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The critical reviews are sorted in the “unrated or in progress” section on Metacritic, likely so as not to damage the aggregate score.

From Vice’s review:

“The Last of Us Part II feels complacent, yet also preoccupied with its predecessor. Every facet of the original game has been expanded and enlarged in the sequel, but not actually improved. It is as if its only inspiration is the original game, and the well of pop culture it was drawing from. There is practically nothing here we haven’t seen and done repeatedly throughout previous Naughty Dog games. It sets out to surpass its predecessor, but the only meaningful contrast between them is in its even more oppressive bleakness and violence. It digs two graves, fills them with blood, and then just fucking wallows in them.”

From TIME magazine’s review:

“But if Naughty Dog’s intent was to shock, leaning so heavily on the violence has the opposite effect: 30 hours into the game, it’s easy to grow numb to acts of cruelty. That awe-inducing scenery and careful character-building is lost in macabre action. And while the violence of the first game served a compelling moral tale, the over-the-top bloodshed of Part II is all in service of a rather clichéd and tiresome lesson about the endless cycle of revenge. The banter that elevated the first game above mere dystopian fantasy is gone too, as Ellie often navigates this ultra-violent world on her own. It makes for a lonely, depressing experience at a moment when many of us are already feeling lonely and depressed.”

From Polygon’s review, hilariously titled “The Last of Us Part 2 review: We’re better than this Did you know murder is wrong?”:

“The Last of Us Part 2 depicts individual people who are instead ruthless, capable, yet self-absorbed, and whose perception of violence is limited to how it affects them and their chosen family members. They are almost unbelievably unable to see the bigger picture. Part 2 ends up feeling needlessly bleak, at a time when a nihilistic worldview has perhaps never been less attractive. Its characters are surviving, but they’re not learning, and they’re certainly not making anything better.

Maybe the most surprising thing that The Last of Us Part 2 offered me was the surety that, while the game was made with great skill and craft, we are actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are.”

Metacritic hasn’t been a GOOD metric of ANYTHING in years, people. Stop fucking counting numbers and spend a tiny goddamn bit of time actually reading with your damn eyes.
"Soon-to-be-released sequel to be divisive"
* flashbacks a declaraciones de Rian Johnson sobre The Last Jedi antes del estreno *

De hecho lo que dijo el actor de Joel fue básicamente lo mismo que dijo Mark Hamill con respecto al episodio 8.

Personalmente no confío en las notas de los críticos, sobretodo cuando hay tanta plata en juego. Me llama la atención que el tema de la inclusividad a la fuerza no salga en los comentarios, o no afecte las notas. Es simplemente imposible que nadie lo cuestione.

Una obra maestra :jrio:
Personalmente no confío en las notas de los críticos, sobretodo cuando hay tanta plata en juego. Me llama la atención que el tema de la inclusividad a la fuerza no salga en los comentarios, o no afecte las notas. Es simplemente imposible que nadie lo cuestione.
Junio es el mes del orgullo LGBT en Gringolandia. Anda a ver si alguien se atreve a cuestionarlo sin arriesgar perder la pega :yaoming:

Ya que andan borrando videos, dejo las primeras horas de juego y un par de escenas sueltas.
Que manera de arruinar una secuela :ohno:
Que chucha, ningún review se refiere a Abby, así de complicado está el embargo como dice la mina reviewer?
Por lo que parece, estan más limitados de lo acostumbrado. Subí un video de un reviewer que dice que Sony no les permitio referirse a eventos y personajes de la segunda parte del juego. Todos los wnes nombran a solo los personajes que salieron en los trailers.
Yo tambien esperaba las notas buenas....propaganda soya no falla.
Lo irrisorio es lo que dicen arriba...Esta super oculto eso que manejaras a la camiona la mitad del juego
:monomeon: Last of soya, tibas besandose, pedofilos yy nuestro heroe muerto.
:idolo: Ghost of tsushima : Samurai destripando lo que pasa por su camino
o sea estan confirmando que es una mierda...si hay tanto empeño en ocultar la mitad de la historia es porque saben que de filtrarse nadie va a comprar el juego.