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Los hnos. de los Mods(Anonymous) atacan al Servicio Secreto de Israel

Corvo Acerado


Anonymous ha atacado la página web del Mossad, el servicio secreto israelí, según informó el colectivo de ´hacktivistas´ en su cuenta de Twitter.
igual se cagaron entero con los zetas los gordos granudos :lol2:
parece que ahora si tetonymous volara alto por hacer esto en contra del servicio secreto israeli :troll:

SALU2 :mosca:
Se los cagaron feo


al menos yo toco :guitarra: y mis amigos paitocos tocan charango

y voh que tocay homosexual reculiao ............. ahhh de veras .. la corneta.

es sabido por aca que eres un abogaducho mariconcillo que le gusta cagar pa´entro , entonces eso que dicen que te han visto en la esquina de orompello con bulnes es cierto .

:monomeon: hueco reconchatumadre
al menos yo toco :guitarra: y mis amigos paitocos tocan charango

y voh que tocay homosexual reculiao

No te gusta el hueveo ql :lol2:

Estimado. Yo toco Guitarra, bajo, charango y piano. No tengo un piano en la ofifina por que no cabe, pero de hecho tengo un bajo que toco cuando la pega esta muy brigida para pensar un rato.


Problem? :troll:
si fuera un JOCKEO de verdad, no saldria en los medios y se estarian chupando el loli a 2 manos...y mas que tetonimus, los JOCKERS iranies con ayuda de los rusos se los pasean como quieren.
no les gusto sembrar odio después no se quejen

Tras un ciberataque contra la página web del servicio secreto israelí, el Mossad, se han revelado los datos personales de 35.000 empleados de la organización. Anonymous informó del ataque a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

Mientras tanto el colectivo afirmó que está preparando para el próximo 7 de abril un ataque sin precedentes contra el ciberespacio israelí, con el objetivo de eliminar a este país de la Red global.

El famoso 'hacker' AnonGhost reveló este mes que “los equipos de 'hackers' han decidido unirse contra Israel como una sola entidad" y que "Israel debería prepararse para ser ‘borrado’ de Internet”.
el mensaje sobre el ataque contra Mossad lleva el hashtag #OpIsrael, iniciado por Anonymous a finales de 2012, después de que Israel comenzara a intensificar sus ataques contra Palestina.



mientras tanto un supuesto agente del Mossab a colgado una respuesta a los hackers en pastebin que de ser cierta es simplemente escalofriante
(soy peor que lucho jara para el ingles así ni cagando se los traduzco si apenas se escribir en español segun ustedes, asi que :pik1::pik2::pik3: )

