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Slam Dunk

Q. Will there be a sequel to "Slam Dunk"?
Currently there are no plans for a "Slam Dunk 2" or any sequels.
However, according to Mr. Inoue, "I'm waiting for the desire to draw it to come naturally from within me. Since it won't be because somebody is making me do it, but because I want to enjoy drawing it myself, when the time comes for me to deal with those feelings, there will probably be a #2."
(Comment made by Mr. Inoue on NHK TV's "Top Runner" on 6/15/2000)

alguien me podria decir donde puedo bajar los capitulos de slam dunk por favor SE LOS AGRADECERIA MUCHO,
LAMF dijo:
Q. Will there be a sequel to "Slam Dunk"?
Currently there are no plans for a "Slam Dunk 2" or any sequels.
However, according to Mr. Inoue, "I'm waiting for the desire to draw it to come naturally from within me. Since it won't be because somebody is making me do it, but because I want to enjoy drawing it myself, when the time comes for me to deal with those feelings, there will probably be a #2."
(Comment made by Mr. Inoue on NHK TV's "Top Runner" on 6/15/2000)

cache al toque! :rolleyes:
voy a leer el resumen q dejo un tío por alla arriba.. a ver que tal..
rico tu resumen buena tu capasidad de sintesis jajaja = super aporte
k fome ojala salgan mas capitulos d esta serie ya k no le vendria mal un final digno