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Premian a Muse Como la Mejor Banda Del Mundo

L i a m dijo:
y porqe no fueron buenos


No fueron buenos según quien?, segun los criticos?, segun tu?

origin of symmetry es muy buen disco.

Estan puro hueviando, nunca van a convencer a los hueones 'malulos' que Muse es una gran banda, y pa ser sinceros tampoco gastaria tiempo tratando de convencer a un hueon que debe escuchar a tal banda.

evil akuma dijo:
mo tengo ganas de debatir, por que no me interesan los grupos gay
premiar a mus como la mejor banda del mundo :hands:

Comparando a Muse con Rush, :lol2: con ese nivel de argumento nadie te va a echar de menos saco huea :vale:

Pd, puta pal que dijo que el segundo disco de los Arctic Monkeys era una mierda, chuuu, para mi es el mejor.
buena banda igual es un poco apresurado q la califiquen como la mejor pero pa alla va lo mas seguro es q se transformen en una banda de esas legendarias.... pero mas adelante
Merakion dijo:
yo digo que la mejor banda viva y en vivo es radiohead :zippycheers:

No se si fue sarcasmo o no..
Mejor banda viva radiohead, puede ser...igual hay muchas bandas exelentes como para decir "la mejor", pero me gusta mas que Muse.
Ahora en cuando a bandas en vivo, ahi discrepo...siendo un fanatico de Radiohead, fui al concierto de Radiohead y Muse...y puedo decir que si bien Radiohead tiene una puesta de escena impresionante, la de Muse me dejo con la boca abierta, en especial por como un trio podia llenar tanto espacio en el escenario, el cual tenia una decoracion bastante minimalista...
Bola_8 dijo:
No se si fue sarcasmo o no..
Mejor banda viva radiohead, puede ser...igual hay muchas bandas exelentes como para decir "la mejor", pero me gusta mas que Muse.
Ahora en cuando a bandas en vivo, ahi discrepo...siendo un fanatico de Radiohead, fui al concierto de Radiohead y Muse...y puedo decir que si bien Radiohead tiene una puesta de escena impresionante, la de Muse me dejo con la boca abierta, en especial por como un trio podia llenar tanto espacio en el escenario, el cual tenia una decoracion bastante minimalista...

La mejor banda en vivo es Pearl Jam y punto.

No cualquier banda llena un estadio de 30.000 personas 4 dias seguidos, tocan por 3 horas y media en cada uno de los conciertos, y siendo además, todos diferentes entre ellos. Se dan el lujo de tocar un concierto sin tocar sus grandes exitos y aún así el concierto es excelente. La gente colecciona los conciertos de Pearl Jam precisamente por las rarezas.

Dudo que alguna otra banda sea capaz de sacar a la venta 72 conciertos en vivo en CD, y que 5 entren directamente al ranking de los 200 discos mas vendidos de una pasada (de hecho, pearl jam tiene el record de el artista con mas discos en el ranking en una semana ( 7 discos al toke)).

Breaks Its Own Chart Record

Yahoo! Music, Mar 7, 2001 4:00 pm PST
(3/7/01, 4 p.m. ET) - Pearl Jam has broken its own record for the number of titles to debut simultaneously on the Billboard 200 album chart. Seven of the band's 23 first-leg North American tour live albums debuted in the bottom quarter of the chart this week. The band set the previous record back in October when five of its European live albums debuted on the Billboard 200 album chart.
The band can set another record next month when 24 more CDs of its North American Tour, from the second leg, are released March 27.
The charting Pearl Jam live bootlegs are:
Number 159 - Jones Beach, New York (August 2)
Number 163 - Boston, Massachusetts
Number 174 - Indianapolis, Indiana
Number 176 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Number 179 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Number 181 - Tampa, Florida
Number 191 - Memphis, Tennessee

Los conciertos desde el año 2000 están disponibles para comprar a precio ridículo (yo pagué 5 lucas por un disco triple) y desde el 2003 están disponibles en formato mp3 y flac, creo que a 4 lucas el concierto.

