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Harry Potter... sobre el final filtrado


Hincha Huevas
[img2]http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/3802/newsharryspoilerbj3.gif[/img2] Nos invade una onda Potter como nunca. Que el mago malo alla, que el bueno aca, que el colegio de nuevo se lo toman, que se besa con esta pero le gusta esta otra. Pero, ¿quieres... literalmente... terminar con la espera para saber como termina Harry Potter?. Si, TODO Harry Potter!.

Con ustedes, scaneos exclusivos del epilogo final del ultimo libro de Harry Potter.
No es el "evento final", o sea, como matan al malvado de Voldemort (uy, lo matan :uy:)... aunque aquello (que muere el malo) de sorpresa tiene menos que homo en el panel de SQP. Lo que tenemos aqui es mucho mejor: son las palabras y el epilogo con el cual Rowling cierra esta saga, donde queda claro en que quedo cada uno de los personajes mas iconicos en esta historia.


Imagenes del epilogo del libro original del libro en ingles; libro que recien el 21 de julio saldra a la luz en el planeta.

"Respaldo" de las imagenes:

Si no saben ingles, relajense... pronto van a aparecer traducciones del final. Lean los comentarios en esta NoNoticia para ver que dicen los fanaticos, y de paso revisar si alguien se abueno y publico alguna traduccion rapida amateur.

Aqui un breve resumen (del texto, en ingles):
"Nineteen Years Later (Epilogue)

Anything with a "(?)" behind it I wasn't sure what it read on the actual page.

Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. the morning of the first
of September was crisp and golden as an apple, and as the little
family bobbed across the rumbling road toward the great sooty station,
the fumes of the car exhaust and the breath of pedestrians sparkled
like cobwebs in the cold air. Two large cages rattled on top of the
laden trolleys the parents were pushing, the owls inside them hooted
indignantly and the redheaded girl trailed tearfully behind her
brothers, clutching her father's arm.

"It Won't be long, and you'll be going too." Harry told her.
"Two years." Sniffed Lily. "I want to go now!"

The commuters stared curiously at the owls as the family wore it's way
toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Albus's voice
drifted back to Harry over the surrounding clamor, his sons had
resumed the argument that had started in the car.

"I won't be in slytherin!"
"James, give it a rest!" said Ginny.


"I only said he might be." said James, grinning at his younger
brother. "Theres nothing wrong with that. He might be a Slyth---"
But James caught his mother's eye and fell silent.The five Potters
approached the barrier. With slightly cocky look over his shoulder at
his younger brother, James took the trolley from his mother and broke
into a run. A moment later, he had vanished.

"You'll write to me, won't you?" Albus asked his parents immediately,
capitalizing ont he momentary silence of his brother.
"Every day, if you want us to," said Ginny.
"Not every day," said Albus quickly. "James says most people only get
letter from home once a month."
"We wrote to James three times a week last year," said Ginny.
"And you don't want to believe everything he tells you about
Hogwarts," Harry put in. "He likes a laugh, your brother."

Side by side, they pushed the second trolley forward, gathering speed.
As they reached the barrier, Albus winced, but no collision came.
Instead, the family emerged on to platform nine and three-quarters,
which was obscured by thick steam that was pouring from the scarlet
Hogwarts Express. Indistinct figures were swarming through the mist,
into which James had already disappeared. "where are they?" asked
Albus anxiously, peering at the hazy forms they passed as they made
their way down the platform.
"We'll find them," Said Ginny reasurringly.
But the vapor was dense, and it was difficult to make out anybody's
faces. Detached from their owners, voices rounded unaturally loud.
Harry thought he heard Percy discouring loudly on the broomstick
regulations, and was quite glad of the excuse not to stop and say


"I think thats them Al," said Ginny suddenly. A group of four people
emerged from the mist, standing alongside the very last carriage.
Their faces only came intofocus when Harry, Ginny, Lily , and Albus
had drawn right up to them.
"Hi," said Albus, sounding immensely relieved.
Rose, who was already wearing her brand-new Hogwarts robes, beamed at him.
"parked all right, then?" Ron asked Harry, "I did, Hermione didn't
believe I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you? She thought I'd
have to Confund the examiner."
"No, I didn't," said Hermione. "I had complete faith in you."
"As a matter of fact, I did Confund him." Ron whispered to Harry, as
together they lifted Albus's trunk and owl onto the train.
"I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let's face it, I can
use a Supersensory Charm for that."

