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The Incredible HULK (2008)

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Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

skrapxmetal dijo:
mm nose eric bana me gusta mas como hulk a norton lo veo mas como capitan america wn ,ademas eric bana era un buen bruce banner...pero habra q verla nomas

Cierto, habra que verla y ahi comparar para sacar la conclusion. Norton de seguro hara un gran trabajo como Banner.

Estatua de Hulk

Esta genial estatua la están vendiendo por eBay por una módica suma, pueden verla aquí.

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Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

skrapxmetal dijo:
mm nose eric bana me gusta mas como hulk a norton lo veo mas como capitan america wn ,ademas eric bana era un buen bruce banner...pero habra q verla nomas

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH norton como capitan america????
jajajajaja esa wea flachuchenta...no wei...
ubicas esas cosas que van sobre los huesos, que se llaman musculos...de esos hay que tener para hacer del capitan america.
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Vale por los videos ash, ke bueno ver a Edward Norton en una entrevista acerca de la pelikula :zippy:

Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

No me tink la movie... pero Norton es un actorazo de aquellos.
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

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Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Las Figuras De Hulk Ya Estan En Chile...
En Falla... Estan Todas ...las Variaciones De Hulk Y Abomination...
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Flah_Gordo dijo:
Las Figuras De Hulk Ya Estan En Chile...
En Falla... Estan Todas ...las Variaciones De Hulk Y Abomination...

Excelente info. Flah_Gordo, voy a tratar de ir hoy, por si llegaron a mi ciudad.
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

no he visto ninguna aun
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

pelalilin dijo:
no he visto ninguna aun

si estan compadre... revisa en Falladeuda y Almacenes... del centro ,hay muchas figuras de Hulk y de otras peliculas...
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Lo que dice la prensa norteamericana...

Faltando poco para el estreno, Marvel.com ha recopilado las opiniones de lo que los sitios de noticias, que han hecho durante la promoción de la película.

"I'm impressed by the realism of the interaction between Hulk and…physical objects, and the actual human stuntwork has looked excellent."—Yet more Hulkness!
Appearing at JOBLO.COM

"Lots of special effects, lots of badass fight scenes -- guns, bullets, monsters and lovely women: How is that NOT a recipe for success?"—Fantastic New Clip from 'The Incredible Hulk'!

"…Norton may be an inspired choice to play brainy scientist Bruce Banner, grappling with inner and outer conflict ... and we can't wait to see his take on the line "HULK SMASH!""—
38 Reasons Why We're Psyched About Summer
Appearing at AOL.COM

"[Tim] Roth has resided brilliantly in the realm of indie cinema, but now the Oscar nominee is hitting the mainstream in "The Incredible Hulk" (June 13) as the green guy's nemesis, Emil Blonsky/the Abomination."— A summer of great supporting players

"…this reporter…nearly "hulked" out in the theater due to an over-excited heart rate."—Bringing The Incredible Hulk to Life: Part One
Appearing at IGN.COM

"…I can say with all confidence that this looks like another example of Marvel done right."—AICN EXCLUSIVE! Moriarty Visits The Editing Room For THE INCREDIBLE HULK!

"I love it. More, please!"—THE INTERNET IS HULKING OUT!
Appearing at CHUD.COM

"This clip is simply kick ass…"—New Hulk Street Fight Clip

"…the (new) Incredible Hulk score promises to be fantastic!"—Edit Bay Visit Part 2: The Incredible Music of The Incredible Hulk
Appearing at IESB.NET

"I was mostly blown away by what I saw."—HULK EDIT!
Appearing at CHUD.COM

"…if the filmmakers' promised mash-up of the tortured, on-the-run, Jekyl-and-Hyde hero of the '70s TV series and the balls-out gamma-powered beat-downs of the comic book incarnations…is as effective as it is intriguing, there's every reason to believe ol' Jade Jaw may be reeling in giant fistfuls of green at the Cineplex."—
The Incredible Hulk: A Smashing Sampling of Scenes

"It is as if Marvel has found their niche making intelligent, well developed superhero movies."—Ten New Incredible Hulk Pics Stare Us Down

"…this version of Hulk will definitely kick a bunch of ass."—New 'Incredible Hulk' Images (Plus a Peek at Captain America)!

