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Eunuco Piñelet: "La izquierda quiso un golpe blanco -blando- el 18O"

How Australia dealt with a popular urge for unspecified change (ditching the monarchy for.. something else, 1998-1999):

Give the activists what they wish for: a convention to come up with an alternative
Watch the activists fighting each other and come up with an alternative that no one really wants
Put it to the people, who wanted change but do not have one single idea of change.
The people reject it because all concrete alternatives, being earthly constructs, are imperfect. The status quo is strengthened.

How New Zealand dealt with a popular urge for unspecified change (ditching the union jack on the flag and replace it with... something else, 2015-16):

Give the activists what they wish for: a convention to come up with an alternative flag
Watch the activists fighting each other and come up with an alternative flag that no one really wants
Put it to the people, who wanted change but do not have one single idea of change.
The people reject it because all concrete alternatives, being earthly constructs, are imperfect. The status quo is strengthened.

How Chile dealt with a popular urge for unspecified change (ditching the old Constitution for.. something better, 2019-2022):

Give the activists what they wish for: a convention to come up with an alternative
Watch the activists fighting each other and come up with an alternative that no one really wants
Put it to the people, who wanted change but do not have one single idea of change.
The people reject it because all concrete alternatives, being earthly constructs, are imperfect. The status quo is strengthened.

Perhaps... some lesson that the UK should have learnt in 2016? If we had put Gisela Stuart, Jeremy Corbyn, Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage in a committee to come up with an alternative to be voted for, we might be still in the EU. Indeed, the committee might still haven't come up with a draft yet.
....un tercer periodo ??????????????? jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

Viejo tonto weon dejo que los zurdos hicieren lo que quisieron y la ONU con su maldita OMS a pinchar a la gente, cuando las vacunas tuvieron que ser solo voluntaria.
Piñera quiere puro cortar la cola, ya estaba quedando la cagada con delincuentes importados y la Martorelli, mijita, bien gracias, y ahora es súper experta en no sé que chucha.
El Piñerismo es vende patria por esencia.
El psicopata usa el gancho del intento del golpe solo para promociomar a su grupo de amigos sediciosos.

Todos saben que eso fue solo parte de su fantasia cuando en plena crisis psicotica creó toda esa historia, basado en informacion de redes sociales y lo que le manda a decir Uribe.
Le avisó USA que de Europa del Este, se lo estaban culiando parado por lo de Cucuta. Lamentablemente ahí también estaba Trump, otro chupapi de Rusia, que ni siquiera asigno embajador en Chile, sino otro gallo habría cantado :sisi3:.
MAricon ql de Piñera, al ql le avisaron y dejo hacer no mas, ahora que ya no es presidente le sale la voz al csm pa grande
La izquierda tenia un buen aliado en la moneda con piñera

La declaracion del wn que nos entregó en bandeja