Back on the platform, they found Lily and Hugo, Rose's younger
brother, having an animated discussion about which House they would be
sorted into when they finally went to Hogwarts.
"If you're not in Gryffindor, We'll disinherit you," said Ron, "but no
Lily and Hugo laughed, but Albus and Rose looked Solemn. "He doesn't
mean it," said Hermione and Ginny, but Ron was no longer paying
attention. Catching Harry's eye, he nodded covertly to point some
fifty yards away. The steam had thinned for a moment, and three people
stood in sharp relief against the shiftingmist.
"Look who it is."
Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat
buttoned up to his throat. His hair was receding somewhat,


which emphasized the pointed chin. The new boy resembled Draco as much
as Albus resembled Harry. Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione,
and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.
"So thats little Scorpius," said Ron under his breath. "Make sure you
beat him in every test Rosie. Thank God you inherited you mother's
"Ron, for heaven's sake," said Hermione, half stern, half amused.
"Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!"
"You're right, sorry, " said Ron, but unable to help himself, he
added. "Don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Grandad
Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood."
James had reappeared, he had divested himself of his trunk, owl, and
trolley, and was evidently bursting with news.
"Teddy's back there," he said breathlessly, pointing back over his
shoulder into the billowing clouds of steam. "Just seen him! And guess
what he's doing? Snogging Victoire! Our cousin!"
He gazed up at the adults, evidently disappointed by the lack of reaction.
"Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our Cousin! And I
asked Teddy what he was doing ---"
"Your interrupted them?" said Ginny. "You are so like Ron ---" "---
and he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away.
He's snogging her!"James added as though worried he had not made
himself Clear.
"Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!" whispered Lily
ecstatically. "Teddy would really be part of the family then!"


"He already comes round for dinner about four times a week." said
Harry. "Why don't we just invite him to live with us and have(?) done
with it?"
"Yeah!" said James enthusiastically. "I don't mind sharing with Al ---
Teddy could have my room."
"No," said Harry firmly. "you and Al will share a room only when I
want the house demolished."
He checked the battered old watch that had since been Fabien(?) Prewett's.
"It's nearly eleven, you'd get on board."
"Don't forget to give Neville our love!" Ginny told James as she hugged him.
"Mum! I can't give a professor love!"
"But you know Neville---"
James rolled his eyes.
"Outside, yeah but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he?(?) I
can't walk into Herbology and give him love ..."
Shaking his head at his mother's foolishness(?), he vested(?) his
feeling by aiming a kick at Albus.
"See you later, Al. Watch out for the thestrals."
"I thought they were invisible? You said they were invisible." but
James Merely Laughed, permitted his mother to kiss him, gave his
father a fleeting hug, then leapt upon(?) the rapidly filling train.
They saw him wave, then sprint away up the corridor(?) to find his
"Thestrals are nothing to be worry about," Harry told Albus.
"They're gentle things, there's nothing scary about them. Anyways you
won't be going up to school in the carriages, you'll be going in the


Ginny kissed Albus good-bye.
"See you at Christmas."
"Bye, Al," said Harry as his son hugged him. "Don't forget Hagrid's
invited you to tea next friday. Don't mess with Peeves.Don't duel
anyone till you've learned how. And don't let james wind you up."
"What if I'm in Slytherin?"
The whisper was for his father alone, and Harry knew that only the
moment of departure could have forced Albus to reveal ho great and
sincere that fear was.

Harry crouched down so that Albus's face was slightly above his own.
Alone of Harry's three children, Albus had inherited Lily's eyes.

"Albus Severus,"Harry said quietly, so that nobody but Ginny could
hear, and she was careful enough to pretend to be waving to Rose, who
was now on the train, "you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts.
One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever
"But just say ---"
"--- That Slytherin House will have gained an excellents student,
won't it! It doesn't matter to us, Al. But if it matters to you,
you'll be able to choose Gryffendor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat
takes your choice into account."
"He did for me," said Harry.
He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the
wonder in Albus's face when he said it. But now the doors were
slamming all along the scarlet train, and the blurred outlines of the
parents were swarming forward for the final kisses, last-minute


Albus jumped into the carriage and Ginny Closed the door behind him.
Students were hanging from the windows nearest them. A great number of
faces, both on the train and off, seemed to be turned viewing(?)
"Why are they all staring?" Demanded Albus as he and Rose turned
around to look at the other students.
"Don't let it worry you," said Ron. "It's me. I'm extremely ?????????"
Albus,Rose,Hugo, and Lily laughed. The train began to move, and Harry
walked alongside it, watching his son's thin face already ablaze with
excitement. Harry kept smiling and waving, even though it was like a
little bereavement, watching his son glide away from him....
The last trace of steam evaporated in the autumn air. The train
rounded a corner. Harry's hand still raised in farewell.
"He'll be all right," murmured Ginny.
As Harry looked at her, he lowered his hand absentmindedly and touched
the lightning scar on his forehead.
"I know he will."
The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

Algo de ese texto, ahora en español (resumen ultra breve):
Para los que aun no se enteran, Ginny se convertira en el amor de su vida, formaran una linda familia y tendran 3 hijos, uno de ellos llamado james otro lily como sus padres y otro albus en honor a dumbledore.