"Edward Norton, whose struggles to deal with rage made him famous in Fight Club and American History X, is the perfect choice to play an ordinary guy with an all-consuming alter ego."—Edward Norton goes green as the most beloved rage-aholic in comic books
Appearing at YAHOO.COM

"It is hard to tell who is more badass in the new trailer for The Incredible Hulk. We have The Hulk for one, but then we also have Tim Roth."—New The Incredible Hulk Trailer!
Appearing at CANMAG.COM

"…the footage we saw proved this flick is going in an entirely different direction -- a run, fight, kick ass sorta direction."—NYCC: 'The Incredible Hulk'

"...comic-book characters, Ed Norton and Liv Tyler all demand attention."—New Hulk trailer!
Appearing at JOBLO.COM

"…it's more than a little entertaining."—New Incredible Hulk trailer

""[The incredible] Hulk" is a Marvel monster movie set amid a realistic backdrop"—Superheroes seek box office invincibility
Appearing at REUTERS.COM
"The big green guy looks great, sounds great and is definitely BAD ASS!"—Edit Bay Visit Preview: The New and Improved INCREDIBLE HULK!
Appearing at IESB.net
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Nuevo Trailer

Este avance apareció ayer y esta muy bueno, contiene nuevas imágenes y lo mas genial es que evoca a la serie de TV, que todos recordamos.

[ame="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ndy5_new-the-incredible-hulk-trailer-awa_creation"]Video [New] The Incredible Hulk Trailer: "Awaken" - incredible, hulk, norton, marvel, clip - Dailymotion Share Your Videos[/ame]

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=VRZ_kH9ZQiI"]YouTube - The Incredible Hulk TV Series - Intro ( Extended )[/ame]
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Nuevo Spot de TV

Este spot comenzó a darse en la TV norteamericana y aquí lo tienen. Por otra parte, ya comenzaron a aparecer los primeros reviews de la película y ha recibido muy buenos comentarios, la próxima semana se estrena en nuestro país.

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=_3TqrW0ZMgg"]YouTube - THE INCREDIBLE HULK - TV SPOT #5[/ame]
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Primer Review

"Much more action-packed and entertaining than the previous Hulk movie. . ."
The new Incredible Hulk movie couldn’t be more different to its 2003 predecessor . . .

Few movies had as drastic a change in box office fortunes as Ang Lee’s 2003 Hulk movie. In its first weekend in the USA, Hulk earned a promising $62 million. The weekend after that it fell sharply to $18 million, and then to $8 million the weekend following that! Bad word-of-mouth sunk the film: it simply wasn’t what audiences expected. Walking out of cinemas screening it, the sheer disappointment amongst ten-year-old boys was palpable. Nothing had prepared them for the rather oddball art house flick meets superhero comic book that was 2003’s Hulk. All they wanted was to see was Hulk smash puny humans . . .

But if you don’t succeed at first, then try again. And it is with this philosophy in mind that Marvel decided to give their potentially lucrative Hulk comic book franchise another shot. The new movie is simply titled The Incredible Hulk, hinting that this time around the movie has more in common with the popular late-1970s TV series than with the comic books – or heavens forbid! - the first movie. And that, dang it, this time round the Hulk will be truly incredible!

Incredible Hulk thus boasts an entirely brand-new cast and creative team.

An excellent Edward Norton replaces Eric Bana as Hulk / Bruce Banner and Liv Tyler replaces Jennifer Connelly (not a good move actually – Tyler is rather bland) as Banner’s ex-girlfriend, Betty Ross. A stoic William Hurt replaces the gruff-voiced Sam Elliott as Betty’s father, General Ross. Transporter 2 director Louis Leterrier takes over at the director’s chair from Brokeback Mountain director Ang Lee, bringing his action movie sensibilities with him in the process. The screenplay is by X-Men: The Last Stand and Fantastic Four scribe Zak Penn along with actor Edward Norton (writing under a nom de plume). Penn is a busy guy by the way: he has already been signed to script 2011’s upcoming Avengers and Captain America movies for Marvel . . .

"Much more action-packed and entertaining than the previous Hulk movie. . ."

Judging from the credentials involved you may think that The Incredible Hulk has dumbed down – and you’d be right. But it in actual fact suits the material at hand much better. After all, this is a movie about a big green giant dude in purple pants who smashes stuff when he gets angry – which is about all the time! The Hulk has never exactly been Marvel’s deepest superhero and is pretty, well, one-dimensional when one thinks about it. But here the Hulk is portrayed as a more “human” character instead of the single-brain-celled creature he is usually portrayed as in the comics.

Straight-forward where the first movie was convoluted, action-packed where Hulk dithered, The Incredible Hulk dispenses with whatever back-story and exposition there is over the film’s opening credit sequence. No tortured unresolved oedipal conflicts here!

The Incredible Hulk assumes that audiences already know the character and his back-story: following an accident involving gamma rays, scientist Bruce Banner becomes the raging super-powered, green-skinned monster The Hulk whenever he gets angry. Of course the U.S. military in the guise of the corrupt General Ross (William Hurt) - who also happens to be the father of Banner’s girlfriend, Betty - is interested in getting their hands on the Hulk and using his blood to manufacture a new breed of super-powered soldiers. Banner becomes a fugitive, hoping to find a cure for his condition before Ross and the U.S. military industrial complex can get their hands on him. In that sense it is more of a sequel than a remake than some of the “let’s give it another shot” talk may have let on.