Pero por sobre todas esas cosas, no hay banda que haga sentir cada concierto como si fuese el primero que tocan. La dedicación que ponen en cada concierto (sin contar el hecho de que son extraordinariamente secos), evitando hasta tocar temas que han tocado en conciertos anteriores en la misma ciudad, hacen que sea la banda mas grande en vivo que exista. Son los Greateful Dead del siglo XXI. Los que fueron a los 2 conciertos en santiago el 2005 saben de lo que hablo. Y no hay otra banda que se les compare por eso.
Vengo a clarar que no era sarcasmo... soy un fanático empedernido de Radiohead
ahora me gustaría saber cuales son los parámetros para evaluara a una "mejor" banda?
cuanto publico lleva? cuanto TIEMPO llevan? su calidad musical?
por que si mal no entiendo el post de arriba alguien que cante 3 horas y media canciones de cuna y lleve a 30.000 madres con sus hijos puede ser la mejor banda (ojo, no estoy comparando a pearl jam con una banda de canciones de cuna... por los hipersensibles de siempre)

Para mi creo que es una cuestión de sentimientos, y por eso para mi Radiohead es la mejor banda viva... ha tenido una continuidad en sus posturas desde siempre (no así su estilo musical), cada uno de sus discos marca pauta para bandas futuras (ej. Muse) y no se ha formado por un conglomerado de "sandias caladas" como fuera en el caso de un hipotético éxito de them crooked voltures. Y por lo demás, el show de muse si es muy bueno en vivo pero no me atrevería a decir que uno es mejor que otro, solo es una vivencia que afecta nuestra objetividad por lo que me es super complicado decidir, pero Wembley 2006 de Muse me deja con los pelos de punta. Y la calidad de pearl jam no la discuto en cada uno de sus discos, pero solo un grungero puede decir que sus conciertos son una expresión perfecta de música.
Merakion dijo:
Vengo a clarar que no era sarcasmo... soy un fanático empedernido de Radiohead
ahora me gustaría saber cuales son los parámetros para evaluara a una "mejor" banda?
cuanto publico lleva? cuanto TIEMPO llevan? su calidad musical?
por que si mal no entiendo el post de arriba alguien que cante 3 horas y media canciones de cuna y lleve a 30.000 madres con sus hijos puede ser la mejor banda (ojo, no estoy comparando a pearl jam con una banda de canciones de cuna... por los hipersensibles de siempre)

Para mi creo que es una cuestión de sentimientos, y por eso para mi Radiohead es la mejor banda viva... ha tenido una continuidad en sus posturas desde siempre (no así su estilo musical), cada uno de sus discos marca pauta para bandas futuras (ej. Muse) ...... Y la calidad de pearl jam no la discuto en cada uno de sus discos, pero solo un grungero puede decir que sus conciertos son una expresión perfecta de música.


se te olvida la época del the bends, cuando tom yorke usaba el mismo corte de pelo y la misma ropa que kurt cobain, solo para subirse al carro del grunge!

y los segundo, anda a decirle eso a toda la prensa de europa, estados unidos, australia y nueva zelanda entonces.... supongo que serán todos grungeros los periodistas que escriben los reviews de esta gira y califican a pj como la mejor banda en vivo del planeta.

Reviews (sorry pero están en ingles... por eso creo que no hay reviews de los conciertos en berlin y en rotterdam). Si no cachan ingles, hablen con miguelrojas83 :cuek:

The mighty Pearl Jam consolidated their reputation as one of the world's best live acts with another fantastic performance at Members Equity Stadium last night.
On a perfect spring night, the Seattle five made a welcome return to Australia on the back of their latest album, Backspacer. The show made good on Eddie Vedder's promise at Subiaco Oval on Nov 25, 2006, to return "in a few years, yeah?"


Though Pearl Jam can now call itself an indie band after releasing a new album on its own label, the Seattle group is still playing in the big leagues when it comes to staging an arena rock show.

