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Ric Flair hospitalizado, en coma inducido.

Yo pensaba que Flair estaba sobrado de cariño con la plata que había ganado
Cual plata si el wn se gastaba todo en alcohol coca putas autos y transexuales , si no fuera por sus ultimas apariciones el wn taria arrendando cuarto con el iron sheik y virgyl
Cual plata si el wn se gastaba todo en alcohol coca putas autos y transexuales , si no fuera por sus ultimas apariciones el wn taria arrendando cuarto con el iron sheik y virgyl

Alguna web que cuente estas sabrosas historias que nos pueda recomendar ??



Ric Flair has remained in critical condition in the hospital in Atlanta for the
last several days in what is very much a battle for his life.
Flair, 68, one of the most iconic enduring and influential wrestlers in history
and arguably its all-time best all-around performer taking all aspects of
character and in-ring into consideration, apparently had severe pains in his
stomach and was rushed to the hospital on 8/12.
While at first the situation was said to not be that serious, although he was in
the Intensive Care Unit from the start, his situation worsened by the next day
to where the situation was life threatening and he was put in a medically
induced coma.
The catalyst of his problems were apparently a significant blockage in his
bowels which led to surgery to alleviate the blockage. This led to a series of
medical problems including his kidneys shutting down.
He underwent surgery on 8/14. There was a chance, perhaps even a serious
chance that he would not survive the surgery. Even after surgery, he is very
much not out of danger. He is also on kidney dialysis with the hope of being
able to get his kidneys functioning and there are other medical issues,
including an infection that, at least as of 8/13,that had not been diagnosed,
that he was dealing with.
There is really not a lot more information. His family was all called to the
hospital and right now everything is just waiting to see if he can fight off the
infection and his other issues can be taken care of. Flair had a heart issue
dating back nearly 15 years ago, even though he was in remarkable condition
as far as conditioning, due to the lifestyle he led. That lifestyle really didn’t
change and he himself admitted his drinking really got out of control at one
point after the death of his son, Reid, in 2013, at the age of 25. Ric never got
over it and I don’t know how he possibly could have ever gotten over it.
Está ultra pedido el wn pero creo que va a alcanzar a salir del hospital y después cagará cuando vuelva a beber.