The story kicks off in Brazil where Banner works as a manual labourer at a bottling plant, trying to find a cure and learn Portuguese in his spare time. (One of the film’s funnier lines involves his broken Portuguese.) Soon however crack U.S. commandos led by Tim Roth with a permanent five o’clock shadow (do they allow this sort of thing in the U.S. military?) are on Banner’s case. He escapes – narrowly – in an exciting foot chase on top of rooftops in a densely populated Brazilian slum, an interesting and exotic choice that makes a change from your standard Hollywood action movie locales.

Things must come to a head however. Banner must find a cure and he soon finds himself back in the States where the Hulk faces off against the U.S. military in a thrilling show-off on a university campus that may lack the scope of a similar fight in the first movie, but which is emotionally more involving.

This time Roth’s character has however been injected by super-soldier juice and is well on his way to becoming The Abomination, an over-sized monster against which the Hulk faces off in a no-holds barred epic battle at the movie’s climax. This final battle in New York streets replete with flying cars, lots of stuff exploding and fleeing bystanders actually outclasses the final show-off in the recent Iron Man by the way.

Except for one or two quiet moments shared by Banner and his girlfriend while on the lam, Incredible Hulk doesn’t waste a single frame on dull talky exposition. It is all plot-driven and action-filled. In fact, unlike the much-hyped Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The Incredible Hulk never runs out of steam. Put simply: this is the movie which audiences wanted to see back in 2003. No dull existential angst and weird split screen film techniques. No mutant poodles either. Instead we get some nice comic asides, including another cameo by Stan Lee and a riff on those mega-stretchy purple pants Banner always seems to wear.

With The Incredible Hulk Marvel has done it again. Like the recent Iron Man, Incredible Hulk is a definite Saturday matinee crowd-pleaser. Kids – and their parents – will love it. Unfortunately the only thing standing in the way of Incredible Hulk becoming the summer hit it deserves to be will be audiences’ negative memories of the 2003 original. Well, forget about all that: The Incredible Hulk may ultimately be as brainless as its main character, but it really is “incredible” this time around. And Hulk smashes stuff too . . .

Don’t read any further if you haven’t seen the movie yet. Some notes fellow comic book geeks would be interested in: One can see that Marvel now has more control over the movie adaptations of its material in the way they have now brought the concept of “cross-overs” to them. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark (Iron Man) makes a cameo appearance towards the end of the movie and hints that a “team” – no doubt the Avengers – is being formed.

Events in this movie also hint that the villain in any future sequel would be “The Leader”, the green-skinned criminal mastermind with the over-sized brain. In the movie he is Samuel Sterns (played by Tim Blake Nelson), the scientist who helps Banner with a cure. Speaking of cameos, look out for one by body builder Lou Ferringo who used to be Hulk in the 1978 television series as a pizza-loving campus security man. Also, Tim Roth’s character in the movie states that he is 39 years old. The actor is in fact 47; closer to the age Hurt’s character estimated him to be.

Nuevo Spot de TV

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=dkmo_-ShW0w"]YouTube - UNIVERSAL SUMMER 2008 - PROMO SPOT Hulk/Hellboy/Wanted/Mummy[/ame]
Re: Edward Norton Se Volverá Verde!!!!

Nuevos Spots de TV

Queda muy poco para el estreno y en la TV norteamericana hay una invasión de spots de Hulk, a continuacion 2 nuevos.

[ame=http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WiLWt5aqM]YouTube - hulk tv spot 6[/ame]

[ame=http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=-rRQ9tGvpHo]YouTube - [New] The Incredible Hulk TV Spot 6: "Ordinary Man"[/ame]
Zack Penn recibirá todo el crédito por el guión


Hace un tiempo salió la información de problemas internos entre Edward Norton y Marvel, por el corte final de la película, despues Norton publicó a su tiempo un mensaje donde trataba de descartar dichos rumores sin afirmar ni negar nada explícitamente. Ahora el sitio de noticias IESB.net ha informado algo que puede traer repercusiones y que haga que Norton se enfade, la publicación de IESB tiene que ver con que el Gremio de Escritores ha decidido no darle crédito como guionista al actor, a pesar que Norton reescribió el guión de Zack Penn. La información publicada por el sitio de noticias dice lo siguiente:

Después de visitar la cabina de edición, hablar con los cineastas y ver partes de la cinta, puedo decirles, The Incredible Hulk va a ser un gran filme. Pero, como IESB descubrió recientemente, el nombre de Edward Norton no está en ningún lugar como escritor. Ni siquiera su alias Edward Harrison está listado.

