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OMG : El BitCoin nacio en Viña del Mar


Huevon sin Vida
  1. Old School

Dear Members of the Bitcoin Community, Customers, Partners, and Friends!
Many of you are aware that TradeHill opened up last week just before ‘Black Friday’. To say the least, it kept us extremely busy. Now that we are caught up, we thought to formally introduce ourselves.

But first, our principles. Summed up by the following quote:

“Truth — more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality—
is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes.”
Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates.

In the spirit of the above words, we promise our full skills, abilities and values to ensure accuracy, responsibility, and honesty in dealing with each other, our customers, our partners, and the world.

Adam Stradling
Co-founder at TradeHill.

Five years experience as a Business Development Executive in banking, finance and technology. Over the last 3 years he has been working at Evalueserve consulting with major investment banks and hedge funds to build offshore research centers focusing on quantitative finance, data analytics and investment technology. Previously worked for General Electric in Schenectady, NY (during college), then at Terrapinn in Manhattan, NY, NY. Currently working toward his Certificate of Quantitative Finance. He graduated with a degree in Materials Science & Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.

Francisco Dagnino
Co-founder at TradeHill.

Recently left his full-time job working with one of the top three largest retail and commercial banks on their data analytics and database engineering team at Evalueserve. Seven years professional experience working on technological projects as an analyst and manager. Francisco has programming skills in SQL, VBA, and more. He has left EVS to work full-time on building Tradehill. Currently living in San Francisco.

Co-founder at TradeHill.

Serial entrepreneur having started multiple successful companies including an automated trading firm, an engineering consulting firm, and a mobile software company boosting over 300 iPhone Applications. Previously the head of software development for a Los Angeles based start-up commercial spaceflight company. Background in cognitive science and computer engineering.

Jered Kenna
Co-founder at TradeHill.

Former Marine and professional soldier in Afghanistan. After serving his country, he was lured into working for Halliburton. During which, he developed a palpable distaste for unethical and fraudulent business practices. He is originally from Independence, Oregon (the end of the Oregon Trail if you remember that). Currently living in and working for TradeHill from San Francisco.

We are all 29 to 31 years old.
We are keeping an open mind to working with different individuals/firms so we encourage people to introduce themselves.
We would like to thank all of our new customers, partners, and friends. We are excited, motivated, and focused on working toward the end goal.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!
The TradeHill Team

Bitcoin, la moneda virtual del momento, ha estado en la mira en las últimas semanas: tras alcanzar el peak más alto en su valor, llegando a US$ 243, se desplomó a US$ 79 en un par de días. Pese a las dudas sobre la estabilidad y masificación de la divisa electrónica, el mercado en torno a ella sigue creciendo, y ya ha hecho millonarios a varios de sus precursores. Uno de ellos es Jered Kenna, fundador y CEO de Tradehill Inc., la segunda casa de cambio más grande de bitcoins en el mundo, después de Mt. Gox. Kenna tuvo la idea mientras vivía en Viña del Mar en 2011; abrió la compañía junto al chileno Francisco Dagnino, y dos estadounidenses, entre ellos, el desarrollador de SpaceX, Mike Dabrowski. En un principio la concibieron como una bolsa de bitcoins para Latinoamérica; Chile parecía el lugar ideal, por presentar muchas menos restricciones legales para dar licencias a nuevas empresas financieras. Durante el año que funcionó en Chile, Tradehill se convirtió en la primera bolsa multinacional de bitcoins, haciendo compraventas con clientes en Australia, Alemania y Estados Unidos. Pero la demanda de la región no dio abasto y decidieron trasladarse a San Francisco, California. Hoy, Tradehill transa alrededor de 3 millones de dólares al mes y próximamente abrirán una oficina en Argentina, en donde la restricción a la compra de dólares del gobierno de Cristina Kirchner ha abierto una oportunidad para la compañía.

yo tenia entendido que un chino o japones lo habia fundado