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Parisi es el momento? V2

Por el momento Parisi es mi opción, ya que ahora tiene un partido definido que es segundo lugar después de los comunistas y ademas tiene varias propuestas que podrian remecer de manera positiva la situacion actual del pais, ya que ademas si al PDG le va bien en las parlamentarias tendria un buen respaldo.

Ademas que los medios no lo nombran para nada, recién vi un poco de "noticias" en 24 horas y cuando nombraban a los candidatos le daban todo el show a Boric despues Sichel y luego el resto pero a Parisi lo mencionaron a la rapida, en Chilevision no quieren que aparezca en el debate escusado que esta fuera del pais pero pueden hacerlo de manera telematica y asi tantos otros, esto por que como esta con un partido que esta creciendo temen que vayan a ganar demasiados votos si lo mencionan demasiado.
Simplemente dejo de ser serio
No esta donde deberia, el tiempo dirá cual es su verdadero motivo.

A todo esto , cuando inicia en año académico en USA, También en Septiembre?

En Europa es la segunda semana de Septiembre.
En el otro hemisferio julio y agosto es equivalente a enero febrero nuestro, me imagino q usa es =

Yo creo q no lo nombran x q claramente las primeras 3 son las q tienen posibilidades.
Y si no da entrevistas no quiere aparecer en debates no esta en el pais, es rarisimo que llegue más lejos
Haciendo una little research llegué a este sitio: (hice un resumen abajo)

KCBD Investigates: Sexual Harassment allegations spark Title IX Investigation at Texas Tech

The report states that Dr. Parisi made drinks for a female staff member at the university during work hours and then left her unattended when she became intoxicated and passed out.

This investigation concluded that Dr. Parisi "abandoned the staff member in a life-threatening condition."

El loco le dio unos chupi chupi a una colega y cuando la loca quedó botada el loco se fué. La investigacion concluyo q el loco dejó a la loca "abandonada en condiciones de riesgo vital"

According to this report, Dr. Nail knew about this incident, but encouraged Dr. Parisi to go on a university-sponsored trip to Chile that spawned even more disturbing allegations.

Dr. Parisi was a Visiting International Scholar from Chile in the Department of Finance at the Rawls College of Business from September 1st of 2014 through May 31st of 2015.

In addition to his background in finance, Dr. Parisi had recently been a presidential candidate in Chile and had many relationships in the country.

Dr. Parisi helped plan the itinerary for the Rawls Business Leadership Program for the Chile portion of the trip and even arranged the lodging at a hostel owned by someone he knew.

Eleven students, seven females and four males went on this trip.

One of the females, who we will refer to as Student 1, was a 19-year-old junior in the College of Business at the time.

El chipamogli organizó un viaje con 11 estudiantas y 4 estudiantos a chile, y fue en un hostal de otro (posiblemente) delincuente que el concocía, y ahí el loco se le tiró al dulce a la "student 1 (S1)" que tenía 19.
El loco salcó a los pendex a tomar y en algun momento la S1 le pregunto si se tiraria a presidente de nuevo y le dijo q solo si era su primera dama.... luego le dio plata pa comprarse un vestido y le dijo q quería que fuera bien corto pa verle las piernas....
en otra oportunidad dijo q se la quería raptar, o le tocaba las piernas y las rodillas, y se las masajeaba

She reported that Dr. Parisi took the group out for drinks at the beginning of the trip, which is when she noticed she became the object of his attention, attention which she said made her feel uncomfortable.

When she asked Dr. Parisi if he was going to run for president a second time, his response was, "only if you will be my first lady."

This investigation reports that Dr. Parisi planned events that were not on the itinerary, like a night of dancing.

Having not packed appropriate clothing, Dr. Parisi took the girls in the group shopping and insisted on giving Student 1 $100 in Chilean money.

When Student 1 tried on a dress at the mall, Dr. Parisi asked why she didn't buy it.

Student 1 responded that the dress was too short.

That's when she said Dr. Parisi whispered to her, "That's the point," making her feel uncomfortable.

That evening, Dr. Parisi hosted a dinner at his home for the entire group, where he reportedly made comments about Student 1's figure and touched her waist at least twice.

At one point during the evening, Dr. Parisi is reported as saying "Look at her, if I was president, I would kidnap her."

