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Hunter X Hunter Manga Y Nuevo Animé (comentarios, Capítulos, Debates, Etc)

Dudo que volvamos a ver a Gon como protagonista, por la edad de Togashi a todas luces el continente oscuro es el final de HxH o eso creo yo al menos.

No lo lamento mucho, siempre me parecio medio meh Gon como personaje. Si me da lata por Killua, ya que su potencial es enorme, pero dudo aparezca con Nanika en el continente oscuro???? Seria raro.

Del resto si lo piensan todos tendran o podrian tener su final: el duo Ging/Pariston, ver al Zodiaco en accion, la guerra por la sucesion obviamente, Kurapico que tiene un fuerte olor a gladiolos y que si o si terminara su arco recuperando los unicos ojos que le faltan, la araña e Hisoka... hasta veremos a secundarios del inicio de la serie como Hanzo, Melody, etc etc

Por ultimo siendo Nanika del continente oscuro originariemente podria volver de alguna forma con Killua.

Pero Gon? Su personaje esta acabado en todas sus formas. Hasta encontro a su papa, que era el plot inicial de toda la serie...
El mejor personaje es y será:

Título del Capítulo 394: "Assumption"

Algunas partes traducidas (específicamente sobre la familia Heil-Ly):

Traducción por MythicalTenshi:

Bille kills the person who got transported by Bokonte's ability and reaches level 21. Everyone is congratulating him. Matvere says he got Transmuter. Bille is hoping to be an Emitter but freaks out because its revealed to him the he's a Conjurer once his Nen awakens.

Trebelm takes the dead body to Chiffon and Montblanc and says it's the last waste. He says it seems that Bokonte used his ability to connect a processing plant and the place they are in. He then says that everyone is slowly reaching level 21 and tells the girls to level up together.

Hei-Ly voices are saying they haven't heard anything from the butler/servant who was in Tserr's room and think maybe Tserr noticed.

It seems like Morena might be talking and she says that she thought she would have more time time to find a base but also, going back to what was being discussed, says that according to a report from someone named Gyatom it doesn't seems to be the case. Therefore she wants to bring one of Tserr's private soldiers to there and says she wants someone to follow Dogman and capture a soldier. Sodom volunteers.

Morena says that because of Tserr's personality/character he wanta to get rid of her. However, because they are in the middle of the Succession War she can't predict when and how he'll move. She wants to use Contagion on someone on Tserr's side so that she can keep track of his moves.

Morena says if they find any soldier on the list to bring them here. Says that room 3101 is uselss and to start from door C.Tells Oraruji and Okotani to watch the door but that only slodiers and yakuza will be coming from now on.

Oraruji says it would be bad if the first pronce's soldier came and asks if there is a legal basis for turning them away. Yokotani responds that there isn't.

Morena tells Noutoru and Soufflé to go to room 3131.

Morena turns to Dogman and calls him Dog. Tells him he has the most important role to play and wants him to go find it/them (the soldier) for her. Dogman says he needs more levels. Morena agrees and says it's good to prioritize the new treatment plant and tells him to raise his level to 50 or higher.

New Hei-Ly Members (in order of appearance)
  • Bille (level 21) - Conjurer
  • Treberm or Trebelm (level 21) - Emitter (smuggler and killer)
  • Chiffon Toto (level 6) - Conjurer (sewing and decoration industry)
  • Montblanc Toto (level 3) - Conjurer (body disposal and food production)
  • Matvere (level 21) - Transmuter (temporary staffing and arrangement)
  • Sodom (level 31) - Manipulator (back-alley doctor and killer)
  • Oraruji (level 21) - Enhancer (waste disposal contractor)
  • Yokotani (level 27) - Conjurer (bad money lawyer)
  • Noutoru (level 24) - Conjurer (plumber)
  • Soufflé (level 28) - Transmuter (backer)
  • Dogman...yes, literally... (level 36) - Enhancer (pro wrestler)

Esperando la versión traducida de VeraciousCake, pobre... ahora sí Togashi le dio trabajo xD .

Comentario de la semana:

Última edición:
Título del Capítulo 394: "Assumption"

Algunas partes traducidas (específicamente sobre la familia Heil-Ly):

Traducción por MythicalTenshi:

Bille kills the person who got transported by Bokonte's ability and reaches level 21. Everyone is congratulating him. Matvere says he got Transmuter. Bille is hoping to be an Emitter but freaks out because its revealed to him the he's a Conjurer once his Nen awakens.

Trebelm takes the dead body to Chiffon and Montblanc and says it's the last waste. He says it seems that Bokonte used his ability to connect a processing plant and the place they are in. He then says that everyone is slowly reaching level 21 and tells the girls to level up together.

