded by arranging releases of damaging hacked material via the WikiLeaks organization and also GRU's false personas "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0".[80][81][82]

No hay hackeos de bases de datos de votantes. Solo un supuesto hackeo de DNC y la campaña de Clinton, y la subsecuente publicación de documentos en wikileaks.

Esos son los famosos emails de podesta que dieron origen al pizagate y otras historias.

La realidad es que no hay pruebas de que ese hackeo haya sido ordenado por los rusos.

Inventaron supuestas reuniones entre aliado de trump y Julián assange, que resultaron ser puro humo, nunca fueron.
No he leído el informe muller, pero si la entrada de wikiedia en inglés sobre el mismo, y sobre hacking, esto es lo que hay:

Hacking and release of material

Hacking and release of material

This section needs expansion.
The second method of Russian interference saw the Russian military intelligence agency GRU hacking into email accounts owned by volunteers and employees of the Clinton presidential campaign, including that of campaign chairman John Podesta, and also hacking into "the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)". As a result, the GRU obtained hundreds of thousands of hacked documents, and the GRU proceeded by arranging releases of damaging hacked material via the WikiLeaks organization and also GRU's false personas "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0".[80][81][82]

No hay hackeos de bases de datos de votantes. Solo un supuesto hackeo de DNC y la campaña de Clinton, y la subsecuente publicación de documentos en wikileaks.

Esos son los famosos emails de podesta que dieron origen al pizagate y otras historias.

La realidad es que no hay pruebas de que ese hackeo haya sido ordenado por los rusos.

Inventaron supuestas reuniones entre aliado de trump y Julián assange, que resultaron ser puro humo, nunca fueron.

Te sugiero leer las fuentes primarias, pero si te sirve wikipedia me resulta mas comodo citar desde alli. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections )

"A 2019 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee[152] found "an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure" by Russian intelligence in 2016.[153] The activity occurred in "all 50 states" and is thought by "many officials and experts" to have been "a trial run ... to probe American defenses and identify weaknesses in the vast back-end apparatus—voter-registration operations, state and local election databases, electronic poll books and other equipment" of state election systems.[154] The report warned that the United States "remains vulnerable" in the 2020 election.[153]

Of "particular concern" to the committee report was the Russians' hacking of three companies "that provide states with the back-end systems that have increasingly replaced the thick binders of paper used to verify voters' identities and registration status."[154]

Intrusions into state voter-registration systems
During the summer and fall of 2016, Russian hackers intruded into voter databases and software systems in 39 different states, alarming Obama administration officials to the point that they took the unprecedented step of contacting Moscow directly via the Moscow–Washington hotline and warning that the attacks risked setting off a broader conflict.[155]

As early as June 2016, the FBI sent a warning to states about "bad actors" probing state-elections systems to seek vulnerabilities.[156] In September 2016, FBI Director James Comey testified before the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI was investigating Russian hackers attempting to disrupt the 2016 election and that federal investigators had detected hacker-related activities in state voter-registration databases,[157] which independent assessments determined were soft targets for hackers.[158] Comey stated there were multiple attempts to hack voter database registrations.[156] Director of National Intelligence James Clapper attributed Russian hacking attempts to Vladimir Putin.[159]

In August 2016, the FBI issued a nationwide "flash alert" warning state election officials about hacking attempts.[158] In September 2016, U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials and the National Association of Secretaries of State announced that hackers had penetrated, or sought to penetrate, the voter-registration systems in more than 20 states over the previous few months.[157] Federal investigators attributed these attempts to Russian government-sponsored hackers,[156] and specifically to Russian intelligence agencies.[158] Four of the intrusions into voter registration databases were successful, including intrusions into the Illinois and Arizona databases.[159] Although the hackers did not appear to change or manipulate data,[157][156] Illinois officials said information on up to 200,000 registered voters was stolen.[158] The FBI and DHS increased their election-security coordination efforts with state officials as a result.[156][157] Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson reported that 18 states had requested voting-system security assistance from DHS.[156] The department also offered risk assessments to the states, but just four states expressed interest, as the election was rapidly approaching.[157] The reports of the database intrusions prompted alarm from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, who wrote to the FBI saying foreign attempts to cast doubt on free and fair elections was a danger to democracy not seen since the Cold War.[159]

On September 22, 2017, federal authorities notified the election officials of 21 states that their election systems had been targeted.[160] "In most cases, states said they were told the systems were not breached."[161] Over a year after the initial warnings, this was the first official confirmation many state governments received that their states specifically had been targeted.[162] Moreover, top elections officials of the states of Wisconsin and California have denied the federal claim. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said, "California voters can further rest assured that the California Secretary of State elections infrastructure and websites were not hacked or breached by Russian cyber actors ... Our notification from DHS last Friday was not only a year late, it also turned out to be bad information."[163]