The students said he also drove some of them around in his personal vehicle and put his hand on Student 1's knee, massaging it.

Later in the trip he asked that student if she had received the package he had left for her at the hotel.

He told her he had bought the dress that he commented on at the mall.
Student 1 notified a chaperone who called Dr. Nail a reported 32 times over the trip.

Several of the phone calls centered around Dr. Parisi's behavior.

El loco le compro el vestido a la loca, y la llamo mas de 32 veces en todo el paseo

me da paja seguir traduciendo, salu2

This investigation says the student remained extremely uncomfortable throughout the trip, especially since the group was staying at a hostel owned by someone close to Dr. Parisi.

In fact, Student 1 was so fearful, that several other female students stayed with her in her room that night so she did not have to be alone.

Even the female chaperone reportedly stayed awake, pacing back and forth.

Students reported being very fearful because of Dr. Parisi's relationships in the country.

29 people were interviewed during this investigation.

Students on the trip described Dr. Parisi as "completely inappropriate."

Student 1 said she was worried whether she could trust Dr. Nail because Dr. Parisi was a good friend.

A male student confirmed that Dr. Parisi asked him to take pictures of Student 1 and send them to him.

One student described Dr. Parisi as "Flirtatious and definitely interested in Student 1 in a romantic and sexual way."

One student commented, "Franco seemed like he was obsessed with Student 1. He literally targeted her, and it seemed like it was almost planned by Franco."

Two students confirmed seeing Dr. Parisi put his hand on Student 1's knee and thigh.

This angered and shocked them, so the students then came together to make sure that Dr. Parisi did not touch Student 1 again.

The investigation concludes that Dr. Nail was the only person who was fully aware of Dr. Parisi's prior incidents and still allowed him to go on this trip.

Simplemente dejo de ser serio
No esta donde deberia, el tiempo dirá cual es su verdadero motivo.

A todo esto , cuando inicia en año académico en USA, También en Septiembre?

En Europa es la segunda semana de Septiembre.
En el otro hemisferio julio y agosto es equivalente a enero febrero nuestro, me imagino q usa es =

Yo creo q no lo nombran x q claramente las primeras 3 son las q tienen posibilidades.
Y si no da entrevistas no quiere aparecer en debates no esta en el pais, es rarisimo que llegue más lejos

al loco lo tienen fichao en la U gringa, así q por allá no anda...
en usa ya empezaron las clases... hace un poco mas de un mes.. igual depende del estado
Última edición:
Haciendo una little research llegué a este sitio: (hice un resumen abajo)

KCBD Investigates: Sexual Harassment allegations spark Title IX Investigation at Texas Tech

The report states that Dr. Parisi made drinks for a female staff member at the university during work hours and then left her unattended when she became intoxicated and passed out.

This investigation concluded that Dr. Parisi "abandoned the staff member in a life-threatening condition."

El loco le dio unos chupi chupi a una colega y cuando la loca quedó botada el loco se fué. La investigacion concluyo q el loco dejó a la loca "abandonada en condiciones de riesgo vital"

According to this report, Dr. Nail knew about this incident, but encouraged Dr. Parisi to go on a university-sponsored trip to Chile that spawned even more disturbing allegations.

Dr. Parisi was a Visiting International Scholar from Chile in the Department of Finance at the Rawls College of Business from September 1st of 2014 through May 31st of 2015.

In addition to his background in finance, Dr. Parisi had recently been a presidential candidate in Chile and had many relationships in the country.

Dr. Parisi helped plan the itinerary for the Rawls Business Leadership Program for the Chile portion of the trip and even arranged the lodging at a hostel owned by someone he knew.

Eleven students, seven females and four males went on this trip.

One of the females, who we will refer to as Student 1, was a 19-year-old junior in the College of Business at the time.

El chipamogli organizó un viaje con 11 estudiantas y 4 estudiantos a chile, y fue en un hostal de otro (posiblemente) delincuente que el concocía, y ahí el loco se le tiró al dulce a la "student 1 (S1)" que tenía 19.
El loco salcó a los pendex a tomar y en algun momento la S1 le pregunto si se tiraria a presidente de nuevo y le dijo q solo si era su primera dama.... luego le dio plata pa comprarse un vestido y le dijo q quería que fuera bien corto pa verle las piernas....
en otra oportunidad dijo q se la quería raptar, o le tocaba las piernas y las rodillas, y se las masajeaba

She reported that Dr. Parisi took the group out for drinks at the beginning of the trip, which is when she noticed she became the object of his attention, attention which she said made her feel uncomfortable.