Hei-Ly voices are saying they haven't heard anything from the butler/servant who was in Tserr's room and think maybe Tserr noticed.

It seems like Morena might be talking and she says that she thought she would have more time time to find a base but also, going back to what was being discussed, says that according to a report from someone named Gyatom it doesn't seems to be the case. Therefore she wants to bring one of Tserr's private soldiers to there and says she wants someone to follow Dogman and capture a soldier. Sodom volunteers.

Morena says that because of Tserr's personality/character he wanta to get rid of her. However, because they are in the middle of the Succession War she can't predict when and how he'll move. She wants to use Contagion on someone on Tserr's side so that she can keep track of his moves.

Morena says if they find any soldier on the list to bring them here. Says that room 3101 is uselss and to start from door C.Tells Oraruji and Okotani to watch the door but that only slodiers and yakuza will be coming from now on.

Oraruji says it would be bad if the first pronce's soldier came and asks if there is a legal basis for turning them away. Yokotani responds that there isn't.

Morena tells Noutoru and Soufflé to go to room 3131.

Morena turns to Dogman and calls him Dog. Tells him he has the most important role to play and wants him to go find it/them (the soldier) for her. Dogman says he needs more levels. Morena agrees and says it's good to prioritize the new treatment plant and tells him to raise his level to 50 or higher.

New Hei-Ly Members (in order of appearance)
  • Bille (level 21) - Conjurer
  • Treberm or Trebelm (level 21) - Emitter (smuggler and killer)
  • Chiffon Toto (level 6) - Conjurer (sewing and decoration industry)
  • Montblanc Toto (level 3) - Conjurer (body disposal and food production)
  • Matvere (level 21) - Transmuter (temporary staffing and arrangement)
  • Sodom (level 31) - Manipulator (back-alley doctor and killer)
  • Oraruji (level 21) - Enhancer (waste disposal contractor)
  • Yokotani (level 27) - Conjurer (bad money lawyer)
  • Noutoru (level 24) - Conjurer (plumber)
  • Soufflé (level 28) - Transmuter (backer)
  • Dogman...yes, literally... (level 36) - Enhancer (pro wrestler)

Esperando la versión traducida de VeraciousCake, pobre... ahora sí Togashi le dio trabajo xD .

Comentario de la semana:


Poniéndose el parche antes de la herida con que va a hacer frío:nonono:
vamos a conocer mas de los origenes del Ryodan segun se ve en el RAW, nunca es malo :sisi:

Como decian del personaje...

Se supone que una de las minas que sale de pendeja con Chrollo SERIA la misma mina que habla con Kurapica y Pairo de niños en la historia del fin del clan Kuruta.
La identidad de esta mina siempre se ha comentado, algunos decian que era Pariston disfrazado en su momento :lol2:
Si resulta que es la misma mina, y por algun motivo los Kuruta se la pitearon; cambiaria todo el significado de por qué el Ryodan los mato a todos. Ojo que se supone dejaron el mensaje "porque recibimos todo, no dejamos que se lleven nada"; clasico mensaje que dejan los habitantes de Ciudad Meteoro cuando dañan a uno de los suyos. En resumen, que habria sido todo una venganza del Ryodan :naster:
Pero viendo bien los dibujos la verdad no se si es la misma misma... pero esta fuerte el Toluenazo
vamos a conocer mas de los origenes del Ryodan segun se ve en el RAW, nunca es malo :sisi:

Como decian del personaje...

Se supone que una de las minas que sale de pendeja con Chrollo SERIA la misma mina que habla con Kurapica y Pairo de niños en la historia del fin del clan Kuruta.
La identidad de esta mina siempre se ha comentado, algunos decian que era Pariston disfrazado en su momento :lol2:
Si resulta que es la misma mina, y por algun motivo los Kuruta se la pitearon; cambiaria todo el significado de por qué el Ryodan los mato a todos. Ojo que se supone dejaron el mensaje "porque recibimos todo, no dejamos que se lleven nada"; clasico mensaje que dejan los habitantes de Ciudad Meteoro cuando dañan a uno de los suyos. En resumen, que habria sido todo una venganza del Ryodan :naster:
Pero viendo bien los dibujos la verdad no se si es la misma misma... pero esta fuerte el Toluenazo
Al parecer...
Si sería la misma persona. En el RAW se lee el nombre シーラ = Shira = Sheila. También está el detalle de las orejas de adorno que tiene en la cabeza, los vendajes que tiene en la pierna y por si fuese poco el libro que lleva consigo (parece que es el mismo que entregó a Kurapika y Pairo) Osea 99% que es ella.

