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Dragon Ball Super, nueva serie original, (Julio 2015)

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yo creo que lo peor que se viene es que nos van a vender la pomada con gohan luchador pero va a ser un bodrio que ni siquiera alcanza a :idolo: Don Mirai Trunks
esa teoria se descartó, trunks es de otra dimensión paralela con otros universos.
Para lo que le costó a Champa averiguar la cagá que estaba quedando en el futuro del Universo 7 y viajar en el tiempo o mandar a Vados con algún supremo Kaio. En el universo DB todo es posible :sisi:
Si es canon para el anime,asi como el uso del ssg o el drenaje de energia del ssb es canon solo para el manga,son dos continuidades diferentes nada mas.
La obra original es el manga, es ahi donde el autor decide que cresta pasa. Las decisiones de la Toei que han llevado a la serie animada a ser una soberana mierda no son canon :grito:.
que nadie se acuerda del relleno eterno despues que se termina la saga de cell hasta buu? :lol2: era una wea descomunal de relleno jaja casi 40 capitiulos
Se viene hijo nuevo goku ql cachero :lol2:
  • January 15, 2017
    Dragon Ball Super Episode 74 – For the Sake of Those He Loves! The Indomitable Great Saiyaman
    Gohan’s superhero identity “Great Saiyaman” is being made into a movie. Gohan is hired as the stunt double for Barry Karn, the mean-spirited star playing Great Saiyaman. While Gohan struggles with the film, the parasitic alien Watagash is up to no good on Earth. Watagash is lured by the darkness in people’s hearts and infects them; the eviler they are, the more he increases their power.
  • January 22, 2017
    Dragon Ball Super Episode 75 – Title Not Available
    Goku is bored without a training partner, so Chi Chi calls Gohan, who turns into Great Saiyaman and takes Goku on but…
  • January 29, 2017
    Dragon Ball Super Episode 76 – Title Not Available
    “Krillin is picked next as the bored Goku’s training partner. He suggests they train together under the Turtle Hermit like the old times. As a part of their training, the Turtle Hermit orders them to go get the “Paradise Grass” herb from a forest. In the forest, they find Frieza, Majin Buu, Cell, and other old foes Goku and co. have fought.
  • February 05, 2017
    Dragon Ball Super Episode 77 – Title Not Available
    When Goku goes to Bulma’s house to train with Whis, he finds her belly has gotten big, and he learns she is pregnant with her second child. What’s more, she’ll be giving birth soon, and Vegeta is so nervous he can’t calm down!
eeehh que la historia viene del manga? Y que el resto vale callampa?

la historia no viene del manga, viene de la cabeza de toriyama que se la pasa al wn que hace el manga y a toei, cada uno interpreta la wea como quiere.
el unico "canon" que hay es lo que sea que les haya mandado toriyama a cada uno

Bra? esa weona es exclusiva de DBGT.
Se viene goku SSJ4 :rezo:

aparece al final de dbz tambien :buenaonda:
  • January 29, 2017
    Dragon Ball Super Episode 76 – Title Not Available
    “Krillin is picked next as the bored Goku’s training partner. He suggests they train together under the Turtle Hermit like the old times. As a part of their training, the Turtle Hermit orders them to go get the “Paradise Grass” herb from a forest. In the forest, they find Frieza, Majin Buu, Cell, and other old foes Goku and co. have fought.
Intedezante :zippymmm:
lo bueno es que el relleno esta tomando cosas del original, igual es una buena carta aprovecharlo para presentar a bra, aunque habra que ver cuanto tiempo paso ya que eso implicaria que viajo embarazada al futuro (bastante irresponsable si ya lo sabia)
Por lo que se lee en las fechas de los capítulos, hoy tampoco hay.
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