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Sobre Un Video Comentado En 4chan


Alguien conoce el video que se comenta en 4chan? era un usuario que decía que habia bajado demasiado en la deep web :S jajaja, el post en cuestión:

I'll confirm a little of what he said. If you go to the deep web, it's basically:

Hidden Wiki

Most people stop there, but it goes to


then to

LaLiberte Front

You're into scary shit if you get to LaLiberte. It's a french underground network and one of the deepest webs out there, about as close to the bottom as you can get. You have to be invited in.

They have horrendous videos there. I could only stomach one of them. Then I got out like the guy above. I think we watched the same one.

A 4-5 hour video of autopsies and long shots as they track these creatures walking through some base. It wasn't Area 51. It's deeper than that. Soldiers were Chinese and American. I agree with the guy above, though, this stuff couldn't have been staged. The special effects were like nothing hollywood is capable of, even with the biggest budget in the world. And the video is nearly 5 hours long. These things are fucking real and they have videos of it on LeLiberte.

But if you think LeLiberte is the deepest, it's not. They only have the videos that Zion releases to them. Zion is the deepest you can get. I don't even know what horrors they have on there. I've only seen screenshots from my contacts before I got out. I assume they were real.

I wake up sometimes at night, thinking about it. I hope I die before the world finds out about this stuff. "

No conozco el .onion al que refiere, por lo que pregunto aquí si alguien sabe algo. Sólo respuestas a la pregunta en cuestión. Se reportarán las respuestas idiotas.

era un tema troll incluso hay imbeciles q dicen q existe una tal "mariana web" pero todo es fake...
leí onion:

Pero si la DW existe :awesome: mi U tiene cosas ahi, elantro igual yo creo y etc.

ahora si Leliberte existe,,, Tengo mis dudas

PD: yo no postie aca :awesome:
Alguien conoce el video que se comenta en 4chan? era un usuario que decía que habia bajado demasiado en la deep web :S jajaja, el post en cuestión:

No conozco el .onion al que refiere, por lo que pregunto aquí si alguien sabe algo. Sólo respuestas a la pregunta en cuestión. Se reportarán las respuestas idiotas.



Vengo a reservar mi asiento para, ojalá, otro tema épico :yeah:

era un tema troll incluso hay imbeciles q dicen q existe una tal "mariana web" pero todo es fake...

Yo también tenía entendido que existía una tal Mariana Web, pero nunca he encontrado info fidedigna al respecto :sconf:
Me pregunto cuantos sapos, pacos y pdi estan aqui al awaite ......

p.d. agarrense a balazos de nuevo drogadictos de mierda ...
No se si sera real o no, pero sin duda es la "deep web" la que me produce el morbo de usar TOR algun dia....se que durare como 10 minutos :lol2: pero igual, pa cachar la vola.
¿Que es Mariana Web?

"You'll be lucky to find anyone who knows about it. In order to access here you will need knowledge of quantum computing and some serious moolah. Within Level 5, it is speculated that there are three more levels within it.
Level 6 - The shit people want is here: documents and videos relating to the government. No one can reach it yet and people shouldn't try. It's the shit people think they've found in levels 2-4 but really haven't. Its heavily encrypted and nearly impossible to break.
Level 7 - People vying for control over Level 8. Billions of dollars are traded and dealt with. The big players are here.
Level 8 - It is speculated that this is where a supercomputer lies that sends out signals that control the entire web: surface and invisible/deep. People want it and no one can get it. People get killed over this computer. It basically controls all technology, but then again this is all unproven speculation gathered through theories. it is also speculated that this is where raptor jesus resided after atained his PHD in quantum pyhsics, this is also where he keeps his vault of human livers and the said vault is protected by swarms of genital eating parasites and furbies. :lol2:
Nobody knows, but people would like to."

Existirá realmente? Ni pico idea :zippymmm:
esa huea de la mariana web es pura challa igual que la heua de zion-