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Randy Savage Fallece En Accidente Automovilístico


Un articulo sobre Randy Savage :cafe3:
De acuerdo con varias fuentes, el ex campeón de parejas de WWE Brian Knobbs se burló de la muerte de Randy Savage en una convención de lucha libre celebrada el pasado viernes en Newark, California. En esta convención pudimos ver estrellas del pasado como Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Jim Neidhart, Jerry Sags, Greg Valentine y Jimmy Hart. Sean Waltman se molestó con la actitud de Knobbs y posteó lo siguiente en Twitter:

"No es más que un idiota que hace bromas sobre la muerte de Savage el mismo día que ocurrió. Es patético."

Sean Waltman se molestó con la actitud de Knobbs y posteó lo siguiente en Twitter:

"No es más que un idiota que hace bromas sobre la muerte de Savage el mismo día que ocurrió. Es patético."

The June 6, 2011 issue of TIME features an article on the late Randy Savage written by Vince McMahon. Here is the article in its entirety:

“It’s important in sports and it’s important in entertainment to stand out. Randy knew that. Right away, he wanted to leave his mark, and to do that he was aware he had to make himself different from everyone else. One way he did this was concentrating on his outfits, those brightly colored costumes with foot-long fringe that became his trademark. He brought to wrestling a unique look and style.

“Randy, who died in a car crash May 20 at age 58, was one of the building blocks of what is now WWE (previously known as the World Wrestling Federation). He had a very unusual voice –remember his “Snap into a Slim Jim. Oh, yeah!” commercials?–and was extremely charismatic. Perception is very important in this business, and he also had a very high opinion of himself, something he needed in a locker room full of performers who had been around for a while and had big personalities and followings–like Hulk Hogan, Today, Randy is remembered as one of wrestling’s all time greats. No question about it–he certainly was.”
"Destacar es importante en los deportes y en el entretenimiento. Randy lo sabía. En seguida, quiso dejar su huella, trajo a la lucha libre un aspecto y estilo único."

:clapclap: Sabias palabras de Vince, pero las habra dicho de verdad o para quedar bien con la gente :zippymmm:
he May 27th, 2011 edition of WWE Vintage Collection featured these matches & segments:

*Randy Savage tribute video from Monday Night Raw on May 23rd, 2011.

*Randy Savage vs. Jim Young from Championship Wrestling on July 30th, 1985.

*Randy Savage selecting Elizabeth as his manager from Championship Wrestling on July 30th, 1985.

*Randy Savage vs. Tito Santana from the WWF event in Boston on February 8th, 1986.

*Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan from the WWF event in New York City on February 17th, 1986.

*The Mega-Powers' formation segment from the Saturday Night's Main Event DVD set.

*The Mega-Powers vs. The Twin Towers from The Main Event on February 3rd, 1989.

*Randy Savage attacking Hulk Hogan from The Main Event on February 3rd, 1989.

*The Special Report about Randy Savage becoming The Macho King from WWF Wrestling Challenge on September 23rd, 1989.

*The Macho King's coronation from WWF Superstars on September 30th, 1989.

*Randy Savage & Elizabeth's wedding from Summerslam 1991.

*Jake Roberts & The Undertaker crashing the wedding reception from Summerslam 1991.

*Randy Savage's pre-match interview from the WWF event in New York City on January 31st, 1992.

*Randy Savage vs. Jake Roberts from the WWF event in New York City on January 31st, 1992.

*Randy Savage's interview from WCW Saturday Night on December 3rd, 1994.

*Randy Savage vs. Steve Austin from the WCW TV taping in Atlanta on May 11th, 1995.

*Randy Savage talking about WrestleMania 4 from WWF Mania in 1993.
Fue un paro cardiaco.

Jamas Savage tuvo problemas con el Alcohol o Drogas.