The Seattle group kicked off its latest tour with a megawatt, two-hour-plus concert Monday night at KeyArena, revvving up its fans with old chestnuts like “Even Flow” and “Alive,” as well as spanking-new rockers “Got Some” and “Johnny Guitar” from the band’s new album, “Backspacer.” Concertgoers sang along to many of the songs, doing such a nice job with “Better Man” that even Vedder was impressed.


Playing the fourth of four shows this week at the arena, Pearl Jam let loose with a 41-song, three hour-and-35-minute performance that featured one of the strangest set lists of its career. A host of A-list guests, including Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel, had been rumored to appear, but ultimately the band did not need any extra star power to send the Spectrum off in style.

Pearl Jam emptied its proverbial vaults for the venue's finale, offering the first-ever live performances of the Tom Waits-style accordion dirge "Bugs" from 1994's "Vitalogy" and the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tribute "Sweet Lew," sung by bassist Jeff Ament while frontman Eddie Vedder dribbled a basketball around the stage.


VANCOUVER — Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder is a man who simply refuses to grow old gracefully. Vedder and his mates left it all on the stage Friday night at GM Place with a live performance that certainly deserves a place among the band's 263 authorized live bootlegs.
From the first clap of bass thunder that rolled around the Garage, Vedder, guitar players Mike McCready and Stone Gossard, bassist Jeff Ament and drummer Matt Cameron held hearts and ears in their hands.


On their second and final night at the United Center, Pearl Jam achieved what has become a staple in their live performances over the past 18 years—total domination. Over the course of 28 songs, the champions of Seattle pulled no punches in front of another sold-out audience.

As the stadium house lights were brought back up, the pulsating muddy groves of Neil Young’s “Fuckin’ Up” succumbed to the gentle blues of “Yellow Ledbetter.” No longer disguised in the darkness or flickering of stage lights, the sea of fans that had kept pace with the band for over 2 ½ hours expressed their thanks one more time in clear view. For just another night, Chicago belonged to Pearl Jam.


When critics make their picks at the end of the year for the best concerts in Utah in 2009, Pearl Jam should get extremely high consideration.

Eleven years after last performing in the Beehive State, Pearl Jam made a triumphant return Monday night, playing with an energy and making a connection with the audience that few acts can achieve. By the time the band got to the final guitar chords of "Alive" during the second encore with the house lights on, the crowd was worked into a frenzy.


Though Pearl Jam proved tight to the microsecond, Vedder apologized for having a cold. “The tour kicked our fucking ass and I’m pissed off my throat is not what it is.” His hoarseness went unnoticed or forgiven by the die-hards and the merely drunk laid low by smuggled-in hard liquor and $7 Heineken chasers. “Even Flow” sent crowd surfers skyward and McCready played the song’s solo behind his head, the entire spectacle magnified by twin, hi-definition stadium video monitors fed by at least six fixed and mounted cameras. Even the shortest fans felt like front row watchers, and McCready made it look easy.

“We’re about to take three weeks off,” said Vedder. “I don’t know what the fuck [Mike]’s going to do when he can’t do that.”


And as Pearl Jam made plain all week long, it is nothing if not the hardworking band, and the influence of the classic rock bands that built the Spectrum's legend courses through their music. That's particularly true of Vedder, whose arena roar is unmistakably reminiscent of such original rock gods as Jim Morrison and Roger Daltrey. All of which made Pearl Jam an ideal choice to bring the history of the Spectrum alive one last time.


But, as Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder said from the stage, “You can’t be disappointed. We’re up here working our [darned butts] off. … We don’t need these [darned] guys, ‘cause you got me!”

And work Pearl Jam did, through an amazing – and exhausting – 42 songs (for 42 years, get it?), making it 11 songs and 15 minutes longer than Bruce Springsteen’s finale show 11 days earlier.

They even joined the many costumed members of the sold-out – and supremely stoked – audience by, just before midnight , putting on the yellow hazard suits and red flower-pot hats of Devo and playing a ragged but fun cover of that band’s “Whip It.”