In May 2018, the Senate Intelligence Committee released its interim report on election security.[164] The committee concluded, on a bipartisan basis, that the response of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to Russian government-sponsored efforts to undermine confidence in the U.S. voting process was "inadequate". The committee reported that the Russian government was able to penetrate election systems in at least 18, and possibly up to 21, states, and that in a smaller subset of states, infiltrators "could have altered or deleted voter registration data," although they lacked the ability to manipulate individual votes or vote tallies. The committee wrote that the infiltrators' failure to exploit vulnerabilities in election systems could have been because they "decided against taking action" or because "they were merely gathering information and testing capabilities for a future attack".[164]"

Y si, el hackeo a esos emails si vino de rusia
.la evidencia esta en el reporte Mueller.
Te sugiero leer las fuentes primarias, pero si te sirve wikipedia me resulta mas comodo citar desde alli. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections )

"A 2019 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee[152] found "an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure" by Russian intelligence in 2016.[153] The activity occurred in "all 50 states" and is thought by "many officials and experts" to have been "a trial run ... to probe American defenses and identify weaknesses in the vast back-end apparatus—voter-registration operations, state and local election databases, electronic poll books and other equipment" of state election systems.[154] The report warned that the United States "remains vulnerable" in the 2020 election.[153]

Of "particular concern" to the committee report was the Russians' hacking of three companies "that provide states with the back-end systems that have increasingly replaced the thick binders of paper used to verify voters' identities and registration status."[154]

Intrusions into state voter-registration systems
During the summer and fall of 2016, Russian hackers intruded into voter databases and software systems in 39 different states, alarming Obama administration officials to the point that they took the unprecedented step of contacting Moscow directly via the Moscow–Washington hotline and warning that the attacks risked setting off a broader conflict.[155]

As early as June 2016, the FBI sent a warning to states about "bad actors" probing state-elections systems to seek vulnerabilities.[156] In September 2016, FBI Director James Comey testified before the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI was investigating Russian hackers attempting to disrupt the 2016 election and that federal investigators had detected hacker-related activities in state voter-registration databases,[157] which independent assessments determined were soft targets for hackers.[158] Comey stated there were multiple attempts to hack voter database registrations.[156] Director of National Intelligence James Clapper attributed Russian hacking attempts to Vladimir Putin.[159]

In August 2016, the FBI issued a nationwide "flash alert" warning state election officials about hacking attempts.[158] In September 2016, U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials and the National Association of Secretaries of State announced that hackers had penetrated, or sought to penetrate, the voter-registration systems in more than 20 states over the previous few months.[157] Federal investigators attributed these attempts to Russian government-sponsored hackers,[156] and specifically to Russian intelligence agencies.[158] Four of the intrusions into voter registration databases were successful, including intrusions into the Illinois and Arizona databases.[159] Although the hackers did not appear to change or manipulate data,[157][156] Illinois officials said information on up to 200,000 registered voters was stolen.[158] The FBI and DHS increased their election-security coordination efforts with state officials as a result.[156][157] Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson reported that 18 states had requested voting-system security assistance from DHS.[156] The department also offered risk assessments to the states, but just four states expressed interest, as the election was rapidly approaching.[157] The reports of the database intrusions prompted alarm from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, who wrote to the FBI saying foreign attempts to cast doubt on free and fair elections was a danger to democracy not seen since the Cold War.[159]

On September 22, 2017, federal authorities notified the election officials of 21 states that their election systems had been targeted.[160] "In most cases, states said they were told the systems were not breached."[161] Over a year after the initial warnings, this was the first official confirmation many state governments received that their states specifically had been targeted.[162] Moreover, top elections officials of the states of Wisconsin and California have denied the federal claim. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said, "California voters can further rest assured that the California Secretary of State elections infrastructure and websites were not hacked or breached by Russian cyber actors ... Our notification from DHS last Friday was not only a year late, it also turned out to be bad information."[163]

In May 2018, the Senate Intelligence Committee released its interim report on election security.[164] The committee concluded, on a bipartisan basis, that the response of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to Russian government-sponsored efforts to undermine confidence in the U.S. voting process was "inadequate". The committee reported that the Russian government was able to penetrate election systems in at least 18, and possibly up to 21, states, and that in a smaller subset of states, infiltrators "could have altered or deleted voter registration data," although they lacked the ability to manipulate individual votes or vote tallies. The committee wrote that the infiltrators' failure to exploit vulnerabilities in election systems could have been because they "decided against taking action" or because "they were merely gathering information and testing capabilities for a future attack".[164]"

Y si, el hackeo a esos emails si vino de rusia
.la evidencia esta en el reporte Mueller.

Cambiar las IP para hacer parecer que fue Rusia es lo más sencillo que hay, por otro lado, el informe ese un chiste, dice que RT le hizo una cobertura positiva a Trump y eso influyó, como si lo que más leen los gringos fuera RT. Rusia puede haber tenido sus preferencias, así como otros países, creo que hasta Merkel dijo que prefería que ganara Hillary, pero eso no se compara con directamente cambiar votos de un candidato a otro, si es que es cierto lo que dice Trump
No está abierto para más respuestas.