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Sufre el judío: Reddit supera a Facebook en EE.UU y ya es el tercer sitio mas visitado en ese país

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Reddit surpasses Facebook in Popularity

An interesting development on the web happened today. Reddit just passed Facebook as #3 most popular website in the US. This was no small feat for the Reddit engineering team who have also juggled a site re-design. As the Facebook deals with an Exodus, I suspect that new user sign-ups have slowed for the Silicon Valley giant as well.

As TNW reported:

On average, Reddit users spend 15 minutes and 10 seconds on it every day, a figure substantially higher than its competitors. Google users spend 7 minutes 16 seconds, YouTube 8 minutes 31 seconds, Facebook 10 minutes 50 seconds and Amazon 7 minutes 37 seconds on the sites each day.

This isn’t great news for Facebook on the face of things. The social media company’s audience is aging and shifting to other platforms and, with the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the company’s lost a lot of sheen.

It really just comes down to two factors: time and traffic.

Facebook has millions of backlinks over their rival Reddit, but people enjoy the fresh and open content. Snoo's tribes will continue to grow as Facebook's users age, linger and mob.

I have long been a fan and user of Reddit. I may not enjoy everything I come across on Reddit, but alas is the beauty of their unique paradigms that help keep my feed fresh:

  • Useful Bots (most of the time, clearly labeled as such)
  • Subreddit Flairs (great for improving comment threads and context)
  • Up-voting and down-voting
  • Karma (helps identify trolls and patron saints of Reddit easily)
  • A never-ending battle to squash bullshit on Reddit
I love Reddit. It's been through some tough times, and still is wrangling with problematic subreddits, but that's the cost of a great product and an even better community. It takes real work to cultivate and grow a healthy internet community. I really think Facebook held that title up until 2011 with their first set of re-design efforts. But somewhere along the way Facebook lost their soul and lost their focus.

fuente: https://smpetrey.com/reddit-surpasses-facebook-in-popularity/

ranking alexa: https://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/US
Facebook se chacreó solo... quizo ser tantas weás que termina abrumando a los visitantes. Que el market, que las fanpages, que la publicidad, que las noticias... al final uno navega por tanta basura para ver 2 ó 3 cosas interesantes que mejor entrar a instagram a ver lo que queremos ver: potos y tetas.

Entro a facebook sólo por las páginas de memes.
Mientras más tetas y culos tenga, cualquier red social le vuela la raja a Facebook.
Traduce la wea po

Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 3 mediante Tapatalk
4chan y 2chan ¿cuantos usuarios tiene?
Reddit es entrete si sigues los subs que te gustan. Por ejemplo recién bajé mucho rato en r/interestingasfuck. El problema de FB como dijo alguien ya, es que se saturó, entro y es pura basura de mis "amigos" mezclada con páginas y grupos. Al final de ya pasar un tiempo en redes sociales te das cuenta que no te interesa que hace y piensa (porque algunos dejan unos inmensos testamentos) tu primo/amigo/compañero/conocido. Los de FB no pierden tanto tampoco porque son dueños de Instagram y la gente mayor sigue usándolo, además de el hecho que Reddit aún no es tan popular en países de habla hispana.
Lo que arreglaría en reddit es su diseño en PC, las imágenes y videos quedan pequeñas y no se reproducen solos, a diferencia de la app. Hicieron un cambio de diseño hace poco, pero no arreglaron esa parte.