Hermione y Ron tambien se van a casar y tambien enviaran sus hijos a hogwarts, han pasado ya 19 años despues de los sucesos en los cuales enfrentaron a lord voldemort.

Neville se convirtio en profesor de herbiologia.

La linea final del libro dice simplemente:
"La cicatriz de Harry no le ha causado dolor en estos 19 años, ya todo esta bien"

Para los menos conocedores, un video y foto del amor eterno de Harry:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s3iZFeO7Y&NR=1"]YouTube - Kiss me - Harry y Ginny[/ame]
La hermana de su amigo por siempre, Ron Wesley. "Y tu hermana!" :zippy:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows es el séptimo y último libro de la serie Harry Potter. El título del libro fue revelado en la página web oficial de su autora, J.K. Rowling, el 21 de diciembre de 2006.[2] El 1 de febrero de 2007 se anunció oficialmente que la fecha de publicación de la edición en inglés del libro siete será el 21 de julio de 2007. La fecha de publicación de la edición en español aún no ha sido anunciada por la Editorial Salamandra, aunque se confirmó que se lanzará a comienzos de 2008.

El séptimo libro es la conclusión y culminación de la saga. Tratará acerca del joven Harry y su búsqueda y destrucción de los Horrocruxes para acabar de una vez con Lord Voldemort.

El sexto libro dejó varias preguntas sin responder, y los fans quieren saber cómo acabarán los eventos en la serie, lo cual hace de este libro muy esperado. J. K. Rowling ha dicho que, más que cualquier otro libro de Harry Potter, el séptimo libro será una continuación de la historia "incompleta" del sexto libro.

Por otra parte, J. K. Rowling ha señalado que no tiene intenciones de escribir un octavo libro (secuela de los anteriores), ni una protosecuela; pero también ha dicho que es posible que escriba libros que jueguen un papel secundario o que tengan un fin caritativo, como Animales fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos o Quidditch a través de los tiempos que publicó anteriormente. J.K. Rowling empezó a escribir Harry Potter en 1990.

Fuentes extra-oficiales indicaron que se espera la llegada del libro y este epilogo a las calles de la ciudad mañana a primera ahora... a luca y a mil.
Re: El verdadero final de la saga Harry Potter (el spoiler de la decada)

:s .....
Re: El verdadero final de la saga Harry Potter (el spoiler de la decada)

ahh chucha!!!!

Nos fuimos de tarro.
Re: El verdadero final de la saga Harry Potter (el spoiler de la decada)

me metí a puro putearte maricon culiao.... cómo ponis el final asi como asi?? no pienso leerlo pero creo q minimo su spoiler cabro culiao...

esperaré el libro que sale luego...
Re: El verdadero final de la saga Harry Potter (el spoiler de la decada)

XD oe no podi andar kgandote los finales asi po.......seuro lo iba a ver pos xD
:lol: ya ai yo te cuento el de the darkness.....xD
Re: Harry Potter, el final

Personas en esta discusión: 11 (4 usuario(s) y 7 invitado(s))
nargalen, pezuniga
:wtf:.............no se suponia que estos libros eran para infantes y preadolecentes?......sera que los dinosaurios se estan extinguiendo y el target esta bajando de edad.............weno como sea igual la saga ha ido de menos a mas, habra que esperar el libro nomas aunque yo quede 2 atras.......gracias por la info............supongo
Re: Harry Potter, el final

me raje...

mi primera portada!!!!

aqui va la traduccion de la primera pagina..

"El otoño llega repentinamente ese año. la mañana del primero
de septiembre era quebradizo y de oro como una manzana, y como la pequeña
familia se meneó a través del camino del retumbo hacia la gran
estación fuliginosa,
los humos del extractor del coche y la respiración de peatones chispeó
como telarañas en el aire frío. Dos jaulas grandes confundidas encima
de las carretilla cargadas que los padres empujaban, los buhos dentro
de ellas revoloteban
indignadamente y cabezeaban a la muchacha que sollozaba detrás de sus
hermanos, agarrando el brazo de su padre.

"No será largo, y tu irás también." Harry le dijo.
"Dos años." snifeo Lily. ¡"Deseo ir ahora ! "

Los viajeros miraron fijamente y curiosamente a los buhos como la
familia lo usó de manera
hacia la barrera entre las plataformas nueve y diez.
La voz de Albus mandilada de nuevo a Harry sobre el clamor
circundante, sus hijos
habían reasumido la discusión que había comenzado en el coche.

¡"No estaré en slytherin! "
"James, le da un resto!" dijo Ginny.


"Sólo he dicho él puede ser." James dijo, haciendo muecas a su hermano
más joven. "No hay nada malo con eso. Él puede ser un Slyth---"
Solamente James cogió el ojo de su madre y se cayó silencioso.
Los cinco Potters se acercaron a la barrera. Con mirada levemente
engreída sobre su hombro en su hermano más joven, James tomó la
carretilla de su madre y se rompió
en un funcionamiento. Un momento más adelante, él había desaparecido.

"Me escribirás, verdad?" Albus preguntó a sus padres inmediatamente,
capitalizando el Ontario silencioso momento de su hermano.
"A diario, si lo deseas," dijo Ginny.
"No a diario," dijo Albus rápidamente. "James dice que la mayoría de
la gente solamente recibe cartas de su familia una vez al mes. "
"Nosotros le escribimos a James tres veces por semana el año pasado,"
dijo Ginny.
"No debes creer todo lo que él te diga sobre Hogwarts, "puesto Harry.
"Tu hermano, tiene gusto de una risa.""
Re: Harry Potter, el final

jaajaja :clapclap:
me cae como pata en la guata el harry puto potter,,,
una mierda de libro...

aguante manual de carreño :laola:
Re: Harry Potter, el final

Bueno...igual buen aporte, por lo menos tuviste la descencia de ponerlo en spoiler.

Aunque no me gusta harry potter, igual buen aporte.

Saludos ;)
Re: Harry Potter, el final

Notable!!!!!!! Harry Looser la llea, en todo caso desde la última peli y el sexto libro se entre veia que algo asi iva a pasar al final, con lo predecible que es Jk Rowling.

Que conste la ultima peli salio para mayores de 14 en gringolandea, desconozco pork en chilito es para todos.
Re: Harry Potter, el final

como siempre alguien se le cayo el cassette
en todo caso igual veo la pelicula en dvd
Re: Harry Potter, el final

ni ahi con el mamon del mago cero aporte nunca me ha gustado pero buena por postear el final
Re: Harry Potter, el final

Wena weon jajaja. No he leido ningún libro pero igual me cagué de la risa.
Re: Harry Potter, el final

:bravo: independiente del libro, todavia me asombran como hacen estas weas.... :bravo: bravo!
Re: Harry Potter, el final


les voy a cagar el final a todos los wnes fanaticos de harry potter que conosco

me van a re odiar :lol2:

se re agradece
Re: Harry Potter, el final

hace tiempo que harry potter no es a cabros chicos es cosa de ver a ultima pelicula y la censura que tuvo en todo el mundo excepto chile.

censura en el mundo segun IMDB:

Switzerland:10 (canton of Vaud) / Argentina:16 / Switzerland:10 (canton of Geneva) / Argentina:13 (re-rating on appeal) / Singapore:PG / Canada:G (Quebec) / France:U / Australia:M / Germany:12 / Sweden:11 / Brazil:Livre / Canada:PG (Alberta/British Columbia/Manitoba/Nova Scotia/Ontario) / USA:PG-13 / UK:12A / South Korea:All / Finland:K-11 / Hong Kong:IIA / Denmark:11 / South Africa:10M / Norway:11 / Netherlands:12 / Portugal:M/12 / Ireland:12A "

si te fijas en todas partes se considero una pelicula adolescente y el enfoque es cada dia mas adulto, harry potter ha ido notoriamente de menos a mas y es cada dia mejor.
Re: Harry Potter, el final

=0 jaujaujua medio owned a todos , los kagaste con el final xD

igual me imagino a la q actua como la futura esposa de harry potter cuando grande :baba: :retard:
Re: Harry Potter, el final

jajajaja, la media volaita el weon...jajaja
cara de raja.....

lamentable para los seguikdores de este mago cooliao.....
Re: Harry Potter, el final

Bueno... al menos ya se quien NO morirá en el último libro.