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The Metal Fest: 28 Y 29 Abril: Kreator, Testament, Anthrax, Exodus, Destruction, U D O, Kyuss Lives

cacharon que quedo la cagá en brasil? leanse esta wea :naster:


segun lo que se ya van como 8 bandas confirmadas que no tocaran :o

Comunicado de Blind Guardian:

in 25 years of our career we have managed to fix all problems to make sure our performance is going to take place. No matter what the circumstances were, we intended to play. We have been extremely successful in the avoidance of canceled shows, so far. This unfortunately comes to a very sad end here in Sao Luis. Due to massive technical and administrative problems we were forced to cancel tonight´s show. As far as we understand it seems to be the local management who has not been able to secure a proper festival environment, anymore. Things are pretty out of hand there. We feel very sorry about this totally unsatisfying situation, but the mistakes made by the local promoter makes an even improvised show impossible. I know, that we have the most dedicated fans and I count on your understanding. In the future we will be more careful in confirming such festivals.
power metal no abre, pero:

"We are receiving confirmed reports from other bands and friends on the ground that the event is dangerous and a disaster"


@RicardoSilva_19. Sorry my man. This event was WAY beyond my or the groups' control. Promoter went missing yesterday it seems. I'm pissed.
aca hice un thread con lo de powermetal, pa que comenten alla
conchetumadre ... la pregunta es .... el festival acá en chile sufre peligro de suspenderse?
Como que se llegó hasta acá nomás...


Anderson Oliveira todos os camarins já estão sendo desmontados, agora acho que não tem mais volta mesmo...

La cagó!!!
Utas me alegraron el dia, cabros.
Me entere tarde de este MetalFest y lamentaba no haber sabido antes, que bueno que parece que no es TAN bueno como se creia.... Foreverconformista XD
weones con orgasmos multiples en unos minutos...
Waters habría pedido como exigencia conocer a su mentor, de otra forma no venía :sisi: