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Fotos para decir Conchetumadre


La mina es libertaria, y cualquier libertario va siempre exigir que el estado no se meta en las decisiones personales de uno, este o no de acuerdo con ellas.
Incluso Miley diria lo mismo y el loco odia con el alma a los progres.

Pd. Hay que cuidar a esa mina, es la única que va quedando en los medios con una critica anti progres y pro racionalidad. Al chascon Villegas lo bajaron y no van quedando mas.




Última edición:

El coeficiente de Gini toma valores entre 0 y 1, y se determina en base a una división de factores. Mostrarlo con 2 dígitos decimales en vez de tres es obviar la sensibilidad del dato, puesto que las variaciones entre países para el cálculo de la igualdad de ingreso puede considerar diferencias de ese nivel (en el tercer decimal).

Como ejemplo:
Coeficiente Gini de Islandia: 0,241
Coeficiente Gini de Eslovaquia: 0,243
Si usáramos un gráfico como el presentado en tu cagá de post, ambos serían iguales. Y eso sí lograría hacer weona a la gente.


muerte de pinochet



Famed actor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a photo of himself sleeping on the street under his famous bronze statue, and sadly wrote “How times have changed”… The reason he wrote the phrase was not only because he was old, but because when he was governor of California he inaugurated a hotel with his statue. Hotel staff told Arnold, “at any moment you can come and have a room reserved for you.” when Arnold stepped down as governor and went to the hotel, the administration refused to give him a room arguing that he should pay for it, since they were in great demand. He brought a sleeping bag and stood underneath the statue and explained what he wanted to convey: “When I was in an important position, they always complimented me, and when I lost this position, they forgot about me and did not keep their promise. Do not trust your position or the amount of money you have, nor your power, nor your intelligence, it will not last. ” Trying to teach everyone that when you’re “Important” in the people’s eyes , everyone is your “Friend ” But once you don’t benefit their interests , you won’t matter. ” You are not always who you think you will always be, nothing lasts forever.”
:idolo: Arnold