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One Piece: Manga Y Anime {{Continuación 2016/01/07}}

Lo mismo me pregunte la primera vez cuando leí el spoiler.
Que familia, hace 5 años atras mas menos, con un poder considerable y fuera de ser un yonkou???
El hijo de Vegapunk???
rara la wea .. la vieja estaba segura de pitearse hasta a barba blanca que ni la marina sabia con seguridad de hacerla
y si lola se iba a casar con Weevil!!!! :naster:
o con el que ahora es el nuevo almirante de la marina!!!!
o con aquel que no se le nota el rostro
con lo que dijo c/R a lola ,creo que se sanja cualquier posibilidad de arreglo a la buena

a todo esto luffy estara a la altura de la vieja como pa ganarle ???
con lo que dijo c/R a lola ,creo que se sanja cualquier posibilidad de arreglo a la buena
a todo esto luffy estara a la altura de la vieja como pa ganarle ???
Apenas se la pudo con Cracker...
Igual me deja metido el matrimonio de Lola, creo que debió haber sido con alguien como un Tenryubito o un Marine como para que le diera el poder de terminar con los otros Yonkos
Y si hubiera sido con alguien de la tripulación de barbanegra? :eek:
Yo creo que Lola se iba a casar con un príncipe gigante.
hay varias cosas que quedaron abiertas en este capitulo:

  1. Los gigantes y big Mom.... algo pasa ahi y podria ser bastante interesante considerando que Lufy tiene tres aliados gigantes
  2. El matrimonio de Lola... podria ser como bien dicen, algun almirante, o alguien nomble, pero creo que el matrimonio era con el hijo (de mentira) de Barba Blanca
  3. que wea con el cofre loco, como lufy no se dio cuenta de esa wea, me perdi esa parte parece
  4. se ha visto que a lufy le falta aun pa enfrentarce a un yonkou... no se que ira a pasar, un time skip o u powe up brigido, pero se cacho contra craker que a puros combos aun no puede enfrentar a weones pro, considerando que aun faltan tres comandantes mas, mas todos los weones de barba negra, nas todos los weones de kaidou y el mismisimo kaidou...

:idolo: One Piece
En ese cofre estaba la bomba??
Les traigo sOpilers
Cover: the crew in red suits and dresses Color spread: Crew in red coats in a snowy forest Behind the cover: Luffy's first appearance

848 : Goodbye

Mom disregards Luffy's taunts As the next day she will obtain the Germa's power and the Tamatebako, she feels like she can forgive anything Then, she is informed that an intruder appeared in the treasure room

Sanji's room

While thinking about the Baratie and the crew, Sanji's going ga-ga over Pudding

Pudding's room

Mom shoots down the dress chosen by Pudding and tells her to wear a dress chosen by her (Mom) Pudding stands alone on the balcony in the rain, thinking about Lola, who ran away saying that she will decide her marriage herself.

In Wholecake castle

Pedro's making a huge ruckus, fighting security with his sword and gunpowder Tamago, while chasing Pedro, receives a message from Smoothie Apparently Brook entered the treasure room and locked it from inside Tamago warns that bones is a rare beast that Mom wants, so he's not to be killed

Inside the treasure room

Chess soldiers attack Brook Brook turns them powerless with his guitar and singing

Brook: "You don't know my other name, do you!? BABY" Brook: "It's Soul King!" Brook: "Patched-up souls like you cannot hope to stand before the scream of my obsessed soul!"

Prisoner library

Pudding came to see Luffy She has a page marker put inside the book and enters into a cage She apologizes to Luffy for everything that happened She then says that Sanji proposed to her, but she won't go on with the marriage Then says something else faintly, so that only Luffy and Nami can hear Luffy and Nami look shocked

Pudding: "Goodbye"

She says farewell to Luffy while crying

Continues to next week
oigan yo me quedé cuando capone se lleva a sanji donde big mom.....que cap de manga era ese???
Les traigo sOpilers
Cover: the crew in red suits and dresses Color spread: Crew in red coats in a snowy forest Behind the cover: Luffy's first appearance

848 : Goodbye

Mom disregards Luffy's taunts As the next day she will obtain the Germa's power and the Tamatebako, she feels like she can forgive anything Then, she is informed that an intruder appeared in the treasure room

Sanji's room

While thinking about the Baratie and the crew, Sanji's going ga-ga over Pudding

Pudding's room

Mom shoots down the dress chosen by Pudding and tells her to wear a dress chosen by her (Mom) Pudding stands alone on the balcony in the rain, thinking about Lola, who ran away saying that she will decide her marriage herself.

In Wholecake castle

Pedro's making a huge ruckus, fighting security with his sword and gunpowder Tamago, while chasing Pedro, receives a message from Smoothie Apparently Brook entered the treasure room and locked it from inside Tamago warns that bones is a rare beast that Mom wants, so he's not to be killed

Inside the treasure room

Chess soldiers attack Brook Brook turns them powerless with his guitar and singing

Brook: "You don't know my other name, do you!? BABY" Brook: "It's Soul King!" Brook: "Patched-up souls like you cannot hope to stand before the scream of my obsessed soul!"

Prisoner library

Pudding came to see Luffy She has a page marker put inside the book and enters into a cage She apologizes to Luffy for everything that happened She then says that Sanji proposed to her, but she won't go on with the marriage Then says something else faintly, so that only Luffy and Nami can hear Luffy and Nami look shocked

Pudding: "Goodbye"

She says farewell to Luffy while crying

Continues to next week

CSM :naster:

esto no me lo venia venir ni por si acaso weon... se pone interesante esta wea
:idolo: One Piece
luffy culiao que se caga a la vieja
Tu hija no se casa, tu no te conviertes en la reina de los piratas...fome tu historia culia :lol2:

Sanji trata de convencerse de que luffy no hara nada estupido, por algo lo repite al final
Si conoce al sacowea de su capitan, el mismo que se metio a impel down pa despues agarrarse a coscachos con la marina por salvar a ace
Conshetumare me dio pena la ultima viñeta :(. Me da la impresion de que pudding se va a sacrificar o alguna huea asi.
Que raro ver la cara de Luffy cuando Pudding le habla al oído, quizas que wea va a ser. Por otro lado, :maestro: Soul King
Lo bueno es que no hay paro la próxima semana.

Última edición por un moderador:
Me tinca que Pudding se va a querer suicidar al mas estilo Romeo y Julieta. El arco de BigMom ha estado bastante arraigado a cuentos y weas (alicia en el pais de las maravillas, hanzel y gretel)