Chicago II is simply the finest concert I have ever attended. Pearl Jam is playing in their tightest, finest form right now. Eddie's voice sounds fantastic, better than it did when I saw the band in '07 and '08. Mike never missed a damn note. Stone seems to have more energy than I can recall since those Ten-era videos, as he rocked like a wild man through Boom's solos during "Crazy Mary." Jeff is still jumping like he is under 30. Matt is precise, powerful and somehow humble amidst all this. 56 total songs and 49 different ones over the course of two nights. There is no band in the land like Pearl Jam. I attended the Rothbury Music Festival last month and saw a large group of extremely talented musicians made for the stage, particularly The Dead, Umphrey's McGee, Ani DiFranco, John Butler, Guster, Damien Marley & Nas and the String Cheese Incident. While there are more refined, more talented and more legendary musicians among many of these acts, all of them missed that something special that defines the live Pearl Jam experience.


But know what? He and the rest of the band sounded great. Relentlessly, almost fearsomely great. Vedder might have flubbed a few words, but he didn't miss a note.

The band, despite one to many Who covers and somewhat flabby versions of hits like "Alive" and "Yellow Ledbetter," was fast and sharp, like a group of much younger musicians with a lot more to prove than was actually necessary.


The Pearl Jam canon is deep. Who knows what the band will deliver these next two nights? But it's not surprising that PJ has much to choose from, since the act celebrates its 20th year in 2010. Four of the five players have been together since the group's inception. No wonder the band is nearly telepathic. Gossard and McCready are in lockstep throughout the band's freewheeling shows.

Vedder proved yet again that he's one of the finest frontmen in the business. Pearl Jam hasn't been around forever, but there is an old-school element at its shows that is missing at many concerts.

The band's ability to connect with an audience is laudable and it's becoming a lost art.

As good as the band's initial date of its final Spectrum run was, you couldn't help but leave the arena and think that this was just the warm-up for something special Saturday.

In terms of rock 'n' roll ceremony and history, Pearl Jam is right up there with U2 and Bruce Springsteen. Each of those acts understands how magical and transcendent rock 'n' roll shows can be.


Just as Eddie Vedder has the capacity to send chills up and down one’s spine, you imagine he and the band feel the same way when 22,000 voices sing every word to every song. Never is that more evident than “Better Man,” where Vedder handed over singing duties to the fans for the first half of the song. He relished in the moment then offered a sort of apology, explaining, “it’s fun for me.” The truth is, Vedder didn’t have to sing a word and you still would have heard every lyric, even the cover songs. But then you wouldn’t experience the power of one of the greatest rock bands of all time. At times, it’s like getting punched square in the nose – you’re dazed and awestruck and your senses are twisted and heightened all at once. You feel alive (pun very much intended) and you get the experience of hearing huge arena rock music that feels it was meant just for your ears. (’Alive’ was epic, by the way.)


They lived up to their legend too, with a fantastically explosive show that included grunge era bedrock like Why Go, Even Flow and Daughter along with fine newer tunes like Big Wave, Unemployable and even The Fixer off their upcoming album Backspacer, set to be released in September.

Unless I'm mistaken this was Pearl Jam's first full-on concert gig in many months, but, to be sure, their was no rust on this machine.

Frontman Eddie Vedder's voice was as strong as it's ever been, his delivery as fiery and passionate as the rock preacher man he strives to be. Guitarists Stone Gossard and Mike McReady were just as sharp and Matt Cameron, one of the most lethal drummers to emerge from the grunge era, drove the band relentlessly.


Other highlights included the almost obligatory Even Flow from the band's debut (and recently reissued) Ten. Alive and a searing rendition of Porch that McCready steamrolled through were also tracks off the same album the band delivered in the encore, one that primarily acts as a half-show of sometimes 8, sometimes 10 additional songs.

With no gimmicks other than a simple backdrop of waves, Pearl Jam thanked the fans for sticking with the band through some rough patches. And while Yellow Ledbetter, the mellow show closer which sees them leave one by one, was on the setlist, Pearl Jam opted to leave in fine rock style with the joyous Rockin' In The Free World.