As I sit here writing this up, I can look at the wide screen at no less than 13 different hackers that truly believe they are anonymous and are hacking this computer. I'm watching their programs do it's thing, It's sad they don't know I'm looking right at them, including the one wearing a yellow shirt with Che Guevara on it. He is constantly picking his nose and twice ate the boogers. 0xOmar is not an individual but several people. The concept, however, was created by a homosexual pedophile from Dubai UAE and picked up by others of his group in Mexico, the US, UK, Canada, Romania and various Russian states. They don't realize that tons of "Anonymous" have already been captured.
The Israeli Mossad quietly watches as each hacker links to each other. Mossad remains silent. Hacktivist are unaware that inside every computer, there is a "built in" that whispers where you are, and who you are. It also allows intelligence community to actually watch you 100% in real time. Hacktivist love to boast, they love the "spot light" and brag. Intelligence agencies will allow them to commit crimes and thus they give up their "fingerprint" or exact MO. Hacktivist who partake in online child porn don't realize that the digital images have a code embedded that reveal the origin of the image, whether it is film that has been digitized or originally digital. Also within these "embedded" items is the first date the camera was activated after sale and it's exact GPS location of each use and activation.​
It is impossible to be anonymous on the internet due to the design of the components within a computer itself. Multiple backup and redundant hardware including "circuits" and chips" whisper all your information. Also, built in AI will tell if you are "lying" about your registration or IP. You computer "whispers" you exact real time GPS location no matter how great you think you are, you are holding in your hands a "Judas" that is "whispering" all things about you.​
There is even a rhythm to your key strokes, sort of like a "signature" which can't be faked or​
duplicated. Even in a "paste bin" site, that signature is there. Some of the information it reveals is​
how hard you "tap" the keys. Intelligence agencies in the US and Israel are the most advanced.​
You can even turn off your cell phone and it is still possible to listen to your real time conversations even if you remove the battery. Hacktivist are creatures of habit and share the same psycho-sexual profiles. The same conflicts and rage if you will. As such, they will always do what their "superior intellect" guides them to do. The are all paranoid which works to the advantage of the Intelligence services. Mossad is able to predict with 100% accuracy all the events that an individual "hacker' will execute during a day, including their "cash" purchases and where. They go into out of the way shops to purchase food and think it's a safe place. They always use, distinctive disguises like sun glasses, hats and other head coverings, and they all have the same "walk" about them, so they are easy to spot in a crowd.​
Their posture and demeanor are the same. Let the "hacktivist" watch a video of their fellow hacktivist and they will finally take notice of these "non-verbal" communications. They will also attempt to "alter" them, but, it's impossible to get their feet to go along with this even though the "upper body" is quite willing.​
Jake Davis, a small minded little kid hacktivist who is angry at the world is a prime example. A hero to many, he was tracked from the beginning and his attempts to be anonymous, like others, was a fruitless endeavor. He appeared at his first court appearance in "wrap around" sun glasses, a stoic facial expression, utterly terrified, humilated and disillusioned. Mommy in tow defending him.​
Intelligence communities are firing a warning shot over the bows of their hacktivist boats and these people, mostly young left wing indoctrinated pawns, still don't get it. They can't feel the knife in their backs put their by their best friends. Their computers.​
You can however totally destroy your computer and hard drive by melting it down but, there is an exact copy of your hard drive already stored in the US, UK and Israel. You young people need to realize, that it is you that declared war, and if a shot over the bow doesn't get you to "heave to" then a round into your "screws' will. Then if you still persist, their is the bottom of the sea. A sad and pathetic case of Eduard Lucian Mandru.​
In his daily life, Eduard Lucian Mandru is studying for a masters degree in Banks and Financial Markets at the local Faculty of Economy and Business Management. However, the student is also very passionate about computers and the Linux operating system.​
According to the U.S. investigators, Mr. Mandru is the hacker calling himself Wolfenstein, who broke into a secure computer network belonging to the Department of Defense in 2006 and infected several systems with an information-stealing trojan. This is a VERY foolish mistake. Why? Not only did his computer "rat him out" so did his own "trojan". It's like a stupid dog that follows you back home to bring you a bone.​
"Do you young people get it now?"​

For public consumptions, media reports run like this: "The authorities had a very hard time locating him, as the hacker was accessing the network through compromised servers in Japan. In addition, he was covering his tracks by deleting all access logs. One solid lead that the investigators had was a yahoo e-mail address associated with the perpetrator, which eventually led to his identification." It was not hard at all. Intelligence agencies barely lift a finger or move a mouse, they don't have to.​
A plea for the "fallen":
After more than two years since the attacks, being unemployed, Eduard Lucian Mandru decided to post his CV on several local job-seeking websites. He chose to use his old e-mail address,​
[email protected], probably in order to avoid his new ones being spammed, without thinking that it might still be monitored after all this time.​
According to a Police spokesperson, the damages he caused are currently estimated at over $35,000, but this amount might increase after the investigation is finalized. A judge has signed the temporary arrest proposal for 29 days under charges of unauthorized access to and unauthorized transfer of data from a computer system. The hacker risks a sentence between 3 and 12 years in prison where his life will be a living hell as predators will abuse him.​
Mr. Mandru's attorney, Ms. Claudia Ciofu, has appealed the decision of placing him under temporary arrest. "I do not think there is sufficient evidence. An e-mail address can be broken into or accessed by a lot of people, including friends. This young man is incredibly intelligent and I do not think he deserves to spend time under arrest," she comments for a local newspaper. His attorney has no clue what awaits this kid. Nor does he.​
Gabriel Bogdan Ionescu, a Romanian hacker, who is apparently also an informatics and mathematics whiz, is serving a prison sentence in Italy for online fraud. At the same time, he is studying at the Polytechnic University of Milano where he has amazed his professors with his intellect. As a result, the Italian Police is considering hiring him to help it fight and investigate cyber-crime. This will keep them from getting killed.​
It is not possible for the young to operate on logic, they operate on emotion. Emotion "moves" them.​
They MUST "feel" something. Now, the "man" they attack, is in fact deserving of it at times. But the​
methods employed by these young people are dangerous. They don't realize that these "globalist​
corporatist" are the worst of all Psychopaths and will come after them. They will spare no expense or effort in finding them. This is why it is imperative for intelligence communities to act first.​
The"real spies" know that they must strike first before the globalist do. To save the lives of misguided individuals.​