When she asked Dr. Parisi if he was going to run for president a second time, his response was, "only if you will be my first lady."

This investigation reports that Dr. Parisi planned events that were not on the itinerary, like a night of dancing.

Having not packed appropriate clothing, Dr. Parisi took the girls in the group shopping and insisted on giving Student 1 $100 in Chilean money.

When Student 1 tried on a dress at the mall, Dr. Parisi asked why she didn't buy it.

Student 1 responded that the dress was too short.

That's when she said Dr. Parisi whispered to her, "That's the point," making her feel uncomfortable.

That evening, Dr. Parisi hosted a dinner at his home for the entire group, where he reportedly made comments about Student 1's figure and touched her waist at least twice.

At one point during the evening, Dr. Parisi is reported as saying "Look at her, if I was president, I would kidnap her."

The students said he also drove some of them around in his personal vehicle and put his hand on Student 1's knee, massaging it.

Later in the trip he asked that student if she had received the package he had left for her at the hotel.

He told her he had bought the dress that he commented on at the mall.
Student 1 notified a chaperone who called Dr. Nail a reported 32 times over the trip.

Several of the phone calls centered around Dr. Parisi's behavior.

El loco le compro el vestido a la loca, y la llamo mas de 32 veces en todo el paseo

me da paja seguir traduciendo, salu2

This investigation says the student remained extremely uncomfortable throughout the trip, especially since the group was staying at a hostel owned by someone close to Dr. Parisi.

In fact, Student 1 was so fearful, that several other female students stayed with her in her room that night so she did not have to be alone.

Even the female chaperone reportedly stayed awake, pacing back and forth.

Students reported being very fearful because of Dr. Parisi's relationships in the country.

29 people were interviewed during this investigation.

Students on the trip described Dr. Parisi as "completely inappropriate."

Student 1 said she was worried whether she could trust Dr. Nail because Dr. Parisi was a good friend.

A male student confirmed that Dr. Parisi asked him to take pictures of Student 1 and send them to him.

One student described Dr. Parisi as "Flirtatious and definitely interested in Student 1 in a romantic and sexual way."

One student commented, "Franco seemed like he was obsessed with Student 1. He literally targeted her, and it seemed like it was almost planned by Franco."

Two students confirmed seeing Dr. Parisi put his hand on Student 1's knee and thigh.

This angered and shocked them, so the students then came together to make sure that Dr. Parisi did not touch Student 1 again.

The investigation concludes that Dr. Nail was the only person who was fully aware of Dr. Parisi's prior incidents and still allowed him to go on this trip.

al loco lo tienen fichao en la U gringa, así q por allá no anda...
en usa ya empezaron las clases... hace un poco mas de un mes.. igual depende del estado
@K4nnon con cagadera.
Haciendo una little research llegué a este sitio: (hice un resumen abajo)

KCBD Investigates: Sexual Harassment allegations spark Title IX Investigation at Texas Tech

The report states that Dr. Parisi made drinks for a female staff member at the university during work hours and then left her unattended when she became intoxicated and passed out.

This investigation concluded that Dr. Parisi "abandoned the staff member in a life-threatening condition."

El loco le dio unos chupi chupi a una colega y cuando la loca quedó botada el loco se fué. La investigacion concluyo q el loco dejó a la loca "abandonada en condiciones de riesgo vital"

According to this report, Dr. Nail knew about this incident, but encouraged Dr. Parisi to go on a university-sponsored trip to Chile that spawned even more disturbing allegations.

Dr. Parisi was a Visiting International Scholar from Chile in the Department of Finance at the Rawls College of Business from September 1st of 2014 through May 31st of 2015.

In addition to his background in finance, Dr. Parisi had recently been a presidential candidate in Chile and had many relationships in the country.

Dr. Parisi helped plan the itinerary for the Rawls Business Leadership Program for the Chile portion of the trip and even arranged the lodging at a hostel owned by someone he knew.

Eleven students, seven females and four males went on this trip.

One of the females, who we will refer to as Student 1, was a 19-year-old junior in the College of Business at the time.

