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Pelea De Madres 2 (colo-colo Vs U Vs Uc Y Clubes Primera A)

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Lo mismo compadre.... Ian y Bello de Anthrax y otros weones mas :lol2:


Entradas compradas :thumbsup:
Statistics in Chile

How many Chileans?


CHILE’S reputation as a place where official statistics can be trusted has taken a bit of a battering of late. Last year the reliability of the country’s poverty survey, the CASEN, was called into doubt. Now it’s the turn of the census and inflation figures.

The 2012 census concluded that the population of Chile was 16,634,603. The National Statistics Institute (INE) said it knew this with some certainty because it had surveyed almost all of them, visiting 98.3% of households over four months. The government hailed the census as the most thorough in Chile’s history.

But on April 26th, a senior INE advisor, Mariana Alcérreca, said that the number of people surveyed was only 15.8m, or 95% of the population. She said the institute’s director Francisco Labbé massaged the figure upwards to 16.6m to make they census look more comprehensive. She also claimed that there were other irregularities in the way the census was conducted. Within hours, Mr Labbé—who says the accusations against him are politically motivated "lies"—had resigned.

The INE’s inflation data has also been questioned. Statisticians advised Mr Labbé to change the way it was calculated, but he refused. On April 17th the heads of 11 INE departments sent him a letter expressing their unease about both the census and the price data.

Bci, a Chilean bank, warned its clients that Chile’s inflation figures were less reliable than those of Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil. The bank said inflation was probably around 2.5% last year—not the 1.5% of official lore. Morgan Stanley has also questioned the data.

The implications are enormous. Chile’s central bank has held its benchmark interest-rate steady at 5% for the past 15 months. Would it have done so if inflation were a percentage point higher? Many Chileans have inflation-linked investments. They may feel their money should have been earning more for them than it has.

State prosecutors have opened an investigation into Mrs Alcérreca’s claims. The government has dismissed calls for a new census and points out that a bill is already before Congress to reform the INE. It swiftly replaced Mr Labbé with a respected economist, Juan Eduardo Coeymans.

He has a job on his hands. The INE’s credibility is badly tarnished. Chile is the only South American member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a think-tank of mainly rich countries. It sorely needs a statistics institute worthy of that membership, and at the moment it doesn’t have one.


Notable la foto del economist :lol2:

Poniendo zorras qlias, dejándonos como un país poco serio y casi con weones recién bajados del árbol :nonono:

Statistics in Chile

How many Chileans?


CHILE’S reputation as a place where official statistics can be trusted has taken a bit of a battering of late. Last year the reliability of the country’s poverty survey, the CASEN, was called into doubt. Now it’s the turn of the census and inflation figures.

The 2012 census concluded that the population of Chile was 16,634,603. The National Statistics Institute (INE) said it knew this with some certainty because it had surveyed almost all of them, visiting 98.3% of households over four months. The government hailed the census as the most thorough in Chile’s history.

But on April 26th, a senior INE advisor, Mariana Alcérreca, said that the number of people surveyed was only 15.8m, or 95% of the population. She said the institute’s director Francisco Labbé massaged the figure upwards to 16.6m to make they census look more comprehensive. She also claimed that there were other irregularities in the way the census was conducted. Within hours, Mr Labbé—who says the accusations against him are politically motivated "lies"—had resigned.

The INE’s inflation data has also been questioned. Statisticians advised Mr Labbé to change the way it was calculated, but he refused. On April 17th the heads of 11 INE departments sent him a letter expressing their unease about both the census and the price data.

Bci, a Chilean bank, warned its clients that Chile’s inflation figures were less reliable than those of Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil. The bank said inflation was probably around 2.5% last year—not the 1.5% of official lore. Morgan Stanley has also questioned the data.

The implications are enormous. Chile’s central bank has held its benchmark interest-rate steady at 5% for the past 15 months. Would it have done so if inflation were a percentage point higher? Many Chileans have inflation-linked investments. They may feel their money should have been earning more for them than it has.

State prosecutors have opened an investigation into Mrs Alcérreca’s claims. The government has dismissed calls for a new census and points out that a bill is already before Congress to reform the INE. It swiftly replaced Mr Labbé with a respected economist, Juan Eduardo Coeymans.

He has a job on his hands. The INE’s credibility is badly tarnished. Chile is the only South American member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a think-tank of mainly rich countries. It sorely needs a statistics institute worthy of that membership, and at the moment it doesn’t have one.


Notable la foto del economist :lol2:

Poniendo zorras qlias, dejándonos como un país poco serio y casi con weones recién bajados del árbol :nonono:



madres :pataenlaraja: prestigio internacional

madres :pataenlaraja: prestigio internacional

Y pa voh es un orgullo ser reconocido como un flaite qliao con cola???

Ese prestigio internacional es el que te hace inflar las tetas???

pfff tay clarito tatagoras :lol2:

:entucara: recién bajado del árbol
Y pa voh es un orgullo ser reconocido como un flaite qliao con cola???

Ese prestigio internacional es el que te hace inflar las tetas???

pfff tay clarito tatagoras :lol2:

:entucara: recién bajado del árbol

ah verdad que la hinshada dil lion son todos profesionales.
ah verdad que la hinshada dil lion son todos profesionales.

No mezcles peras con manzanas.

Como la imagen país se fue a las rechuchas con el escándalo CENSO, CASEN, IPC, el diario Economist inglés publicó nuestra paupérrima situación en credibilidad, el diario nos mete el gol con una foto de las zorras con un lienzo que dice "Chile".

No pusieron una foto de la cárcel, no pusieron de gente en hospitales, no pusieron gente en el banco estado, no pusieron gente en las fondas. Pusieron a las zorras.

Nos dejaron como el pico. Ahora les faltó decir que nuestra forma de subsistir se basa en la de cazadores y recolectores
asi que el cerdo sIn vida le chupa el cuerpo a un jugador que ha hecho goles en las poderosisimas ligas de chile y mexico..

:clapclap: nuevo material para completar el capitulo numero XX de la siempre bien ponderada :clapclap: enciplopedia de la insapiencia

que manera de hablar weas este pobre y triste weon...

respuesta con aji en el culo y con la hemorroide apunto de estallar en 5,4,3......
Qué crack es Chupete, por la conchadesusmadres. Aunque les arda el orto a las maracas, es el mejor delantero chileno que ha salido en los últimos 15 años :clapclap:
Estas diciendo que es el mejor delantero chileno desde 1998???

Tas pintado pa Viña wn, te ira igual que Bastian Paz :lol2:

Falta que digas que Messi es el mejor de la historia :Risa:
No mezcles peras con manzanas.

Como la imagen país se fue a las rechuchas con el escándalo CENSO, CASEN, IPC, el diario Economist inglés publicó nuestra paupérrima situación en credibilidad, el diario nos mete el gol con una foto de las zorras con un lienzo que dice "Chile".

No pusieron una foto de la cárcel, no pusieron de gente en hospitales, no pusieron gente en el banco estado, no pusieron gente en las fondas. Pusieron a las zorras.

Nos dejaron como el pico. Ahora les faltó decir que nuestra forma de subsistir se basa en la de cazadores y recolectores

por lo menos no quedamos como gitanas :burlones:

anda a cancha maricón qliao o te da cosita???? :uy:

quiero ver bien la wea poh wn...
:idolo: suazo el mejor delantero chileno desde 1998 a la fecha :clapclap:
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