One of the most influential bands of the '90s, Seattle grunge stars Pearl Jam, had 30,000 South Island fans singing along at last night's concert at AMI Stadium, the final gig of their Australasian tour.

Having sold over 60 million albums worldwide and poised to celebrate their 20th anniversary, the group possess an enviable back catalogue of hits. But, it has to be said, it takes class to rock through 25 plus songs over more than two hours at a gig and have each set be superb and have new things to offer each time.

Last night they passionately ebbed and flowed their way through classics from early albums including the decade-defining Ten, classic covers and new favourites from their latest album, Backspacer.


Pearl Jam always had more in common with classic 1960s and 1970s rock than the punky nihilism of grunge. Once seen as a criticism, this wider perspective has increasingly proved to be an asset as the last decade’s fickle pop fashions recede. They were certainly shameless in their ancestor worship on Tuesday, enlisting a cadaverous Ronnie Wood, of the Rolling Stones, for a fiery gallop through Bob Dylan’s All Along the Watchtower. Simon Townshend, younger brother of Pete, also joined them on a ragged cover of The Who’s The Real Me.

This show, sprawling well over two hours, began at an explosively exciting pitch that dissipated as the evening progressed. There were a few trudging, workmanlike numbers, but Vedder’s essentially likeable nature won through. The grunge bubble may have burst 15 years ago, but The Dude abides.


The performance offered shades of brilliance as well as missed opportunities to make the night really memorable.

For every shredding solo that emerges from the fretboard of Mike McCready, even managing to play one entirely behind his back during the almighty Even Flow, there’s another gentle drop in pace to allow the layers of folk, blues and country in their music to come through.

During an intricate jam Vedder begins to gravitate towards the side of the stage for what appears to be a bottle of wine and the odd, crafty cigarette.


Powerful display from former grungers.

Everyone who has ever been to, or even heard of a Pearl Jam gig, know very well that the Seattle band do not simply walk on, do a customary routine of 16 songs sprinkled with some inane crowd-pleasing before walking off after a three-song encore.

Pearl Jam are, of course, so much more. Not only do they have one of the most interesting (and extensive) back catalogues of any modern rock band, they have in Eddie Vedder a frontman whose lyrical and musical gift is only exceeded by a tremendous stage presence.


Here I've also been instructed to give a quick outline of their equipment, so here goes. Well after using a bit of a mish-mash of guitars for about half of the show, after Eddie's strat broke half way through rearviewmirror it was his signature tele from here on in. It was also good to see Jeff Ament playing a double bass on a couple of the songs too. Plagued by trouble (in addition to Eddie's guitar breaking, at a similar time his mic was giving loads of feedback, and earlier on, an amp had gone haywire, and Mike McCreedy's pedal board set on fire), the sound did not change one little bit. I think whatever equipment you tossed on Pearl Jam, they would still come out blazing in all of their simultaneous raw and refined glory. // 10


creo que no hay nada mas que agregar a la discusión.
Salieron las calcetineras a decir que SU banda es la mejor y blablabla.
John_Frink dijo:
La mejor banda en vivo es Pearl Jam y punto.

No cualquier banda llena un estadio de 30.000 personas 4 dias seguidos, tocan por 3 horas y media en cada uno de los conciertos, y siendo además, todos diferentes entre ellos. Se dan el lujo de tocar un concierto sin tocar sus grandes exitos y aún así el concierto es excelente. La gente colecciona los conciertos de Pearl Jam precisamente por las rarezas.

Dudo que alguna otra banda sea capaz de sacar a la venta 72 conciertos en vivo en CD, y que 5 entren directamente al ranking de los 200 discos mas vendidos de una pasada (de hecho, pearl jam tiene el record de el artista con mas discos en el ranking en una semana ( 7 discos al toke)).