Tal como está, “Historia y guión” está acreditado solamente a Zak Penn a pesar de que todos sabemos que Norton reescribió el borrador del guión de Penn.

Los representantes de Universal dicen “La WGA (el Gremio de Escritores de América) determinó el crédito de escritor, no Zak ni Edward ni Universal ni Marvel. La WGA siempre determina el credito final por el guión para nuestros filmes justo antes de que la cinta salga. Hasta ese momento, nosotros incluímos a los escritores en el proyecto a la fecha”.

Una llamada a la WGA obtuvo esta respuesta “Zak Penn está recibiendo el único crédito por historia y guión”.

TV Spot 7: "Adventure"

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=9YokRIeM2tM"]YouTube - [New] The Incredible Hulk TV Spot 7: "Adventure"[/ame]
Si esa era la molestia de Norton le encuentro toda la razón, ke son giles los escritores :nonono:

Mejor no veo mucho TV spot y me aguanto la semana que queda, se agradece la nueva info ash :zippymmm:

Pequeño Especial Detrás de Cámaras

En este especial podemos ver algunas entrevistas, nuevas imágenes de la filmación, esta muy bueno.

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=pGqR6SLxNGo"]YouTube - Hulk Documentary (2008)[/ame]

¿Nuevo Cameo de un Superhéroe en la película?

La información que se encuentra a continuación fue traducida por mí de un articulo publicado por el sitio Slashfilm.com, contiene información entregada por el director Louis Leterrier sobre un nuevo cameo en la película, junto con otros cameos que ya se sabían desde hace un tiempo, también se incluye el video de la entrevista, imágenes, lo pongo entre spoilers para quienes no quieran enterarse, pero también esta la posibilidad de que si desconocen que aparecen estos personajes o "cosas" no se den cuenta cuando vayan a ver la película, de cualquier manera es su decisión.


The Incredible Hulk
esta llena de homenajes al comic original y a la serie de televisión. Por ejemplo, Lou Ferrigno, quien interpretaba a Hulk en la serie de TV, presta su voz al gigante verde y tiene un cameo en esta nueva adaptacion. Y si con Iron Man había un cameo de Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), en Hulk, ya se sabe hace mucho tiempo, que Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) aparecerá en una escena al final de los créditos. La gran pregunta aquí es, ¿El Capitán América aparecerá en The Incredible Hulk?.

Louis Leterrier ha dicho lo siguiente en un reciente entrevista:
"Como Director y como fan, me gusta ir a ver películas y verlas varias veces, ... y cada vez que las veo, descubro pequeñas cosas en los fondos".

"¿Sabias que en Iron man, el escudo del Capitán América puede ser visto en una parte de la película? bueno en Hulk tu tal vez veas al Capitán América en persona".



¿Podría el Capitán América hacer una aparición en The Incredible Hulk?, Sabemos que el supersuero que se usará (o se usó) para crear al Capitán América hará mas que una aparición en la película, ¿pero el Capitán América en persona?, ¿eso fue lo que Leterrier dijo, cierto? El "Capitán en persona", he hablado con algunas personas que ya vieron la película, y ninguna ha reportado que el superhéroe aparece, lo que puede significar dos cosas:


La aparición del Capitán América, como su escudo en Iron Man, tal vez sea algo en el fondo de una toma, tal difícil de ver, que si uno pestañea seguramente se lo perderá (y incluso si uno no pestañea, se lo perderá)


Esa pieza de escena no haya sido incluida en las proyecciones previas, tal como ocurrió con la escena de Nick Fury que fue intencionalmente dejada fuera en todas las proyecciones previas de Iron Man, incluyendo la premiere de la película, con el fin de preservar la sorpresa para el estreno mundial.

A continuación pueden ver el video donde lo revela el director Louis Leterrier, junto con algunas cosillas mas.

Bkn ash, ojala se venga alguna sorpesa inesperada como las posibilidades ke se comentan :zippy:

Nuevos TV Spots

Cuidado con este, parte de un cameo al inicio, excelente!!!
[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=BOq0BD_Eiig"]YouTube - THE INCREDIBLE HULK - TV SPOT #8 [ Spoiler ][/ame]

[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=MXHGhxWeMr4"]YouTube - THE INCREDIBLE HULK - TV SPOT #9[/ame]

En este Spot se puede escuchar por primera vez a hulk hablar, Lou Ferrigno es quien presta su voz.
[ame="http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=_oeBYIuq27w"]YouTube - THE INCREDIBLE HULK - TV SPOT #10[/ame]
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