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Akira Toriyama Vuelve A Trabajar Con Dragon Ball Z (Nueva Pelicula Anime)

´Primera escena de pelea de Birusu


Al final la transformación Dios del SSJ es similar al falso SSJ que apareció en la película de Slug. Aun así , me queda dando vuelta el tema de los 12 universos. Si la película tiene éxito posiblemente haya humo blanco para más ovas o incluso, para una nueva saga.
Al final la transformación Dios del SSJ es similar al falso SSJ que apareció en la película de Slug. Aun así , me queda dando vuelta el tema de los 12 universos. Si la película tiene éxito posiblemente haya humo blanco para más ovas o incluso, para una nueva saga.

con el final abierto que tuvo, quien sabe. En realidad la pelicula no es nada del otro mundo es como ver al hermano de freezer y compañia.
Falta tan poco para el estreno y habra que esperar unos 5 meses mas o menos para poder verla :sm:
hasta los fanart tenian mas imaginacion para el diseño del ssj dios.
para llegar a este poder se necesita el poder de 6 sayayines.
Al final la transformación Dios del SSJ es similar al falso SSJ que apareció en la película de Slug. Aun así , me queda dando vuelta el tema de los 12 universos. Si la película tiene éxito posiblemente haya humo blanco para más ovas o incluso, para una nueva saga.

Si Birusu es uno de los guardianes de eso 12 universos no creo que veamos al SSJ God en esta pelicula, a lo mas una fase beta de esa transformacion. Si nos guiamos por la logica de DB en que "cada vez que aparece un villano poderoso siempre es acompañado de una nueva transformacion del los Saiyayines" Goku no alcanza el nivel God para derrotar a Birusu, o si no ¿que queda para los 11 guardianes restantes?
espero que Gohan no sea el mismo weon patetico de GT

y por lo menos le haga la pelea a algun dios !!!
Lo bueno de la pelicula es que es primera vez que Goku no finaliza al villano de turno.

pd: Notaron como Vegeta dijo: "Detengase señor Birusu "


Script de la pelicula, ojala alguien confirme si es real o no.

Whis (ウイス Uisu?) wakes Bills, the God of Destruction (破壊神ビルス Hakaishin Birusu?), from his long slumber and tells him that Freeza was defeated by a Saiyan. 39 years prior, the Oracle Fish foretold that a mighty opponent would appear before Bills, the Super Saiyan God. Bills, with Whis, then tracks down the warrior who defeated Freeza, Goku. On Kaiō-sama's planet, Bills proceeds to challenge Goku, who is ecstatic over the new challenge but he is overwhelmed and defeated. Disappointed by the subsequent lack of challenge, Bills departs in order to seek out more powerful adversaries on Earth.
The God of Destruction's arrival erupts Bulma's birthday party and it appears that Vegeta already knows Bills as he casts his pride aside in order to put Bills in a good mood. Pilaf, Mai and Shu sneak into the party in order to steal the Dragon Balls, but are not recognized as they have been turned into children; before the events of the film, they gathered all the Dragon Balls themselves and wished for youth, but Shenlong made them a little too young. A drunk Gohan asks Mai to shoot him; he snaps all the bullets with one finger, but one of them hits Videl's leg and another one hits Bills' forehead. While healing her, Dende notices that Videl is pregnant. Videl has been hiding the fact to surprise Gohan later and they do not reveal it to the others yet. When Bills asks Mr. Boo for one or two of the custard puddings he has, Boo eats all of them, angering the God of Destruction who decides to destroy the Earth. Mr. Boo, Android 18, Tenshinhan and Piccolo attempt to fight Bills, but are easily defeated. Gohan powers up and attacks Bills only to be taken down by a heavy kick. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and attempt to fight Bills but he is quickly defeated as well.
When the God of Destruction slaps Bulma, it angers Vegeta and he attacks. Goku appears having been watching Vegeta's fight, even saying that Vegeta's power has surpassed his own. Goku summons Shelong to ask how to reach the Super Saiyan God. A Super Saiyan God once appeared on planet Vegeta to stop evil Saiyans, but he failed because of the form's time limit. The dragon also reveals that they need the power of six pure-hearted Saiyans for one of them to reach the Super Saiyan God form. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan God, a form beyond even Super Saiyan 3, thanks to the power of himself, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Pan (from inside her mother Videl), fulfilling the prophecy once stated by the Oracle Fish. Goku confronts Bills again and they wage an intense battle in space, right above planet Earth. The form gives Goku the power to resist Bills, but he reverts back to his regular Super Saiyan form due to the form's time limit. However, he learns the form's godlike feeling, which allows him to use Super Saiyan God's power against Bills. The two seem to be equally strong, but Bills eventually wins when he uses his strongest attack. Goku stops the energy sphere, barely holding it back, and the screen suddenly blacks out. Chi-Chi and Goku's friends appear in Goku's mind, then he absorbs the energy ball. Goku gets exhausted, and Bills wants Goku to say "I give up" and he says so. Bills stops the fight and they talk for a while before going back to the ground. Bills says that the Super Saiyan God was not that strong and the Oracle Fish's prediction was a little exaggerated. Bills reveals that Whis is his martial arts master and stronger than him. He also says that there are twelve universes and the one Goku and his friends know is just one of them, the Seventh Universe. Bills is the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe, with each universe having its own God of Destruction and Bills being the weakest. After returning to the temple, Whis knocks Bills out and remarks that Bills will wake up again in three years.

Si es real... sinceramente...

la pelicula es una mierda :lol2:
ssj dios???

pfff esa wuea se llama kaioken pencas culeaos... como la mierda la wuea.... cero imaginacion los callamperos qlos.
no sé porque le tiran tanta caca a DBGT :sm: a mí me gustó :sm: sobre todo la pelea con Omega Shenron donde sale Gogeta Ssj4

bien xanta el nuevo sayayin xD es como el falso sayayin visto en películas de hecho en un episodio donde sale goku con paukujan o como se llame después de la muerte de cell se ve esto...
y sobre el perro, parece como si tuviera la habilidad de pegar en el punto exacto del cuerpo para debilitar de golpe como una especia de tai chi a lo avatar... igual se ve pulento el nuevo enemigo