Breaks Its Own Chart Record

Yahoo! Music, Mar 7, 2001 4:00 pm PST
(3/7/01, 4 p.m. ET) - Pearl Jam has broken its own record for the number of titles to debut simultaneously on the Billboard 200 album chart. Seven of the band's 23 first-leg North American tour live albums debuted in the bottom quarter of the chart this week. The band set the previous record back in October when five of its European live albums debuted on the Billboard 200 album chart.
The band can set another record next month when 24 more CDs of its North American Tour, from the second leg, are released March 27.
The charting Pearl Jam live bootlegs are:
Number 159 - Jones Beach, New York (August 2)
Number 163 - Boston, Massachusetts
Number 174 - Indianapolis, Indiana
Number 176 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Number 179 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Number 181 - Tampa, Florida
Number 191 - Memphis, Tennessee

Los conciertos desde el año 2000 están disponibles para comprar a precio ridículo (yo pagué 5 lucas por un disco triple) y desde el 2003 están disponibles en formato mp3 y flac, creo que a 4 lucas el concierto.

Pero por sobre todas esas cosas, no hay banda que haga sentir cada concierto como si fuese el primero que tocan. La dedicación que ponen en cada concierto (sin contar el hecho de que son extraordinariamente secos), evitando hasta tocar temas que han tocado en conciertos anteriores en la misma ciudad, hacen que sea la banda mas grande en vivo que exista. Son los Greateful Dead del siglo XXI. Los que fueron a los 2 conciertos en santiago el 2005 saben de lo que hablo. Y no hay otra banda que se les compare por eso.

Bueno con Pearl Jam no puedo opinar, por que he tenido la mala suerte de no poder asistir a niguno de los conciertos que ha hecho hasta ahora y por puros ataos ajenos a mi...Pero es otra de las bandas que tiene un exelente en vivo
Pta si es por shows en vivo.. el de NIN ha sido uno de los mejores espectáculos que he visto... no olviden al gran Trent.
Hay algo que reconocer acá, y es que Muse sabe tocar, bien y del bueno. Elaboradas serán sus canciones, pero no vendidas, además de la llevada de estas al escenario, en sus "megaespectáculos" que dan al más puro estilo inglés es notable, eufórica y realista (lo último en negrita porque es una de las poquísimas bandas actuales que puedes escuchar en cualquier radio y su interpretación en vivo suena igual a la grabación). Me alegro del premio recibido por Muse...la verdad es que me alegraría por cualquier banda...con tal que no premien a semejantes mierdas como Tokio Hotel o Jonas Brothers, todo bien.
altiro saltan los shuer metaleros a tildar de homosexuales a todos los hombres que no comparten sus gustos, es freak que ellos tengan que defender su hombría con uñas y dientes, por que un hombre de verdad, será hombre así tenga canciones de miranda en su mp3.

Muse por lo demás me parece una banda buenísima, pero es como imposible elegir una mejor banda del mundo, es un título demasiado grande y hay muchísimas bandas buenas.

Artic monkeys por lo demás tiene buenos shows en vivo (por lo que he visto en videos), pero me quedo con NIN en vivo.
¿como una banda puede serv mejor q todas las otras??? ¿por discos vendidos???? esa wea en la musica nunca ah tewnido mucho sentido
Locust Star dijo:
EPIC FAIL??? pero si esos weones glameros se comian más minas que todos nosotros juntos, y su música era mucho mas viril que esa caga de banda digna de degustadores de arrollado de venas con leche condensada. En realidad no tienen nada con que sacarse el pillo, cualquier weon que disfrute de "Muse" no difiere mucho de un homosexual que se excita viendo catalogos de calzoncillos; no hay justificación para que te gusten, salvo lo FLETO que eres (o si eres mina)

jajajaj metalito malulu atack

muse es bkn, que bien por ellos, los comence a escuchar hace poco y tienen muy buenos temas
tremenda banda., son la cagaa en vivo

dentro de las weás más mainstream, mmm, sí, están dentro de los mejores.
Sorry por desvirtuar pero andamos buscando vocal pa hacer tributo a MUSE!
(escriban mail a [email protected] :p), solo nos falta vocal!

En cuanto al topic, no me extraña para nada, por lo menos para mi si son los mejores. No son la tipica banda de rock alternativo, sus letras van mucho mas alla y su musica tambien, con los pianos los synths... Eso.