Por harto tiempo se habló de que había un lado B de la masacre, porque ese mensaje que dejaron no es un mensaje que la Araña en si deje cuando hace cosas, es un mensaje que deja la ciudad (Meteor City), esto sería entonces una confirmación a eso. Algo más pasó ahí y no fue simplemente para quitarle los ojos a la tribu.
Para cuándo la traducción :grito:
ningun qliao comento el capitulo pasado. pajeros k les da paja leer los meo

que el 4 principe tenga amigos es tremendo giro y desarrollo de personaje. o sea k no siempre fue el sicpata k es ahora pork parecen ser buenas personas. me pregunto si tienen sospecha de lo k hace ahora despejllejando vivas a marakas. se nota que el trriwdeenish le puso esfuerzo en selecionar a su ejercito porque si bien no saben nen piensan como un manejador de nen pro mientras k los qliaos k suben de nivel tienen nen y hasta hatsu pero son medios aweonaos :lol2:

:idolo: Morena sentada en una silla gamer

Morena las tiene dificil pork ahora todos quieren matarla. me pregunto si tendra otra habilidad ademas de contagion. lo k no me queda claro es que si cuando alcana el nivel 100 la weona vuelve al nivel 1 y puede acumular mas habilidades? la debilidad de los subditos de Morena que suben de niveles es k obtienen un hatsu matando weones k les valen un punto hasta el nivel 21 donde se les manifiesta sola la habilidad pero siguen siendo novatos en el nen y con poca experiencia mientras k quienes han desarrollado una habilidad desde el comienzo son mas pro en el uso de nen, asi k ninguno de estos qliaos es pelea para uno del genei k deben estar en nivel 90 segun la perpectica de niveles y el weon de la mascara de perro apenas va en el 40. Ojala veamos luchar a Morena contra uno del Ryodan.
Versión Viz del capítulo 394.

Título del capítulo 395: "Formation: Part 1".

Por SmacznyRabarbar:

Summary made by 브이브

1. Hinrigh speculated that heil=ly members are most likely teleported to other location by nen. it is the nen he thinks that moves around heil=ly's members. They are not likely using some secret passages.

2. Hinrigh, Wang, and tserri's private soldiers are talking about heil=ly's ostensible hideout which turned out fake. And they are gonna search two heil=ly's men that hinrigh found.

Those private soldiers are not gonna participate in "search" thing, Because their faces've already been known to heil=ly, but if there were men killed by two other mafias, then they would appear at the police station as stand-in, instead.

Wang explained to troupe about room 3101 about the possible trap. But troupe said "they don't care".

3. Nobunaga looking into heil=ly's hideout, recalled themselves back then. When they used to be clumbsy, but think they could get anything.

4. Flashback.

They weren't one team back then.

Vs. Uvo&Machi
Vs. Phinos&Feitan.

For them, those videos they get from the garbage piles are like treasure and valuable things. Through those videos(foreign language courses or anime), they get information and fun.

Uvo is the one who wants the attention and he claims "his territory" so in his territory, only uvo team can exclusively possess the things from garbage piles. That's why they fight each other.

5. Chrollo loves to learn foreign languages and already has fluency of them. Two foreign languages are ゲルマ語(germa language; the official(common language)) and ジャンナ語(janna language; which is kind of dialect of ゲルマ語).

6. But there were serious problems in meteor city. It's hunting and kidnapping(human trafficking) of people in the city. Because there is NO any kind of certificate that the people EXIST.

Meteor city remained safe through the connection with mafia.

The Mafia, however, kidnapped hundreds of people every year, 70 percent of whom were children under the age of 15, in return for the safety. At the same time as the bond with the mafia became stronger, people who awakened their abilities among the elders began to appear, and pledges were created that underpinned the "revenge rule." "Life is atonement only by life." "We don't reject anything. So don't take anything from us."

The Phantom Troupe was born when people around the world began to call the meteor city (inhabited by people who were not treated like humans) with fear.

7. Chrollo has secretly studied alone at church watching videos. But pakunoda knew that. He said "paku, you know everything about us".

8. The father and the elder were amazed by chrollo who is exploratory, eager to study, and has original ideas. The elder even wants to bring him at a council of the elders cuz Chrollo may provide a clue to solve meteor city's various problems. 9. When Chrollo played the video with paku, nothing came out. So they were confused. (But actually chrollo played it more for about 10 minutes with a fast forward, then the animation came out he said.) (The animation's name is カタヅケンジャ 清掃戦隊 which means "cleaning people" roughly) And the next day, he proposed :how about dubbing of the animation? We can enjoy the animation without subtitle, but it could be more joyful if we understand the meaning." Chrollo listened to every single lines of the animation and wrote all of them inro screenplay. And he started to dub with paku, shiela and sarasa(new face).

The end.

Parece que por fin conoceremos el lado "B" sobre la masacre del clan de Kurta.

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