El chipamogli organizó un viaje con 11 estudiantas y 4 estudiantos a chile, y fue en un hostal de otro (posiblemente) delincuente que el concocía, y ahí el loco se le tiró al dulce a la "student 1 (S1)" que tenía 19.
El loco salcó a los pendex a tomar y en algun momento la S1 le pregunto si se tiraria a presidente de nuevo y le dijo q solo si era su primera dama.... luego le dio plata pa comprarse un vestido y le dijo q quería que fuera bien corto pa verle las piernas....
en otra oportunidad dijo q se la quería raptar, o le tocaba las piernas y las rodillas, y se las masajeaba

She reported that Dr. Parisi took the group out for drinks at the beginning of the trip, which is when she noticed she became the object of his attention, attention which she said made her feel uncomfortable.

When she asked Dr. Parisi if he was going to run for president a second time, his response was, "only if you will be my first lady."

This investigation reports that Dr. Parisi planned events that were not on the itinerary, like a night of dancing.

Having not packed appropriate clothing, Dr. Parisi took the girls in the group shopping and insisted on giving Student 1 $100 in Chilean money.

When Student 1 tried on a dress at the mall, Dr. Parisi asked why she didn't buy it.

Student 1 responded that the dress was too short.

That's when she said Dr. Parisi whispered to her, "That's the point," making her feel uncomfortable.

That evening, Dr. Parisi hosted a dinner at his home for the entire group, where he reportedly made comments about Student 1's figure and touched her waist at least twice.

At one point during the evening, Dr. Parisi is reported as saying "Look at her, if I was president, I would kidnap her."

The students said he also drove some of them around in his personal vehicle and put his hand on Student 1's knee, massaging it.

Later in the trip he asked that student if she had received the package he had left for her at the hotel.

He told her he had bought the dress that he commented on at the mall.
Student 1 notified a chaperone who called Dr. Nail a reported 32 times over the trip.

Several of the phone calls centered around Dr. Parisi's behavior.

El loco le compro el vestido a la loca, y la llamo mas de 32 veces en todo el paseo

me da paja seguir traduciendo, salu2

This investigation says the student remained extremely uncomfortable throughout the trip, especially since the group was staying at a hostel owned by someone close to Dr. Parisi.

In fact, Student 1 was so fearful, that several other female students stayed with her in her room that night so she did not have to be alone.

Even the female chaperone reportedly stayed awake, pacing back and forth.

Students reported being very fearful because of Dr. Parisi's relationships in the country.

29 people were interviewed during this investigation.

Students on the trip described Dr. Parisi as "completely inappropriate."

Student 1 said she was worried whether she could trust Dr. Nail because Dr. Parisi was a good friend.

A male student confirmed that Dr. Parisi asked him to take pictures of Student 1 and send them to him.

One student described Dr. Parisi as "Flirtatious and definitely interested in Student 1 in a romantic and sexual way."

One student commented, "Franco seemed like he was obsessed with Student 1. He literally targeted her, and it seemed like it was almost planned by Franco."

Two students confirmed seeing Dr. Parisi put his hand on Student 1's knee and thigh.

This angered and shocked them, so the students then came together to make sure that Dr. Parisi did not touch Student 1 again.

The investigation concludes that Dr. Nail was the only person who was fully aware of Dr. Parisi's prior incidents and still allowed him to go on this trip.

al loco lo tienen fichao en la U gringa, así q por allá no anda...
en usa ya empezaron las clases... hace un poco mas de un mes.. igual depende del estado
Respecto a las 32 llamadas dice que la estudiante 1 le reclamo a una acompañante y está se comunicó 32 veces con un tal Dr. Nail, muchas de esas llamadas fueron sobre el comportamiento del chantita, más adelante dice que estudiante 1 expresa miedo y que compañeras se quedaron en su habitación para que no estuviera sola, además dice que incluso una se quedó haciendo vigilia y que estaban todas cagadas de miedo. Para la investigación contaron con testimonio de 29 personas y se establece como conclusión que existen antecedentes del comportamiento de Parisi, en resumen el chantita está funaito y por lo mismo no está haciendo clases, lo cual también sostiene que es mentira que es académico de alguna universidad, lo más probable es que se haya quedado en Estados Unidos formando parte de alguna empresa tipo Jeunesse :hands:
Hasta la hija lela de la Nuko con la NayaFácil lo esta weando por caliente:

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Respecto a las 32 llamadas dice que la estudiante 1 le reclamo a una acompañante y está se comunicó 32 veces con un tal Dr. Nail, muchas de esas llamadas fueron sobre el comportamiento del chantita, más adelante dice que estudiante 1 expresa miedo y que compañeras se quedaron en su habitación para que no estuviera sola, además dice que incluso una se quedó haciendo vigilia y que estaban todas cagadas de miedo. Para la investigación contaron con testimonio de 29 personas y se establece como conclusión que existen antecedentes del comportamiento de Parisi, en resumen el chantita está funaito y por lo mismo no está haciendo clases, lo cual también sostiene que es mentira que es académico de alguna universidad, lo más probable es que se haya quedado en Estados Unidos formando parte de alguna empresa tipo Jeunesse
Last updated: Jun 2, 2019 9:51 am
moved to one-year position at University of Alabama. :hands:
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Last updated: Jun 2, 2019 9:51 am
moved to one-year position at University of Alabama. :hands:

INVESTIGATES UPDATE: Former TTU professor out of classroom after KCBD story

KCBD Investigates Update 6/8/2016 4:25 p.m.

After the University of Alabama told KCBD News this week that Dr. Parisi "is not teaching this summer" our Investigates team followed up with Alabama officials about discrepancies with their written statement. Evidence from students and from the University of Alabama website suggested that Dr. Parisi did start the summer session teaching two courses and is now out of the classroom after KCBD aired its story.

Today we received another written statement from University of Alabama media relations.

That statement reads, "Dr. Parisi taught class for two days of each course he was scheduled to teach this summer before the university and Dr. Parisi agreed last week that it would be best for him not to teach due to allegations being made in Texas. We don't plan to comment further on this since it involves a personnel matter."

Former Dean Nail offered evidence of his communications with Alabama Department Chair Matt Holt in which he told Dr. Holt of Dr. Parisi's behavior.

We have asked University of Alabama officials if Dr. Holt has been disciplined or demoted as a result of ignoring this information.

They have not responded.
Post automatically merged:

Last updated: Jun 2, 2019 9:51 am
moved to one-year position at University of Alabama. :hands:
Si fue un one-year position ya la tuvo que haber dejado, encontré dos cosas interesantes

En febrero lo estaban presentando

En junio ya lo estaban funando dónde destaco lo siguiente
"UPDATE (5:43 p.m., 6/7/16):

Chris Bryant, interim director of media relations, said Parisi is on a one-year appointment at the University that ends August 15, and he is not teaching this summer.

“We are not going to comment any further since this is a personnel matter,” Bryant said."

Ya en 2016 la Universidad de Alabama lo estaba mandando a la chucha poco menos fuera leproso, más adelante dice que el Dr. Neil sabía de su comportamiento en la U de Texas y dió aviso a el encargado de departamento en Alabama, un tal Holt. Entonces me tinca, y me aventuró a pensar, que este weon si está trabajando es a puro amiguismo, pero no tiene sentido que según info de la tercera no aparezca en el faculty staff de la universidad que el dice, capaz hasta este haciendo clases en un community college no más :lol2:
Última edición:
Sigue siendo un enigma el paradero.

¿Dónde está Franco Parisi?

Si fue un one-year position ya la tuvo que haber dejado, encontré dos cosas interesantes

En febrero lo estaban presentando

En junio ya lo estaban funando dónde destaco lo siguiente
"UPDATE (5:43 p.m., 6/7/16):

Chris Bryant, interim director of media relations, said Parisi is on a one-year appointment at the University that ends August 15, and he is not teaching this summer.

“We are not going to comment any further since this is a personnel matter,” Bryant said."

Ya en 2016 la Universidad de Alabama lo estaba mandando a la chucha poco menos fuera leproso, más adelante dice que el Dr. Neil sabía de su comportamiento en la U de Texas y dió aviso a el encargado de departamento en Alabama, un tal Holt. Entonces me tinca, y me aventuró a pensar, que este weon si está trabajando es a puro amiguismo, pero no tiene sentido que según info de la tercera no aparezca en el faculty staff de la universidad que el dice, capaz hasta este haciendo clases en un community college no más 2:
Creerle a La Tercera poh wn. Diario de mierda nefasto.

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