Do any of you ever stop long enough to think? Why is it that these idealistic "hacktivist" once captured all of a sudden decide to work for "governments?" Because during their captivity, the are shown proof of what I'm saying here now. They then realize the term "useful idiot" defines them.​
Harming a "hacktivist" is NOT what intelligence agencies want. It's a waste of "brain". A healthy dose of reality brings their "emotional IQ's up a few points" to where they can do good instead of stupid.​
When Anonymous hit PayPal with DDoS attacks on Dec. 6 2010, attacks which were in retaliation for PayPal’s shutting down the Wikileaks donation lifeline, the site was collecting traffic logs on the hackers all along. PayPal turned the logs, including Internet Protocol addresses, over to the FBI on Dec. 15, and a report today revealed the FBI used the logs to serve warrants on 40 hackers in January and arrest 14 in July.​
What the "hacktivist" didn't realize is, Pay Pal was actually trying to protect the idiot hackers. The​
FBI really didn't need Pay Pals data, it was just there and convenient and Pay Pal wanted their pound of flesh so they called the FBI and set a fire in the news media.​
PayPal installed a tool on their network called a Radware intrusion prevention system. This tool​
documented “approximately 1,000 IP addresses that sent malicious network packets to PayPal during the DDoS attacks.” PayPal turned the data over to the FBI in December, and the FBI used the IP addresses to locate involved computers.​
Anonymous responded to the news of PayPal’s complicity in the FBI investigation today. Uploading a “communique” to Pastebin, Anonymous called for a boycott of PayPal and decried the FBI’s investigation as an unjust clampdown on “those who are involved in ethical, modern cyber operations.”​
Christopher Wayne Cooper, 23, aka “Anthrophobic;” Joshua John Covelli, 26, aka “Absolem” and “Toxic;” Keith Wilson Downey, 26; Mercedes Renee Haefer, 20, aka “No” and “MMMM;” Donald Husband, 29, aka “Ananon;” Vincent Charles Kershaw, 27, aka “Trivette,” “Triv” and “Reaper;” Ethan Miles, 33; James Curphy, 36; Drew Alan Phillips, 26, aka “Drew010;” Jeffrey Puglisi, 28, aka “Jeffer,” “Jefferp” and “Ji;” Daniel Sullivan, 22; Tracy Ann Valenzuela, 42; and Christopher Quang Vo, 22. One individual’s name has been withheld by the court. (a juvenile with mental illness history) Scott Matthew Arciszewski, 21, Lance Moore, 21. The list goes on at a sickening pace.​

How "Anonymous" do you think they "feel now?"
The metropolitan police in London arrested the first alleged member of the LulzSec group on June 20, a 19-year-old teen named Ryan Cleary. Subsequent sweeps through Italy and Switzerland in early July led to the arrests of 15 more people -- all between the ages of 15 and 28 years old. Jake Davis was also a "ring leader" was arrested as he was directly connected to Cleary. No one is laughing at these people. On the contrary, Mossad analyst find it extremely sad that their lives are being wasted by left wing manipulators.​
If you kids want an "enemy" to fight, get ready, and fight the "Beast" you are currently serving. If​
not, it will eat you alive and spit you back out. We wish you the best. Keep your head down and your hands off those keys.​
If you truly want to be a hero, start with saving your own lives.​
- Mossad​
No te gusta el hueveo ql :lol2:

Estimado. Yo toco Guitarra, bajo, charango y piano. No tengo un piano en la ofifina por que no cabe, pero de hecho tengo un bajo que toco cuando la pega esta muy brigida para pensar un rato.


Problem? :troll:

"Mira perrito yo toco guitarra, bajo, charango y piano, me se todos los acordes de los Quincheros con los que deleito a mis tatas en Navidad, toco en bajo las canciones de la Kel porque en el fondo soy super rebelde, inadaptado y punk y acompaño en piano mi disco de karaoke de la Maldo, super feliz vitoreando las canciones que la Paty le dedicaba a Mi General afuera de la Embajada cuando los piratas lo tenian secuestrado en Londres. Perro, si fuera mas viejo seguro por mi talento Mi General me tendría reservado el puesto junto al :idolo: seco Claudio Sanchez en la lista de Chacarillas y el CEMA le habria regalado a mi viejita hermosa una casa arriba de Plaza Italia, educación y auto mejor que el Fiat 147 con los que a mis tatas premió por ser tan leales durante el Pronunciamiento, para taparle la boca a esos zurdos picantes, amargados y resentidos que me dicen piojo resucitado y roto tirado a gente. Papá, si ya sabpe que soy seeeco, ¿porqué mejor no vamo en el Chery a buscar unas marakiwis a Lo Valledor que tengo una mano de bolsitas filete de a 15 que estan patéas con la pé de dipirona nomá papito papaaa? Total es chino, mi princesa no se enoja si se lo raya una chana"
cuenta la leyenda que habia un grupo llamado anonymous que decian que cambiarian el mundo y que no se detendrian..

:hands: :hands: :hands: :hands: