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Informe De Paz Global Dice Que Chile Es El País Más Pacífico De Latinoamérica

The Index is composed of 23 indicators, ranging from a nation’s level of military expenditure to its relations with neighbouring countries and the level of respect for human rights. The index has been tested against a range of potential “drivers” or determinants of peace—including levels of democracy and transparency, education and material wellbeing. The team has used the latest available figures from a wide range of respected sources, including the International Institute of Strategic Studies, The World Bank, various UN entities, Peace Institutes and the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Revisando los datos, en los que salimos peor parados es en Percepción de criminalidad en la sociedad, Acceso a armas, Demostraciones violentas (post-marchas), y capacidad militar, y otros "menos malos", Población penal, Cantidad de policia civil :wtf: , Homicidios, Crímenes violentos, Importacion de armas, y un extraño 1,5 de 5,0 en terror político.
